- Eroptc_t
- Eropts_t
- Ertrio_t
- Erwork_t
- EventEvent structure
- Event_t
- EventHeaderEvent Header
- FileStat_t
- FontMetrics_t
- G3MaterialG3 Material Class for the G3 GUI
- G3MediumG3 Tracking Medium Class for the G3 GUI
- G3NodeG3 Node for the G3 GUI
- G3VolumeG3 Volume for G3 GUI
- Gcbank_t
- Gccuts_t
- Gcflag_t
- Gckin2_t
- Gckin3_t
- Gckine_t
- Gcking_t
- Gclink_t
- Gcmate_t
- Gcmulo_t
- Gcnum_t
- Gcopti_t
- Gcphlt_t
- Gcphys_t
- Gcsets_t
- Gctlit_t
- Gctmed_t
- Gctpol_t
- Gctrak_t
- GCValues_t
- Gcvdma_t
- Gcvol1_t
- Gcvolu_t
HistogramManagerManages all histograms
- PictureAttributes_t
- Point_t
- Quest_t
Roo1DTable1-dimensional table
- Roo2DKeysPdfNon-Parametric Multi Variate KEYS PDF
- RooAbsAnaConvPdfAbstract Composite Convoluted PDF
- RooAbsArgAbstract variable
- RooAbsBinningAbstract base class for binning specification
- RooAbsCategoryAbstract index variable
- RooAbsCategoryLValueAbstract modifiable index variable
- RooAbsCollectionCollection of RooAbsArg objects
- RooAbsDataAbstract data collection
- RooAbsFuncAbstract real-valued function interface
- RooAbsGenContextAbstract context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAbsGoodnessOfFitAbstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsHiddenRealAbstract hidden real-valued variable
- RooAbsIntegratorAbstract interface for real-valued function integrators
- RooAbsLValueAbstract variable
- RooAbsOptGoodnessOfFitAbstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsPdfAbstract PDF with normalization support
- RooAbsProxyAbstract proxy interface
- RooAbsRealAbstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsRealLValueAbstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooAbsRootFinderAbstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooAbsStringAbstract string-valued variable
- RooAcceptRejectContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D1-dimensional adaptive Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooAddGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAdditionSum of RooAbsReal terms
- RooAddModelResolution model consisting of a sum of resolution models
- RooAddPdfPDF representing a sum of PDFs
- RooAICRegistryRegistry for analytical integration codes
- RooArgListList of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgProxyAbstract proxy for RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgSetSet of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgusBGArgus background shape PDF
- RooBCPEffDecayB Mixing decay PDF
- RooBCPGenDecay
- RooBDecayAbstract Resolution Model
- RooBifurGaussBifurcated Gaussian PDF
- RooBinningContainer class for binning specification
- RooBlindToolsRoot implementation of BlindTools
- RooBMixDecayB Mixing decay PDF
- RooBreitWignerBreit Wigner PDF
- RooBrentRootFinderAbstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooBukinPdfVariation of Novosibirsk PDF
- RooCategoryIndex variable
- RooCategoryProxyProxy for a RooAbsCategory object
- RooCategorySharedPropertiesShared properties of a RooCategory clone set
- RooCatTypeCategory state, (name,index) pair
- RooCBShapeCrystal Ball lineshape PDF
- RooChebychevChebychev PDF
- RooChi2VarAbstract real-valued variable
- RooClassFactoryRooFit class factory
- RooCmdArgUniversal method argument
- RooCmdConfigMethod configuration holder
- RooComplexa non-persistent bare-bones complex class
- RooConstVarReal-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooConvCoefVarAuxiliary class representing the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- RooConvGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooConvIntegrandBindingRooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooCurve1-dimensional smooth curve
- RooCustomizerPDF customizer
- RooDataHistBinned data set
- RooDataProjBindingRealFunc/Dataset binding for data projection of a real function
- RooDataSetUnbinned data set
- RooDecayAbstract Resolution Model
- RooDirItemBase class for RooFit objects that are listed TDirectories
- RooDoubleContainer class for Double_t
- RooDstD0BGD*-D0 mass difference bg PDF
RooEffGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooEfficiencyGeneric PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooEffProdProduct of PDF with efficiency function with optimized generator context
- RooEllipse2-dimensional contour
- RooErrorVarAbstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooExponentialExponential PDF
- RooExtendPdfFlat PDF introducing an extended likelihood term
- RooFit
- RooFitResultContainer class for fit result
- RooFitShortHand
- RooFormulaTFormula derived class interfacing with RooAbsArg objects
- RooFormulaVarReal-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooGaussianGaussian PDF
- RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D1-dimensional Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooGaussModelGaussian Resolution Model
- RooGenCategoryIndex variable derived from other indeces, via an external global function
- RooGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooGenericPdfGeneric PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooGenProdProjGeneral form of projected integral of product of PDFs
- RooGExpModelGExp Resolution Model
- RooGraphEdge
- RooGraphNodeone-D circular node
- RooGraphSpring
- RooGrida multi-dimensional grid
- RooHashTableHash table
- RooHist1-dimensional histogram with error bars
- RooHistErrorUtility class for calculating histogram errors
- RooHistPdfHistogram based PDF
- RooHtmlConvert Roo classes to HTML web pages
- RooImproperIntegrator1D1-dimensional improper integration engine
- RooIntContainer class for Int_t
- RooIntegrator1D1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegrator2D1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegratorBindingRooAbsFunc decorator
- RooInvTransformRooAbsFunc decorator
RooKeysPdfNon-Parametric KEYS PDF
- RooLandauLandau Distribution PDF
- RooLinearVarModifiable linear transformation variable
- RooLinkedListTList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooLinkedListElemElement of RooLinkedList container class
- RooLinkedListIterIterator for RooLinkedList container class
- RooLinTransBinningLinear transformation of binning specification
- RooListTList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooListProxyProxy class for a RooArgList
- RooMapCatEntryUtility class, holding a map expression from a index label regexp to a RooCatType
- RooMappedCategoryIndex varibiable, derived from another index using pattern-matching based mapping
- RooMathmath utility routines
- RooMCIntegratormulti-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooMCStudyMonte Carlo study manager
- RooMinuitRooFit minimizer based on MINUIT
- RooMPSentinelSingleton class that terminate MP server processes when parent exists
- RooMultiCategoryDerived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- RooMultiCatIterIterator over all state permutations of a list of categories
- RooNameRegString name registry
- RooNameSetA sterile version of RooArgSet, containing only the names of the contained RooAbsArgs
- RooNLLVarAbstract real-valued variable
- RooNonCPEigenDecayPDF to model CP-violating decays to final states
- RooNormListManagerManager class for PDF normalization integral lists
- RooNormManagerManager class for PDF normalization integrals
- RooNormSetCacheManager class for a single PDF normalization integral
- RooNovosibirskNovosibirsk PDF
- RooNumberwrapper class for portable numerics
- RooNumConvolutionOperator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumConvPdfOperator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumIntConfigNumeric Integrator configuration
- RooNumIntFactoryNumeric Integrator factory
RooParametricStepFunctionParametric Step Function Pdf
- RooPlotPlot frame and container for graphics objects
- RooPlotableAbstract interface for plotable objects
- RooPolynomialPolynomial PDF
- RooPolyVarPolynomial PDF
- RooPrintableInterface for printable objects
- RooProdGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooProdPdfPDF representing a product of PDFs
- RooProductProduct of RooAbsReal and RooAbsCategory terms
- RooPullVarCalculation of pull of measurement w.r.t a truth value
- RooQuasiRandomGeneratorquasi-random number generator
- RooRandomrandom number generator interface
- RooRangeBinningSingle bin binning
- RooRealAnalyticRooAbsFunc decorator
- RooRealBindingRooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooRealConstantRooRealVar constants factory
- RooRealIntegralReal-valued variable representing an integral over a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealMPFEMulti-process front-end for parallel calculation of a real valued function
- RooRealProxyProxy for a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealSumPdfPDF representing a sum of real functions
- RooRealVarReal-valued variable
- RooRealVarSharedPropertiesShared properties of a RooRealVar clone set
- RooRefCountListRooLinkedList with reference counting
- RooResolutionModelAbstract Resolution Model
- RooScaledFuncRooAbsFunc decorator
- RooSegmentedIntegrator1D1-dimensional piece-wise numerical integration engine
- RooSegmentedIntegrator2D1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooSetPairElement of RooLinkedList container class
- RooSetProxyProxy class for a RooArgSet
- RooSharedPropertiesAbstract interface for shared property implementations
- RooSharedPropertiesListManager for shared properties among clones of certain RooAbsArg-derived types
- RooSimGenContextContext for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooSimPdfBuilderRooSimultaneous PDF Builder
- RooSimultaneousDescription goes here
- RooStreamParserUtility class that parses istream data into tokens
- RooStringVarString-valued variable
- RooSuperCategoryDerived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- ROOT::Math::Boost
- ROOT::Math::BoostX
- ROOT::Math::BoostY
- ROOT::Math::BoostZ
- ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Chebyshev
- ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag
- ROOT::Math::Derivator
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Polar3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
- ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag
- ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngMT
