library: libHist
#include "TSpectrum.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TSpectrum : public TNamed

Inheritance Chart:

TSpectrum() TSpectrum(Int_t maxpositions, Float_t resolution = 1) TSpectrum(const TSpectrum&) virtual ~TSpectrum() virtual TH1* Background(const TH1* hist, Int_t niter = 2, Option_t* option = "") const char* Background(float* spectrum, Int_t ssize, Int_t numberIterations, Int_t direction, Int_t filterOrder, bool smoothing, Int_t smoothWindow, bool compton) static TClass* Class() const char* Deconvolution(float* source, const float* response, Int_t ssize, Int_t numberIterations, Int_t numberRepetitions, Double_t boost) const char* DeconvolutionRL(float* source, const float* response, Int_t ssize, Int_t numberIterations, Int_t numberRepetitions, Double_t boost) TH1* GetHistogram() const Int_t GetNPeaks() const Float_t* GetPositionX() const Float_t* GetPositionY() const virtual TClass* IsA() const TSpectrum& operator=(const TSpectrum&) virtual void Print(Option_t* option = "") const virtual Int_t Search(const TH1* hist, Double_t sigma = 2, Option_t* option = "goff", Double_t threshold = 0.05) Int_t Search1HighRes(float* source, float* destVector, Int_t ssize, float sigma, Double_t threshold, bool backgroundRemove, Int_t deconIterations, bool markov, Int_t averWindow) Int_t SearchHighRes(float* source, float* destVector, Int_t ssize, float sigma, Double_t threshold, bool backgroundRemove, Int_t deconIterations, bool markov, Int_t averWindow) static void SetAverageWindow(Int_t w = 3) static void SetDeconIterations(Int_t n = 3) void SetResolution(Float_t resolution = 1) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) const char* SmoothMarkov(float* source, Int_t ssize, Int_t averWindow) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) const char* Unfolding(float* source, const float** respMatrix, Int_t ssizex, Int_t ssizey, Int_t numberIterations, Int_t numberRepetitions, Double_t boost)

Data Members

Int_t fMaxPeaks Maximum number of peaks to be found Int_t fNPeaks number of peaks found Float_t* fPosition [fNPeaks] array of current peak positions Float_t* fPositionX [fNPeaks] X position of peaks Float_t* fPositionY [fNPeaks] Y position of peaks Float_t fResolution resolution of the neighboring peaks TH1* fHistogram resulting histogram static Int_t fgAverageWindow Average window of searched peaks static Int_t fgIterations Maximum number of decon iterations (default=3) public:
static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackOrder2 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackOrder4 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackOrder6 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackOrder8 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackIncreasingWindow static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackDecreasingWindow static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing3 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing5 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing7 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing9 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing11 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing13 static const enum TSpectrum:: kBackSmoothing15

Class Description

   ONE-DIMENSIONAL SMOOTHING FUNCTIONS                                   
   ONE-DIMENSIONAL DECONVOLUTION FUNCTIONS                               
   ONE-DIMENSIONAL PEAK SEARCH FUNCTIONS                                 
   These functions were written by:                                      
   Miroslav Morhac                                                       
   Institute of Physics                                                  
   Slovak Academy of Sciences                                            
   Dubravska cesta 9, 842 28 BRATISLAVA                                  
                                                                   ,    fax:+421 7 54772479                       
  The original code in C has been repackaged as a C++ class by R.Brun    
  The algorithms in this class have been published in the following      
   [1]  M.Morhac et al.: Background elimination methods for              
   multidimensional coincidence gamma-ray spectra. Nuclear               
   Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 401 (1997) 113-         
   [2]  M.Morhac et al.: Efficient one- and two-dimensional Gold         
   deconvolution and its application to gamma-ray spectra                
   decomposition. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics             
   Research A 401 (1997) 385-408.                                        
   [3]  M.Morhac et al.: Identification of peaks in multidimensional     
   coincidence gamma-ray spectra. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in     
   Research Physics A  443(2000), 108-125.                               
   These NIM papers are also available as doc or ps files from:          

TSpectrum(Int_t maxpositions, Float_t resolution)
  maxpositions:  maximum number of peaks
  resolution:    determines resolution of the neighboring peaks
                 default value is 1 correspond to 3 sigma distance
                 between peaks. Higher values allow higher resolution
                 (smaller distance between peaks.
                 May be set later through SetResolution.
void SetAverageWindow(Int_t w)
 static function: Set average window of searched peaks
 see TSpectrum::SearchHighRes
void SetDeconIterations(Int_t n)
 static function: Set max number of decon iterations in deconvolution operation
 see TSpectrum::SearchHighRes
TH1 * Background(const TH1 * h, int numberIterations, Option_t * option)
   This function calculates the background spectrum in the input histogram h.
   The background is returned as a histogram.

   Function parameters:
   -h: input 1-d histogram
   -numberIterations, (default value = 2)
      Increasing numberIterations make the result smoother and lower.
   -option: may contain one of the following options
      - to set the direction parameter
        "BackDecreasingWindow". By default the direction is BackIncreasingWindow
      - filterOrder-order of clipping filter,  (default "BackOrder2"
                  -possible values= "BackOrder4"
      - "nosmoothing"- if selected, the background is not smoothed
           By default the background is smoothed.
      - smoothWindow-width of smoothing window, (default is "BackSmoothing3")
                  -possible values= "BackSmoothing5"
      - "nocompton"- if selected the estimation of Compton edge
                  will be not be included   (by default the compton estimation is set)
      - "same" : if this option is specified, the resulting background
                 histogram is superimposed on the picture in the current pad.