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngTaus
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv
- ROOT::Math::Integration
- ROOT::Math::Integrator
- ROOT::Math::Interpolator
- ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag
- ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<Double32_t> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<Double32_t> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,2,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,5,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,6,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,7,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,9,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,3,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,4,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,5,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,6,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,2,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,5,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,6,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,7,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,9,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,7>
- ROOT::Math::Plane3D
- ROOT::Math::Polar3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Polynomial
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Polar3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Quaternion
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngMT>
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngTaus>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Bisection>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Brent>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::FalsePos>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Secant>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Steffenson>
- ROOT::Math::Roots
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Bisection
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Brent
- ROOT::Math::Roots::FalsePos
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Secant
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Steffenson
- ROOT::Math::Rotation3D
- ROOT::Math::RotationX
- ROOT::Math::RotationY
- ROOT::Math::RotationZ
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<2>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<3>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<4>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<5>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<6>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<7>
ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,2,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,4,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,5,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,6,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,7,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,9,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,9,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,3,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,4,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,5,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,6,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,2,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,3,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,4,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,5,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,6,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,7,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,9,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,9,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,2>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,3>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,4>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,6>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,7>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,3>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,4>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,5>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,6>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,2>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,3>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,4>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,5>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,6>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,7>
- ROOT::Math::Transform3D
- ROOT::Math::VectorUtil
- ROOT::Math::WrappedFunction<ROOT::Math::Polynomial>
- ROOT::Reflex::Any
- ROOT::Reflex::Base
- ROOT::Reflex::Member
- ROOT::Reflex::MemberBase
- ROOT::Reflex::MemberTemplate
- ROOT::Reflex::MemberTemplateImpl
- ROOT::Reflex::Object
- ROOT::Reflex::PropertyList
- ROOT::Reflex::PropertyListImpl
- ROOT::Reflex::Reflex
- ROOT::Reflex::Scope
- ROOT::Reflex::ScopeBase
- ROOT::Reflex::ScopeName
- ROOT::Reflex::Type
- ROOT::Reflex::TypeBase
- ROOT::Reflex::TypeName
- ROOT::Reflex::TypeTemplate
- ROOT::Reflex::TypeTemplateImpl
RooTableAbstract interface for tables
- RooThreshEntryUtility class, holding a threshold/category state pair
- RooThresholdCategoryIndex variable, defined by a series of thresholds on a RooAbsReal
- RooTObjWrapContainer class for Int_t
- RooTraceMemory tracer utility for RooFitTools objects
- RooTreeDataAbstract ttree based data collection
- RooTreeData::PlotOpt
- RooTruthModelAbstract Resolution Model
- RooUnblindCPAsymVarCP-Asymmetry unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindOffsetOffset unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindPrecisionPrecision unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindUniformUniform unblinding transformation
- RooUniformBinningUniform binning specification
- RooVoigtianVoigtian PDF
- Segment_t
- SetWindowAttributes_t
- TApplicationGUI application singleton
- TApplicationImpABC describing application protocol
- TArcArc of a circle
- TArcBallArcBall manipulator
- TArchiveFileAn archive file containing multiple sub-files (like a ZIP archive)
- TArchiveMemberAn archive member file
- TArrayAbstract array base class
- TArrayCArray of chars
- TArrayDArray of doubles
- TArrayFArray of floats
- TArrayIArray of ints
- TArrayLArray of longs
- TArraySArray of shorts
- TArrowAn arrow (line with a arrowhead)
- TArrowEditorGUI for editing arrow attributes
- TASImageimage processing class
- TASImagePluginasimage plugin
- TAtt3D3D attributes
- TAttAxisAxis attributes
- TAttBBoxHelper for management of bounding-box information
- TAttCanvasCanvas attributes
- TAttFillFill area attributes
- TAttFillCanvasA specialized dialog canvas to set fill attributes.
- TAttFillEditorGUI for editing fill attributes
- TAttImageImage attributes
- TAttLineLine attributes
- TAttLineCanvasA specialized dialog canvas to set line attributes.
- TAttLineEditorGUI for editing line attributes
- TAttMarkerMarker attributes
- TAttMarkerCanvasA specialized dialog canvas to set marker attributes.
- TAttMarkerEditorGUI for editing marker attributes
- TAttPadPad attributes
- TAttParticleParticle definition
- TAttTextText attributes
- TAttTextCanvasA specialized dialog canvas to set text attributes.
- TAttTextEditorGUI for editing text attributes
TAxisAxis class
- TAxis3D3-D ruler painting class
- TAxisEditoraxis editor
- TBaseClassDescription of a base class
- TBasketthe TBranch buffers
- TBasketSQLthe TBranch buffers
- TBenchmarkROOT utility to help benchmarking applications
- TBitsBit container
- TBits::TReference
- TBoxBox class
- TBranchBranch descriptor
- TBranchClonesBranch in case of an array of clone objects
- TBranchElementBranch in case of an object
- TBranchObjectBranch in case of an object
- TBranchRefto support referenced objects on other branches
- TBrowserROOT Object Browser
- TBrowserImpABC describing browser implementation protocol
- TBtreeA B-tree
- TBtreeIterB-tree iterator
- TBufferBuffer base class used for serializing objects
- TBuffer3D3D primitives description
- TBufferSQLImplementation of TBuffer to load and write to a SQL database
- TBufferSQL2a specialized TBuffer to convert data to SQL statements or read data from SQL tables
- TBufferXMLa specialized TBuffer to read/write to XML files
- TButtonA user interface button.
TCanvasGraphics canvas
- TCanvasImpABC describing main window protocol
- TCastorFileTFile reading/writing via rootd to a CASTOR server
- TChainA chain of TTrees
- TChainElementA chain element
- TChainIndexA Tree Index with majorname and minorname.
- TChainIndex::TChainIndexEntry
- TChainProofTChain proxy for running chains on PROOF
- TChairA base class to provide a user custom interface to TTable class objects
- TCintInterface to CINT C/C++ interpreter
- TCLC++ replacement for CERNLIB matrix / triangle matrix packages: F110 and F112
- TClassDictionary containing class information
- TClassEdit
- TClassGeneratorinterface for TClass generators
- TClassMenuItemOne element of the class context menu
- TClassRef
- TClassStreamer
- TClassTableTable of known classes
- TClassTreeManager class to draw classes inheritance tree and relations
- TClonesArrayAn array of clone objects
- TCollectionCollection abstract base class
- TCollectionClassStreamer
- TCollectionMemberStreamer
- TCollectionMethodBrowsableHelper object to browse a collection's methods
- TCollectionPropertyBrowsableHelper object to add browsable collection properties
- TCollectionProxy
- TCollectionStreamer
- TColorColor defined by RGB or HLS
- TColumnViewHelper to represent one TTable column
- TComplexComplex Class
- TConditionCondition variable class
- TConditionImpCondition variable implementation ABC
- TCondorInterface to the Condor System
- TCondorSlaveDescribes a claimed slave
- TConfidenceLeveloutput for TLimit functions
- TContextMenuContext sensitive popup menu
- TContextMenuImpContext sensitive popup menu implementation
- TControlBarControl bar
- TControlBarButtonThe Control bar button
- TControlBarImpGUI independent controlbar abc
TCrownA crown or segment of crown
- TCTUBThe Cut Tube shape
- TCurlyArcA curly arc
- TCurlyArcEditorGUI for editing arrow attributes
- TCurlyLineA curly polyline
- TCurlyLineEditorGUI for editing arrow attributes
- TCutA specialized string object used for TTree selections
- TCutGA Graphical cut.
- TDatabasePDGPDG particle database
- TDataMemberDictionary for a class data member
- TDataSetThe base class to create the hierarchical data structures
- TDataSetIterclass-iterator to navigate TDataSet structure
- TDataTypeBasic data type descriptor
- TDatimeDate and time 950130 124559
- TDCacheFileA ROOT file that reads/writes via a dCache server
- TDCacheSystemDirectory handler for DCache
- TDecayChannelClass describing a particle decay channel
- TDecompBaseMatrix Decomposition Base
- TDecompBKMatrix Decomposition Bunch-Kaufman
- TDecompCholMatrix Decompositition Cholesky
- TDecompLUMatrix Decompositition LU
- TDecompQRHMatrix Decompositition QRH
- TDecompSparseMatrix Decompositition LU
- TDecompSVDMatrix Decompositition SVD
- TDialogCanvasA specialized canvas to set attributes.
- TDiamondDiamond class
- TDictionaryABC defining interface to dictionary
- TDirectoryDescribe directory structure in memory
- TDOMParserDOM Parser
- TDrawFeedbackPresent PROOF query feedback
- TDrawPanelHistClass used to control histogram drawing options
- TDSetData set for remote processing (PROOF)
- TDSetElementA TDSet element
- TDSetProxyTDSet proxy for use on slaves
TEditQueryFrameEdit query frame
- TEllipseAn ellipse
- TEmulatedCollectionProxy
- TEmulatedMapProxy
- TEnvHandle ROOT configuration resources
- TEnvRecIndividual TEnv records
- TEventIterEvent iterator used by TProofPlayer's
- TEventIterObjEvent iterator for objects
- TEventIterTreeEvent iterator for Trees
- TEventListA list of selected entries in a TTree.
- TExecTo execute a CINT command
- TExMapMap with external hash
- TExMapIterTExMap iterator
TF1The Parametric 1-D function
- TF12Projection of a TF2 along x or y
- TF1EditorTF1 editor
- TF2The Parametric 2-D function
- TF3The Parametric 3-D function
- TFcnAdapter
- TFeldmanCousinscalculate the CL upper limit using the Feldman-Cousins method
- TFFTComplex
- TFFTComplexReal
- TFFTReal
- TFFTRealComplex
- TFileROOT file
- TFileCacheReadTFile cache when reading
- TFileCacheWriteTFile cache when writing
- TFileDrawMapDraw a 2-d map of the objects in a file
- TFileHandlerHandles events on file descriptors
- TFileInfoDescribes generic file info including meta information
- TFileIterTFile class iterator
- TFileMergerFile copying and merging services
- TFileSetTDataSet class to read the native file system directory structure in
- TFitPanelClass used to control histograms fit panel
- TFitPanelGraphClass used to control graphs fit panel
- TFitterThe ROOT standard fitter based on TMinuit
- TFitterFumiliFitter based on new Fumili method (Fumili2)
- TFitterMinuitThe ROOT fitter based on new Minuit (Minuit2)
- TFoamGeneral purpose self-adapting Monte Carlo event generator
- TFoamCellSingle cell of FOAM
- TFoamIntegrandn-dimensional real positive integrand of FOAM
- TFoamMaxwtControlling of the MC weight (maximum weight)
- TFoamVectn-dimensional vector with dynamical allocation
- TFolderDescribe a folder: a list of objects and folders
- TFormulaThe formula base class f(x,y,z,par)
- TFormulaPrimitiveThe primitive formula
TFractionFitterFits MC fractions to data histogram
- TFramePad graphics frame
- TFrameEditoreditor of TFrame objects
- TFreeDescription of free segments on a file
- TFriendElementA friend element of another TTree
- TFTPFile Transfer Protocol class using rootd
- TFumiliThe FUMILI Minimization package
- TFunctionDictionary for global function
- TFunctionParametersDialogFunction parameters dialog
TG16ColorSelector16 color cells
- TG3Applicationdummy Interface to G3 MonteCarlo application
- TGApplicationGUI application singleton
- TGaxisGraphics axis
- TGButtonButton widget abstract base class
- TGButtonGroupOrganizes TGButtons in a group
- TGCanvasA canvas with two scrollbars and a viewport
- TGCheckButtonA check button widget
- TGClientClass making connection to display server
- TGColorDialogColor selection dialog
- TGColorFrameFrame for color cell
- TGColorPaletteColor palette widget
- TGColorPickColor picker widget
- TGColorPopupColor selector popup
- TGColorSelectColor selection checkbutton
- TGColumnLayoutColumn layout manager
- TGComboBoxCombo box widget
- TGComboBoxPopupCombobox popup window
- TGCompositeFrameBase class for composite widgets (menubars, etc.)
- TGContainerCanvas container
- TGDimensionDimension object (width, height)
- TGDockableFrameDockable widget
- TGDockButtonDock button
- TGDockHideButtonHide dock button
- TGDoubleHSliderHorizontal double slider widget
- TGDoubleSliderDouble slider widget abstract base class
- TGDoubleVSliderVertical double slider widget
TGeant3C++ interface to Geant basic routines
- TGeant3f77C++/f77 interface to Geant basic routines
- TGeant3TGeoC++ interface to Geant basic routines with the TGeo interface
- TGedEditornew editor
- TGedElementeditor element
- TGedFramebase editor's frame
- TGedMarkerPopupmarker select popup
- TGedMarkerSelectMarker selection button
- TGedNameFrameframe showing the selected object name
- TGedPatternFramepattern frame
- TGedPatternPopupColor selector popup
- TGedPatternSelectpattern selection check-button
- TGedPatternSelectorselect pattern frame
- TGedPopuppopup window
- TGedSelectselection check-button
- TGedToolBoxa bar with picture buttons
- TGenCollectionProxy
- TGenCollectionProxy::Method
- TGenCollectionProxy::Value
- TGeneratorEvent generator interface abstract baseclass
- TGenericTableGeneric array of C-structure (a'la STL vector)
- TGenericTable::iterator
- TGenPhaseSpaceSimple Phase Space Generator
TGeoArb8arbitrary trapezoid with 8 vertices
- TGeoAttclass for visibility, activity and optimization attributes for volumes/nodes
- TGeoBBoxbox primitive
- TGeoBBoxEditorTGeoBBox editor
- TGeoBoolNodea boolean node
- TGeoCacheDummydummy cache of physical nodes
- TGeoCacheStateclass storing the cache state
- TGeoCacheStateDummyclass storing the cache state
- TGeoCheckera simple geometry checker
- TGeoCombiTransrotation + translation
- TGeoCombiTransEditorTGeoCombiTrans editor
- TGeoCompositeShapeboolean composite shape
- TGeoConeconical tube class
- TGeoConeEditorTGeoCone editor
- TGeoConeSegconical tube segment class
- TGeoConeSegEditorTGeoConeSeg editor
- TGeoCtubcut tube segment class
- TGeoCylVoxelscylindrical voxel class
- TGeoElementbase element class
- TGeoElementTabletable of elements
- TGeoEltuelliptical tube class
- TGeoEltuEditorTGeoEltu editor
- TGeoFullVoxelsfull voxels class
- TGeoGenTransrotation + translation + scale
- TGeoGtraG3 GTRA shape
- TGeoHalfSpacehalf-space class
- TGeoHelixhelix class
- TGeoHMatrixglobal matrix class
- TGeoHypehyperboloid class
- TGeoHypeEditorTGeoHype editor
- TGeoIdentityidentity transformation class
- TGeoIntersectionintersection node
- TGeoIteratorIterator for geometry.
TGeoManagergeometry manager
- TGeoManagerEditorTGeoManager editor
- TGeoMaterialbase material class
- TGeoMaterialDialogList-Tree based material dialog
- TGeoMaterialEditorTGeoMaterial editor
- TGeoMatHandlerglobal matrix cache handler
- TGeoMatHandlerIdglobal matrix cache handler id
- TGeoMatHandlerRotglobal matrix cache handler rot
- TGeoMatHandlerRotSclglobal matrix cache handler rot-scale
- TGeoMatHandlerRotTrglobal matrix cache handler rot-tr
- TGeoMatHandlerRotTrSclglobal matrix cache handler rot-tr-scale
- TGeoMatHandlerSclglobal matrix cache handler scale
- TGeoMatHandlerTrSclglobal matrix cache handler tr-scale
- TGeoMatHandlerXglobal matrix cache handler X
- TGeoMatHandlerXYglobal matrix cache handler XY
- TGeoMatHandlerXYZglobal matrix cache handler XYZ
- TGeoMatHandlerXZglobal matrix cache handler XZ
- TGeoMatHandlerYglobal matrix cache handler Y
- TGeoMatHandlerYZglobal matrix cache handler YZ
- TGeoMatHandlerZglobal matrix cache handler Z
- TGeoMatrixbase geometrical transformation class
- TGeoMatrixCachecache of compressed global matrices
- TGeoMatrixDialogList-Tree based matrix dialog
- TGeoMCGeometryVMC TGeo Geometry builder
- TGeoMediumtracking medium
- TGeoMediumDialogList-Tree based medium dialog
- TGeoMediumEditorTGeoMedium editor
- TGeometryStructure for Matrices, Shapes and Nodes
- TGeoMixturematerial mixtures
- TGeoNodebase class for all geometry nodes
- TGeoNodeArrayarray of cached physical nodes
- TGeoNodeCachecache of reusable physical nodes
- TGeoNodeEditorTGeoNode editor
- TGeoNodeMatrixa geometry node in the general case
- TGeoNodeObjArrayarray of physical nodes objects
- TGeoNodeOffseta geometry node with just an offset
- TGeoNodePosthe physical nodes
TGeoOverlapbase class for geometical overlaps
- TGeoPaintergeometry painter
- TGeoParabox primitive
- TGeoParaboloidparaboloid class
- TGeoParaEditorTGeoPara editor
- TGeoPatternCylPhiCylindrical phi division pattern
- TGeoPatternCylRCylindrical R division pattern
- TGeoPatternFinderpatterns to divide volumes
- TGeoPatternHoneycombpattern for honeycomb divisions
- TGeoPatternParaXPara X division pattern
- TGeoPatternParaYPara Y division pattern
- TGeoPatternParaZPara Z division pattern
- TGeoPatternSphPhiSpherical phi division pattern
- TGeoPatternSphRspherical R division pattern
- TGeoPatternSphThetaspherical theta division pattern
- TGeoPatternTrapZTrap od Gtra Z division pattern
- TGeoPatternXX division pattern
- TGeoPatternYY division pattern
- TGeoPatternZZ division pattern
- TGeoPconpolycone class
- TGeoPconEditorTGeoPcon editor
- TGeoPconSectionTGeoPcon section
- TGeoPgonpolygone class
- TGeoPhysicalNodebase class for physical nodes
- TGeoPNEntrya physical node entry with unique name
- TGeoPolygonclass for handling arbitrary polygons
- TGeoRotationrotation class
- TGeoRotationEditorTGeoRotation editor
- TGeoScalescaling class
- TGeoScaledShapea scaled shape
- TGeoShapebase class for shapes
- TGeoShapeAssemblyassembly shape
- TGeoShapeDialogList-Tree based shape dialog
- TGeoSpheresphere class
- TGeoSphereEditorTGeoSphere editor
- TGeoSubtractionsubtraction node
TGeoTabManagerTab manager for geometry editors
- TGeoTorustorus class
- TGeoTorusEditorTGeoTorus editor
- TGeoTrackgeometry tracks class
- TGeoTransientPanelList-Tree based dialog
- TGeoTranslationtranslation class
- TGeoTranslationEditorTGeoTranslation editor
- TGeoTrapG3 TRAP shape
- TGeoTrd1TRD1 shape class
- TGeoTrd1EditorTGeoTrd1 editor
- TGeoTrd2TRD2 shape class
- TGeoTrd2EditorTGeoTrd2 editor
- TGeoTreeDialogList-Tree based dialog
- TGeoTubecylindrical tube class
- TGeoTubeEditorTGeoTube editor
- TGeoTubeSegcylindrical tube segment class
- TGeoTubeSegEditorTGeoTubeSeg editor
- TGeoUnionunion node
- TGeoVolumegeometry volume descriptor
- TGeoVolumeAssemblyan assembly of volumes
- TGeoVolumeDialogList-Tree based volume dialog
- TGeoVolumeEditorTGeoVolume editor
- TGeoVolumeMulticlass to handle multiple volumes in one step
- TGeoVoxelFindervoxel finder class
- TGeoXtruextruded polygon class
- TGFALFileA ROOT file that reads/writes via a GFAL
- TGFALSystemDirectory handler for GFAL
- TGFileContainerContainer containing file system objects
- TGFileDialogFile selection dialog
- TGFileInfo
- TGFileItemClass representing file system object
- TGFontGUI font description
- TGFontDialogFont selection dialog
- TGFontDialog::FontProp_t
- TGFontPoolFont pool
- TGFontTypeComboBoxFont type combobox widget
- TGFrameBase class for simple widgets (button, etc.)
- TGFrameElementBase class used in GUI containers
- TGFSComboBoxCombo box widget for file system path
TGGCGraphics context
- TGGCPoolGraphics context pool
- TGGotoDialogGoto line dialig used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGGroupFrameA composite frame with border and title
- TGHButtonGroupA button group with one horizontal row
- TGHorizontal3DLineA horizontal 3D separator line
- TGHorizontalFrameComposite frame with horizontal child layout
- TGHorizontalLayoutHorizontal layout manager
- TGHotStringGraphics string with hot character
- TGHProgressBarHorizontal progress bar widget
- TGHScrollBarHorizontal scrollbar widget
- TGHSliderHorizontal slider widget
- TGHSplitterA horizontal frame splitter
- TGIconIcon GUI class
- TGIconLBEntryIcon + text listbox entry
- TGIdleHandlerIdle event handler
- TGImageMapClickable image (like MAP in HTML)
- TGInsetsInset (left, right, top, bottom)
- TGItemContextContext menu for TTVLVEntry
TGL2DAxisPainterDefault painter, uses TGAxis to make its work
- TGLabelA label GUI element
- TGLAxisPainterBase for axis painters
- TGLayoutHintsClass describing GUI layout hints
- TGLayoutManagerLayout manager abstract base class
- TGLBContainerListbox container
- TGLBEntryBasic listbox entry
- TGLBoundingBoxa 3D orientated bounding box
- TGLCameraabstract camera base class
- TGLClipabstract clipping object
- TGLClipBoxclipping box
- TGLClipEditorGL Viewer clipping shape editor GUI component
- TGLClipPlaneclipping plane
- TGLColorEditorGL Viewer shape color editor GUI component
- TGLCylindera cylinderical logical shape
- TGLDisplayListCachea cache of GL display lists (singleton)
- TGLDrawableabstract GL drawable object
- TGLDrawFlagsGL draw flags wrapper class
- TGLFaceSeta faceset logical shape
- TGLGeometryEditorGL Viewer shape geometry editor GUI component
- TGLGuideEditorGL Viewer guides editor GUI component
- TGLHistPainterGL hist painter
- TGLineLBEntryLine width listbox entry
- TGLineStyleComboBoxLine style combobox widget
- TGLineWidthComboBoxLine width combobox widget
- TGListBoxListbox widget
- TGListDetailsLayoutLayout manager for TGListView details
- TGListLayoutLayout manager for TGListView widget
- TGListTreeShow items in a tree structured list
- TGListTreeItemItem that goes into a TGListTree container
- TGListViewList view widget (iconbox, small icons or tabular view)
- TGLLegoPainterLego painter
- TGLLightEditorGL Viewer lighting editor GUI component
- TGLLine3GL line wrapper class
- TGLLogicalShapea logical (non-placed, local frame) drawable object
TGLManagerInterface for OpenGL manager
- TGLManipabstract base GL manipulator widget
- TGLMatrixGL matrix helper/wrapper class
- TGlobalGlobal variable class
- TGLObjectBase-class for direct OpenGL renderers
- TGLongPositionPosition object (x and y are Long_t)
- TGLOrthoCameraan orthogonal view camera
- TGLOutputWrapper class for GL capture & output routines
- TGLPadHistPainterProxy class for GL hist painter
- TGLPerspectiveCameraa perspective view camera
- TGLPhysicalShapea physical (placed, global frame) drawable object
- TGLPlaneGL plane helper/wrapper class
- TGLPlotFrameAuxilary class
- TGLPlotPainterBase for gl plots
- TGLPolyLinea polyline logical shape
- TGLPolyMarkera polymarker logical shape
- TGLQuadricGL quadric object
- TGLRectGL rect helper/wrapper class
- TGLRenderAreaGL container owner
- TGLRotateManipGL rotation manipulator widget
- TGLSAFrameGUI frame for standalone viewer
- TGLSAViewerStandalone GL viewer
- TGLScaleManipGL scaling manipulator widget
- TGLScenea GL scene - collection of physical and logical shapes
- TGLSelectionBufferHolds color buffer content for selection
- TGLSpherea spherical logical shape
- TGLStopwatcha GL stopwatch utility class
- TGLTransManipGL translation manipulator widget
- TGLUtilWrapper class for misc GL pieces
- TGLVContainerListview container
- TGLVector3GL 3 component vector helper/wrapper class
- TGLVEntryItem that goes into a TGListView container
- TGLVertex3GL 3 component vertex helper/wrapper class
- TGLViewerGL viewer generic base class
- TGLViewerEditorGUI for editing TGLViewer attributes
TGLWindowGL container
- TGMainFrameTop level window frame
- TGMatrixLayoutMatrix layout manager
- TGMdiButtonsMDI Buttons Frame
- TGMdiContainerMDI container
- TGMdiCornerWinResizerCorner Window Resizer
- TGMdiDecorFrameMDI Decor Frame
- TGMdiFrameMDI Frame
- TGMdiFrameListMDI Frame list
- TGMdiGeometryMDI Geometry
- TGMdiHorizontalWinResizerHorizontal Window Resizer
- TGMdiMainFrameMDI main frame
- TGMdiMenuBarMDI menu bar
- TGMdiTitleBarMDI Title Bar
- TGMdiTitleIconMDI Title Icon
- TGMdiVerticalWinResizerVertical Window Resizer
- TGMdiWinResizerWindow Resizer
- TGMenuBarMenu bar class
- TGMenuEntryMenu entry class
- TGMenuTitleMenu title class
- TGMimeTypesPool of mime type objects
- TGMsgBoxA message dialog box
- TGNumberEntryEntry field widget for several numeric formats
- TGNumberEntryFieldA text entry field used by a TGNumberEntry
- TGNumberEntryLayoutLayout manager for number entry widget
- TGNumberFormatClass defining namespace for several enums used by TGNumberEntry
- TGObjectROOT GUI base class
- TGondzioSolverGondzio Qp Solver class
- TGPasswdDialogDialog for entering passwords
- TGPicturePictures and icons used by the GUI classes
- TGPictureButtonA picture button widget
- TGPicturePoolPicture and icon cache
- TGPopupMenuPopup menu
- TGPositionPosition object (x and y are Int_t)
- TGPrintDialogPrint dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGProgressBarProgress bar abstract base class
TGQtInterface to Qt GUI
- TGRadioButtonA radio button widget
- TGraphGraph graphics class
- TGraph2DSet of n x[i],y[i],z[i] points with 3-d graphics including Delaunay triangulation
- TGraph2DErrorsA 2D graph with error bars
- TGraphAsymmErrorsA graph with asymmetric error bars
- TGraphBentErrorsA graph with bent, asymmetric error bars
- TGraphDelaunayDelaunay triangulation
- TGraphEditorgraph editor
- TGraphErrorsA graph with error bars
- TGraphPainterTGraph painter
- TGraphPolarPolar graph
- TGraphPolargramPolar axis
- TGraphQQto create and to draw quantile-quantile plots
- TGraphSmoothGraph Smoother
- TGRectangleRectangle object
- TGRedirectOutputGuardException safe output redirection
- TGRegionDescribes a region
- TGRegionWithIdRegion with id, tooltip text and popup menu
- TGResourcePoolGraphics resource pool
- TGridABC defining interface to GRID services
- TGridCollectionABC managing collection of files on the Grid
- TGridJDLABC defining interface JDL generator
- TGridJobABC defining interface to a GRID job
- TGridJobStatusABC defining status of a Grid job
- TGridResultABC defining interface to GRID result set
- TGroupButtonA user interface button in a group of buttons.
- TGRowLayoutRow layout manager
TGScrollBarScrollbar widget
- TGScrollBarElementScrollbar element (head, tail, slider)
- TGSearchDialogText search dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGSearchType
- TGSelectBoxTreeView dialog widget
- TGSelectedPictureSelected looking picture
- TGShutterShutter widget
- TGShutterItemShutter widget item
- TGSliderSlider widget abstract base class
- TGSplitterA frame splitter abstract base class
- TGStatusBarStatus bar widget
- TGStringGraphics string
- TGTabTab widget
- TGTabElementLittle tab on tab widget
- TGTabLayoutLayout manager for TGTab widget
- TGTableLayoutTable layout manager
- TGTableLayoutHintsClass describing GUI table layout hints
- TGTextText used by TGTextEdit
- TGTextBufferText buffer used by widgets like TGTextEntry, etc.
- TGTextButtonA text button widget
- TGTextEditText edit widget
- TGTextEditorSimple text editor using TGTextEdit widget
- TGTextEntryThe TGTextEntry widget is a simple line editor for inputting text
- TGTextLBEntryText listbox entry
- TGTextLineLine in TGText
- TGTextViewNon-editable text viewer widget
- TGTileLayoutTile layout manager
- TGToolBarA bar containing picture buttons
- TGToolTipOne line help text
- TGTransientFrameFrame for dialog (transient) windows
- TGTreeLBEntryTGFSComboBox entry
- TGTripleHSliderHorizontal triple slider widget
- TGTripleVSliderVertical triple slider widget
TGuiBldActiongui builder action
- TGuiBldDragManagerdrag and drop manager
- TGuiBldEditorframe property editor
- TGuiBldHintsButtonbutton used to edit layout hints
- TGuiBldHintsEditorlayout hints editor
- TGuiBuilderABC for gui builder
- TGuiFactoryAbstract factory for GUI components
- TGUndockedFrameUndocked frame
- TGUnknownWindowHandlerAbstract event handler for unknown windows
- TGVButtonGroupA button group with one vertical column
- TGVertical3DLineA vertical 3D separator line
- TGVerticalFrameComposite frame with vertical child layout
- TGVerticalLayoutVertical layout manager
- TGViewText view widget base class
- TGViewFrameFrame containing the actual text
- TGViewPortViewport through which to look at a container frame
- TGVProgressBarVertical progress bar widget
- TGVScrollBarVertical scrollbar widget
- TGVSliderVertical slider widget
- TGVSplitterA vertical frame splitter
- TGWidgetWidget base class
- TGWindowGUI Window base class
- TGX11Interface to X11
- TGX11TTFInterface to X11 + TTF font handling
- TGXYLayoutX / Y - layout manager
- TGXYLayoutHintsHits for the X / Y - layout manager
TH11-Dim histogram base class
- TH1C1-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH1D1-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH1EditorTH1 editor
- TH1F1-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH1I1-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH1K1-Dim Nearest Kth neighbour method
- TH1S1-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH22-Dim histogram base class
- TH2C2-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH2D2-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH2EditorTH2 editor
- TH2F2-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH2I2-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH2S2-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH33-Dim histogram base class
- TH3C3-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH3D3-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH3F3-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH3I3-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH3S3-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- THaarMatrixT<double>Template of Haar Matrix class
- THaarMatrixT<float>Template of Haar Matrix class
- THashListDoubly linked list with hashtable for lookup
- THashTableA hash table
- THashTableIterHash table iterator
- THbookBranchA branch for a THbookTree
- THbookFileROOT interface to Hbook/PAW files
- THbookKeyHbook id descriptor
- THbookTreeA wrapper class supporting Hbook ntuples (CWN and RWN)
- THelixA Helix drawn as a PolyLine3D
THilbertMatrixT<double>Template of Hilbert Matrix class
- THilbertMatrixT<float>Template of Hilbert Matrix class
- THilbertMatrixTSym<double>Template of Symmetric Hilbert Matrix class
- THilbertMatrixTSym<float>Template of Symmetric Hilbert Matrix class
- THistPainterHelper class to draw histograms
- THLimitsFinderClass to find best axis limits
- THStackA collection of histograms
- THtmlConvert class(es) into HTML file(s)
- TImageAbstract image class
- TImageDumpcreate image in batch mode
- TImagePaletteColor Palette for value -> color conversion
- TImagePluginbase class for different image format handlers(plugins)
- timespec
- TIndexTable"Index" array for TTable object
- TIndexTable::iterator
- TInetAddressRepresents an Internet Protocol (IP) address
- TInspectCanvasThe canvas Inspector
- TInspectorImpGUI independent inspector abc
- TInterpreterABC defining interface to generic interpreter
- TIsAProxy
- TIterIterator wrapper
- TIteratorIterator abstract base class
- TKeyHeader description of a logical record on file.
- TKeyMapFileUtility class for browsing TMapFile objects.
- TKeySQLa special TKey for SQL data base
- TKeyXMLa special TKey for XML files
TLatexThe Latex-style text processor class
- TLeafLeaf: description of a Branch data type
- TLeafBA TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafCA TLeaf for a variable length string.
- TLeafDA TLeaf for a 64 bit floating point data type.
- TLeafElementA TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject.
- TLeafFA TLeaf for a 32 bit floating point data type.
- TLeafIA TLeaf for an Integer data type.
- TLeafLA TLeaf for a 64 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafOA TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafObjectA TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject.
- TLeafSA TLeaf for a 16 bit Integer data type.
- TLegendLegend of markers/lines/boxes to represent obj's
- TLegendEntryStorage class for one entry of a TLegend
- TLimitClass to compute 95% CL limits
- TLimitDataSourceinput for TLimit routines
- TLineA line segment
- TLinearFitterfit a set of data points with a linear combination of functions
- TLineEditorGUI for editing Line attributes
- TLinkLink: hypertext link to an object
- TListDoubly linked list
- TListIterLinked list iterator
- TLockGuardException safe locking/unlocking of mutex
- TLorentzRotationLorentz transformations including boosts and rotations
- TLorentzVectorA four vector with (-,-,-,+) metric
TMacroClass supporting a collection of lines with C++ code.
- TMapA (key,value) map
- TMapFileMemory mapped directory structure
- TMapIterMap iterator
- TMapRec
- TMarkerMarker
- TMarker3DBoxA special 3-D marker designed for event display
- TMaterialMaterials used in the Geometry Shapes
- TMath
- TMatrixDEigenEigen-Vectors/Values of a Matrix
- TMatrixDSymEigenEigen-Vectors/Values of a Matrix
- TMatrixT<double>Template of General Matrix class
- TMatrixT<float>Template of General Matrix class
- TMatrixTBase<double>Matrix base class (template)
- TMatrixTBase<float>Matrix base class (template)
- TMatrixTColumn<double>Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTColumn<float>Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTColumn_const<double>Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTColumn_const<float>Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTCramerInv
- TMatrixTDiag<double>Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTDiag<float>Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTDiag_const<double>Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTDiag_const<float>Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTFlat<double>Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTFlat<float>Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTFlat_const<double>Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTFlat_const<float>Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTLazy<double>Template of Lazy Matrix class
- TMatrixTLazy<float>Template of Lazy Matrix class
- TMatrixTRow<double>Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTRow<float>Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTRow_const<double>Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTRow_const<float>Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparse<double>Template of Sparse Matrix class
- TMatrixTSparse<float>Template of Sparse Matrix class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag<double>Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag<float>Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag_const<double>Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag_const<float>Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow<double>Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow<float>Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow_const<double>Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow_const<float>Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSub<double>Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSub<float>Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSub_const<double>Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSub_const<float>Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSym<double>Template of Symmetric Matrix class
- TMatrixTSym<float>Template of Symmetric Matrix class
- TMatrixTSymCramerInv
- TMatrixTSymLazy<double>Template of Lazy Symmeytric class
- TMatrixTSymLazy<float>Template of Lazy Symmeytric class
TMCParticleLUJETS particles data record.
- TMCVerboseVerbose class for MC application
- TMD5MD5 cryptographic hash functions with a 128 bit output
- TMehrotraSolverMehrotra Qp Solver class
- TMemberInspectorABC for inspecting class data members
- TMemberStreamer
- TMessageMessage buffer class
- TMessageHandlerGeneric message handler
- TMethodDictionary for a class member function (method)
- TMethodArgDictionary for a method argument
- TMethodBrowsableHelper object to browse methods
- TMethodCallMethod calling interface
- TMinuitThe MINUIT minimisation package
- TMixtureMixtures used in the Geometry Shapes
- TMLPAnalyzerA simple analysis class for MLP
- TMonitorMonitor activity on a set of TSocket objects
- TMultiDimFitMulti dimensional fit class
- TMultiGraphA collection of TGraph objects
- TMultiLayerPerceptrona Neural Network
- TMutexMutex lock class
- TMutexImpMutex lock implementation ABC
TMVA::BinarySearchTreeBinary search tree including volume search method
- TMVA::BinaryTreeBase class for BinarySearch and Decision Trees
- TMVA::CrossEntropyImplementation of the CrossEntropy as separation criterion
- TMVA::DecisionTreeImplementation of a Decision Tree
- TMVA::DecisionTreeNodeNode for the Decision Tree
- TMVA::EventVariables of an event as used for the Binary Tree
- TMVA::FactoryTMVA steering class: it creates all MVA methods, and performs their training and testing
- TMVA::GeneticBaseBase definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticCutsCut optimisation interface class for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticGenesGenes definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticPopulationPopulation definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticRangeRange definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GiniIndexImplementation of the GiniIndex as separation criterion
- TMVA::MethodANNBaseBase class for all MVA methods using artificial neural networks
- TMVA::MethodBaseVirtual base class for all TMVA method
- TMVA::MethodBDTAnalysis of Boosted Decision Trees
- TMVA::MethodCFMlpANNInterface for Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network
- TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_UtilsImplementation of Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network
- TMVA::MethodCutsMultivariate optimisation of signal efficiency
- TMVA::MethodFisherAnalysis of Fisher discriminant (Fisher or Mahalanobis approach)
- TMVA::MethodHMatrixH-Matrix method, a simple comparison of chi-squared estimators for signal and background
- TMVA::MethodLikelihoodLikelihood analysis ("non-parametric approach")
- TMVA::MethodPDERSMultidimensional Likelihood using the "Probability density estimator range search" (PDERS) method
- TMVA::MethodRuleFitFriedman's RuleFit method
- TMVA::MethodTMlpANNImplementation of interface for TMultiLayerPerceptron
- TMVA::MethodVariableWrapper class for a single variable "MVA"
- TMVA::MisClassificationErrorImplementation of the MisClassificationError as separation criterion
- TMVA::NodeNode for the BinarySearch or Decision Trees
- TMVA::PDFPDF wrapper for histograms
- TMVA::ReaderInterpret the trained MVAs in an analysis context
- TMVA::RootFinderRoot finding using Brents algorithm
- TMVA::SdivSqrtSplusBImplementation of the SdivSqrtSplusB as separation criterion
- TMVA::SeparationBaseInterface to different separation critiera used in training algorithms
- TMVA::TimerTiming information for training and evaluation of MVA methods
- TMVA::Tools
- TMVA::TSpline1Linear interpolation class
- TMVA::TSpline2Quadratic interpolation class (using quadrax)
- TMVA::Types
- TMySQLResultMySQL query result
- TMySQLRowOne row of MySQL query result
- TMySQLServerConnection to MySQL server
- TMySQLStatementSQL statement class for MySQL DB
- TNamedThe basis for a named object (name, title)
- TNetFileA ROOT file that reads/writes via a rootd server
- TNetSystemDirectory handler for NetSystem
- TNeuronNeuron for MultiLayerPerceptrons
- TNewChainDlgNew chain dialog
- TNewQueryDlgNew query dialog
- TNodeDescription of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TNodeDivDescription of parameters to divide a 3-D geometry object
- TNonSplitBrowsableHelper object to browse unsplit objects
- TNtupleA simple tree with branches of floats.
- TNtupleDA simple tree with branches of floats.
- TObjArrayAn array of objects
- TObjArrayIterObject array iterator
- TObjectBasic ROOT object
- TObjectSetTDataSet wrapper for TObject class objects
- TObjectTableTable of active objects
- TObjStringCollectable string class
- TODBCResultODBC query result
- TODBCRowOne row of ODBC query result
- TODBCServerConnection to MySQL server
- TODBCStatementODBC implementation of TSQLStatement
- ToolBarData_t
- TOracleResultOracle query result
- TOracleRowOne row of Oracle query result
- TOracleServerConnection to Oracle server
- TOracleStatementStatement class for Oracle
- TOrdCollectionAn ordered collection
- TOrdCollectionIterOrdered collection iterator
TPackageDescriptionPackage description
- TPacketizerGenerate work packets for parallel processing
- TPacketizerDevGenerate work packets for parallel processing
- TPacketizerProgressivePacketizer that does not pre-open any files
- TPadA Graphics pad
- TPadEditoreditor of TPad objects
- TPadView3D
- TPainter3dAlgorithmsHidden line removal package
- TPairPair TObject*, TObject*
- TPaletteAxisclass used to display a color palette axis for 2-d plots
- TPaletteEditorBase class for palette editor
- TParameter<double>Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<int>Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<Long64_t>Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<long>Named templated parameter type
- TParticleTParticle vertex particle information
- TParticleClassPDGPDG static particle definition
- TParticlePDGPDG static particle definition
- TPavePave. A box with shadowing
- TPaveClassA TPaveLabel specialized for TClassTree objects
- TPaveLabelPaveLabel. A Pave with a label
- TPaveStatsA special TPaveText to draw histogram statistics.
- TPaveStatsEditorGUI for editing TPaveStats
- TPavesTextStacked Paves with text strings
- TPaveTextPaveText. A Pave with several lines of text.
- TPDFPDF driver
- TPerfEventClass holding TProof Event Info
- TPerfStatsClass for collecting PROOF statistics
TPluginHandlerHandler for plugin libraries
- TPluginManagerManager for plugin handlers
- TPoint
- TPoints2-D graphics point
- TPoints3DDefines the abstract array of 3D points
- TPoints3DABCA 3-D Points
- TPointsArray3DA 3-D PolyLine
- TPointSet3DTPolyMarker3D with direct OpenGL rendering.
- TPointSet3DGLGL renderer for TPointSet3D
- TPolyLineA PolyLine
- TPolyLine3DA 3-D polyline
- TPolyLineShapeThe base class to define an abstract 3D shape of STAR "event" geometry
- TPolyMarkerAn array of points with the same marker
- TPolyMarker3DAn array of 3-D points with the same marker
- TPosixConditionPosix condition variable
- TPosixMutexPosix mutex lock
- TPosixThreadTPosixThread class
- TPosixThreadFactoryPosix thread factory
- TPostScriptPostScript driver
TPRegexpPerl Compatible Regular Expression Class
- TPrimaryTPrimary vertex particle information
- TPrincipalPrincipal Components Analysis
- TProcessEventTimerProcess pending events at fixed time intervals
- TProcessIDProcess Unique Identifier in time and space
- TProcessUUIDTProcessID managing UUIDs
- TProfileProfile histogram class
- TProfile2DProfile2D histogram class
- TProfile3DProfile3D histogram class
- TProofPROOF control class
- TProofCondorPROOF control class for slaves allocated by condor
- TProofDebug
- TProofDrawTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawEventListTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawGraphTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawHistTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawListOfGraphsTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawListOfGraphs::Point3D_t
- TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3DTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Point4D_t
- TProofDrawPolyMarker3DTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawProfileTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawProfile2DTree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofLimitsFinderFind and communicate best axis limits
- TProofMgrPROOF session manager
- TProofNodeInfoClass describing a PROOF node
- TProofPlayerAbstract PROOF player
- TProofPlayerLocalPROOF player running on client
- TProofPlayerRemotePROOF player running on master server
- TProofPlayerSlavePROOF player running on slave server
- TProofPlayerSuperMasterPROOF player running on super master
- TProofProgressDialogPROOF progress dialog
- TProofProgressLogClass implementing a log graphic box
- TProofQueryResultClass describing a PROOF query
- TProofResourcesAbstract class describing PROOF resources
- TProofResourcesStaticClass to handle PROOF static config
- TProofServPROOF Server Application Interface
- TProofSuperMasterPROOF control class for making submasters
- TProofVectorContainer<TProofDrawListOfGraphs::Point3D_t>Class describing a vector container
- TProofVectorContainer<TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Point4D_t>Class describing a vector container
TPServerSocketParallel server socket
- TPSocketParallel client socket
- TPyReturnPython morphing return object
- TPythia6Interface to Pythia6.1 Event Generator
- TPythia6DecayerParticle Decayer Base Class
- TPythonAccess to the python interpreter
- TQApplicationcreates ROOT environement with the Qt windowing system
- TQCanvasImpABC describing Qt GUI independent main window
- TQCanvasMenuinterface to Qt based context sensitive popup menus
- TQClassClass with connections
- TQCommandencapsulates the information for undo/redo a single action.
- TQConnectionInternal class used in the object communication mechanism
- TQMimeTypesPool of mime type objects
- TQObjectBase class for object communication mechanism
- TQObjSenderUsed to "delegate" TQObject functionality
- TQpDataBaseQp Base Data class
- TQpDataDensQp Data class for Dens formulation
- TQpDataSparseQp Data class for Sparse formulation
- TQpLinSolverBaseQp linear solver base class
- TQpLinSolverDensQp linear solver class for Dens formulation
- TQpLinSolverSparseQp linear solver class for Sparse formulation
- TQpProbBaseQp problem formulation base class
- TQpProbDensQp dens problem formulation class
- TQpProbSparseQp sparse problem formulation class
- TQpResidualQp Residual class
- TQpSolverBaseQp Solver class
- TQpVarQp Variables class
- TQRootApplicationcreates Qt environement interface with the ROOT windowing system
- TQRootCanvasinterface to Qt eventloop to handle user input
- TQRootDialogprompt for the arguments of an object's member function
- TQRootGuiFactoryQt ROOT Gui factory
- TQtApplicationInstantiate the Qt system within ROOT environment
- TQtBrushcreate QBrush object based on the ROOT "fill" attributes
- TQtClientFilterMap Qt and ROOT event
- TQtClientWidgetQFrame implementation backing ROOT TGWindow objects
- TQtMarkerConvert ROOT TMarker objects on to QPointArray
- TQtRootGuiFactoryFactory for Qt-based ROOT GUI components
- TQtTimerQTimer to awake the ROOT event loop from Qt event loop
- TQtWidgetQWidget to back ROOT TCanvas (Can be used with Qt designer)
- TQuaterniona quaternion class
- TQueryDescriptionQuery description
- TQueryResultClass describing a query
- TQUndoManagerrecorder of operations for undo and redo
TrackA track segment
- TRandomSimple Random number generator (periodicity = 10**9)
- TRandom1Ranlux Random number generators with periodicity > 10**14
- TRandom2Random number generator with periodicity of 10**26
- TRandom3Random number generator: Mersenne Twistor
- TRealDataDescription of persistent data members
- TRedirectOutputGuardException safe output redirection
- TRefPersistent Reference link to a TObject
- TRefArrayAn array of references to TObjects
- TRefArrayIterObject array iterator
- TRefCnt
- TRefTableTable of referenced objects during an I/O operation
- TRegexpRegular expression class
- TResponseTableGeneric Geant detector response table
- TRFIOFileA ROOT file that reads/writes via a rfiod server
- TRFIOSystemDirectory handler for RFIO
- TRintROOT Interactive Application Interface
- TRobustEstimatorMinimum Covariance Determinant Estimator
- TRolkecalculate confidence limits using the Rolke method
- TROOTTop level (or root) structure for all classes
- TRootApplicationROOT native GUI application environment
- TRootBrowserROOT native GUI version of browser
- TRootCanvasROOT native GUI version of main window with menubar and drawing area
- TRootContextMenuROOT native GUI context sensitive popup menu
- TRootControlBarROOT native GUI implementation of TControlBar
- TRootDialogNative GUI method argument prompt dialog box
- TRootEmbeddedCanvasA ROOT TCanvas that can be embedded in a TGFrame
- TRootGuiBuilderROOT GUI Builder
- TRootGuiFactoryFactory for ROOT GUI components
- TRootHelpDialogDialog to display help text
- TRotationRotations of TVector3 objects
- TRotMatrixRotation Matrix for 3-D geometry objects
- TRWLockReader/writer lock
TSAXParserSAX Parser
- TSecContextClass providing host specific authentication information
- TSecContextCleanupUpdate the remote authentication table
- TSelectorA utility class for tree and object processing
- TSelectorCintA utility class for tree and object processing (interpreted version)
- TSelectorDrawA specialized TSelector for TTree::Draw
- TSelectorListSpecial TList used in the TSelector
- TSelectorScalarMergable scalar
- TSemaphoreCounting semaphore class
- TSeqCollectionSequenceable collection ABC
- TServerSocketThis class implements server sockets
- TSessionDescriptionSession description
- TSessionFrameSession frame
- TSessionInputFrameInput frame
- TSessionLogViewPROOF progress dialog
- TSessionOutputFrameOutput frame
- TSessionQueryFrameQuery frame
- TSessionServerFrameServer frame
- TSessionViewerSession Viewer
- TShapeBasic shape
- TSignalHandlerSignal event handler
- TSlavePROOF slave server
- TSlaveInfobasic info on slave
- TSliderA user interface slider.
- TSliderBoxThe moving box of a TSlider
- TSocketThis class implements client sockets
- TSortedListA sorted list
- TSpectrumPeak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution
- TSpectrum2Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution for 2-D histograms
- TSplineSpline base class
- TSpline3Class to create third natural splines
- TSpline5Class to create quintic natural splines
- TSplinePolySpline polynomial terms
- TSplinePoly3Third spline polynomial terms
- TSplinePoly5Quintic spline polynomial terms
- TSPlotclass to disentangle signal from background
TSQLClassColumnInfoKeeps information about single column in class table
- TSQLClassInfoKeeps the table information relevant for one class
- TSQLColumnDataSingle SQL column data.
- TSQLColumnInfoSummury information about column from SQL table
- TSQLFileROOT TFile interface to SQL database
- TSQLObjectDataKeeps the data requested from the SQL server for an object.
- TSQLObjectDataPoolXML object keeper class
- TSQLObjectInfoInfo (classname, version) about object in database
- TSQLResultSQL query result
- TSQLRowOne row of an SQL query result
- TSQLServerConnection to SQL server
- TSQLStatementSQL statement
- TSQLStructureTable/structure description used internally by YBufferSQL.
- TSQLTableDataCollection of columns data for single SQL table
- TSQLTableInfoSummury information about SQL table
- TStatusStatus class
- TStopwatchA stopwatch which times real and cpu time
- TStorageStorage manager class
- TStreamerBaseStreamer element of type base class
- TStreamerBasicPointerStreamer element for a pointer to a basic type
- TStreamerBasicTypeStreamer element for a basic type
- TStreamerElementBase class for one element (data member) to be Streamed
- TStreamerInfoStreamer information for one class version
- TStreamerLoopStreamer element for a pointer to an array of objects
- TStreamerObjectStreamer element of type object
- TStreamerObjectAnyStreamer element of type object other than TObject
- TStreamerObjectAnyPointerStreamer element of type pointer to a non TObject
- TStreamerObjectPointerStreamer element of type pointer to a TObject
- TStreamerSTLStreamer element of type STL container
- TStreamerSTLstringStreamer element of type C++ string
- TStreamerStringStreamer element of type TString
- TStringBasic string class
- TStringLongLong string class (more than 255 chars)
- TStringRef
- TStyleA collection of all graphics attributes
- TStyleDialogDialog box used by the TStyleManager class
- TStyleManagerGraphical User Interface for managing styles
- TStylePreviewPreview window used by the TStyleManager class
- TSVGSVG driver
- TSynapsesimple weighted bidirectionnal connection between 2 neurons
- TSysEvtHandlerABC for handling system events
- TSystemABC defining a generic interface to the OS
- TSystemDirectoryA system directory
- TSystemFileA system file
- TTabComPerform comand line completion when hitting <TAB>
- TTablevector of the C structures
- TTable3PointsA 3-D Points
- TTable::iterator
- TTableDescriptordescrpitor defining the internal layout of TTable objects
- TTableIterIterator over "sorted" TTable objects
- TTableMap"Map" array for TTable object
- TTablePointsDefines the TTable as an element of "event" geometry
- TTableSorterIs an "observer" class to sort the TTable objects
- TTaskBase class for tasks
- TTextText
- TTFInterface to TTF font handling
- TThreadThread class
- TThreadFactoryThread factory ABC
- TThreadImpThreadImp class
- TTimeBasic time type with milli second precision
- TTimerHandle timer event
- TTimeStampEncapsulates seconds and ns since EPOCH
- TToggleFacility for toggling datamembers on/off
- TToggleGroupGroup of contex-menu toggle objects
- TTRD1TRD1 shape
- TTRD2TRD2 shape
- TTreeTree descriptor (the main ROOT I/O class)
- TTreeCacheSpecialization of TFileCacheRead for a TTree
- TTreeClonerhelper used for the fast cloning of TTrees.
- TTreeDrawArgsParserHelper class to parse the argument to TTree::Draw
- TTreeFormulaThe Tree formula
- TTreeFormulaManagerA class coordinating several TTreeFormula objects.
- TTreeFriendLeafIterLinked list iterator
- TTreeIndexA Tree Index with majorname and minorname.
- TTreePlayerManager class to play with TTrees
- TTreeResultTTree query result
- TTreeRowOne row of an TTree query result
- TTreeSQLTTree Implementation read and write to a SQL database.
- TTreeViewerA GUI oriented tree viewer
- TTVLVContainerA dragging-capable LVContainer
- TTVLVEntryItem that goes into the tree list view widget
- TTVRecordA draw record for TTreeViewer
- TTVSessionA tree viewer session
TUnixSystemInterface to Unix OS services
- TUploadDataSetDlgNew query dialog
- TUrlRepresents an URL
- TUtil3DThe default 3-D view utility class
- TUtilHistmisc. histogram utilities
- TUtilPadmisc. pad/canvas utilities
- TUUIDUniversally Unique IDentifier
- TVector2A 2D physics vector
- TVector3A 3D physics vector
- TVectorT<double>Template of Vector class
- TVectorT<float>Template of Vector class
TView3-D View
- TViewer3DPadA 3D Viewer painter for TPads
- TViewerX3DInterface to the X3D viewer
- TVirtualAuthclient auth interface
- TVirtualBranchBrowsableBase class for helper objects used for browsing
- TVirtualCollectionProxy
- TVirtualDragManagerdrag and drop manager
- TVirtualFFTabstract interface for FFT calculations
- TVirtualFitterAbstract interface for fitting
- TVirtualGeoPainterAbstract interface for geometry painters
- TVirtualGeoTrackvirtual geometry tracks
- TVirtualGLInterface for OpenGL
- TVirtualGLImpInterface for a GL concrete Implementation
- TVirtualGLManipInterface for GL manipulator
- TVirtualGLPainterInterface for OpenGL painter
- TVirtualHistPainterAbstract interface for histogram painters
- TVirtualIndexAbstract interface for Tree Index
- TVirtualIsAProxy
- TVirtualMCInterface to Monte Carlo
- TVirtualMCApplicationInterface to MonteCarlo application
- TVirtualMCDecayerParticle Decayer Base Class
- TVirtualMCGeometryInterface to Monte Carlo geometry construction
- TVirtualMCStackInterface to a particles stack
- TVirtualMonitoringReaderABC for Reading Monitoring Information
- TVirtualMonitoringWriterABC for Sending Monitoring Information
- TVirtualMutexVirtual mutex lock class
- TVirtualPacketizerGenerate work packets for parallel processing
- TVirtualPadAbstract base class for Pads and Canvases
- TVirtualPadEditorAbstract interface for graphics pad editor
- TVirtualPerfStatsABC for collecting PROOF statistics
- TVirtualProofAbstract PROOF interface
- TVirtualProofDescAbstract description of a proof session
- TVirtualProofMgrAbstract PROOF manager interface
- TVirtualPSAbstract interface to a PostScript driver
- TVirtualTreePlayerAbstract interface for Tree players
- TVirtualUtil3DAbstract interface to a the 3-D view utility
- TVirtualUtilHistAbstract interface to the histogram utilities
- TVirtualUtilPadAbstract interface to the pad/canvas utilities
- TVirtualViewer3DAbstract interface to 3D viewers
- TVirtualXABC defining a generic interface to graphics system
TVolumeDescription of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TVolumePositionDescription of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TVolumeViewSpecial kind of TDataSet
- TVolumeViewIterVolume view iterator
- TWboxA window box (box with 3-D effects)
- TWebFileA ROOT file that reads via a http server
- TX11GLX11 implementation
- TX11GLManagerX11-specific version of TGLManager
- TXMLAttrXML attribute pair
- TXMLDocumentXML document created by the DOM parser
- TXMLEngineROOT XML I/O parser, user by TXMLFile to read/write xml files
- TXMLFileROOT file in XML format
- TXMLNodeXML node under DOM tree
- TXMLParserXML SAX parser
- TXMLPlayerGeneration of external xml streamers
- TXMLSetupsettings to be stored in XML files
- TXNetFileTFile implementation to deal with new xrootd server.
- TXNetSystemSystem management class for xrootd servers
- TZIPFileA ZIP archive file
- TZIPMemberA ZIP archive member file
- UserGroup_t
- WindowAttributes_t
Last update: Tue Jul 11 12:48:12 2006
ROOT page - Class index - Class Hierarchy - Top of the page
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