  NOTE that the background is only evaluated in the current range of h.
  ie, if h has a bin range (set via h->GetXaxis()->SetRange(binmin,binmax),
  the returned histogram will be created with the same number of bins
  as the input histogram h, but only bins from binmin to binmax will be filled
  with the estimated background.
void Print(Option_t *)
 Print the array of positions
Int_t Search(const TH1 * hin, Double_t sigma, Option_t * option, Double_t threshold)
   ONE-DIMENSIONAL PEAK SEARCH FUNCTION                                  
   This function searches for peaks in source spectrum in hin            
   The number of found peaks and their positions are written into        
   the members fNpeaks and fPositionX.                                   
   The search is performed in the current histogram range.               
   Function parameters:                                                  
   hin:       pointer to the histogram of source spectrum                
   sigma:   sigma of searched peaks, for details we refer to manual      
   threshold: (default=0.05)  peaks with amplitude less than             
       threshold*highest_peak are discarded.  0<threshold<1              
   if option is not equal to "goff" (goff is the default), then          
   a polymarker object is created and added to the list of functions of  
   the histogram. The histogram is drawn with the specified option and   
   the polymarker object drawn on top of the histogram.                  
   The polymarker coordinates correspond to the npeaks peaks found in    
   the histogram.                                                        
   A pointer to the polymarker object can be retrieved later via:        
    TList *functions = hin->GetListOfFunctions();                        
    TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker") 

void SetResolution(Float_t resolution)
  resolution: determines resolution of the neighboring peaks
              default value is 1 correspond to 3 sigma distance
              between peaks. Higher values allow higher resolution
              (smaller distance between peaks.
              May be set later through SetResolution.
const char * Background(float *spectrum, int ssize, int numberIterations, int direction, int filterOrder, bool smoothing,int smoothWindow, bool compton)

        This function calculates background spectrum from source spectrum.
        The result is placed in the vector pointed by spe1945ctrum pointer.

        Function parameters:
        spectrum-pointer to the vector of source spectrum
        ssize-length of the spectrum vector
        numberIterations-maximal width of clipping window,
        direction- direction of change of clipping window
               - possible values=kBackIncreasingWindow
        filterOrder-order of clipping filter,
                  -possible values=kBackOrder2
        smoothing- logical variable whether the smoothing operation
               in the estimation of background will be included
             - possible values=kFALSE
        smoothWindow-width of smoothing window,
                  -possible values=kBackSmoothing3
         compton- logical variable whether the estimation of Compton edge
                  will be included
             - possible values=kFALSE

Background estimation


Goal: Separation of useful information (peaks) from useless information (background)

         method is based on Sensitive Nonlinear Iterative Peak (SNIP) clipping algorithm

          new value in the channel “i” is calculated






where p = 1, 2, …, numberIterations. In fact it represents second order difference filter (-1,2,-1).



const char* Background(float *spectrum, int ssize, int numberIterations, int direction, int filterOrder,  bool smoothing,  int smoothingWindow, bool compton) 


This function calculates background spectrum from the source spectrum.  The result is placed in the vector pointed by spectrum pointer.  One can also change the direction of the change of the clipping window, the order of the clipping filter, to include smoothing, to set width of smoothing window and to include the estimation of Compton edges. On successful completion it returns 0. On error it returns pointer to the string describing error.



        spectrum-pointer to the vector of source spectrum                 

        ssize-length of the spectrum vector                                

        numberIterations-maximal width of clipping window,                                

        direction- direction of change of clipping window                 

               - possible values=kBackIncreasingWindow                     


        filterOrder-order of clipping filter,                             

                  -possible values=kBackOrder2                             




        smoothing- logical variable whether the smoothing operation in the estimation of

               background will be included             

             - possible values=kFALSE                       


        smoothWindow-width of smoothing window,                           

                  -possible values=kBackSmoothing3                         







        compton- logical variable whether the estimation of Compton edge   will be included                                          

             - possible values=kFALSE                         




[1]  C. G Ryan et al.: SNIP, a statistics-sensitive background treatment for the quantitative analysis of PIXE spectra in geoscience applications. NIM, B34 (1988), 396-402.

[2]  M. Morháč, J. Kliman, V. Matoušek, M. Veselský, I. Turzo.: Background elimination methods for multidimensional gamma-ray spectra. NIM, A401 (1997) 113-132.

[3] D. D. Burgess, R. J. Tervo: Background estimation for gamma-ray spectroscopy. NIM 214 (1983), 431-434.

const char* SmoothMarkov(float *source, int ssize, int averWindow)

        This function calculates smoothed spectrum from source spectrum
        based on Markov chain method.
        The result is placed in the array pointed by source pointer.

        Function parameters:
        source-pointer to the array of source spectrum
        ssize-length of source array
        averWindow-width of averaging smoothing window



Goal: Suppression of statistical fluctuations

         the algorithm is based on discrete Markov chain, which has very simple invariant distribution



          being defined from the normalization condition


         n is the length of the smoothed spectrum and




is the probability of the change of the peak position from channel i to the channel i+1.  is the normalization constant so that  and m is a width of smoothing window.



const char* SmoothMarkov(float *spectrum, int ssize,  int averWindow) 


This function calculates smoothed spectrum from the source spectrum based on Markov chain method. The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer. On successful completion it returns 0. On error it returns pointer to the string describing error.



        spectrum-pointer to the vector of source spectrum                 

        ssize-length of the spectrum vector                                

        averWindow-width of averaging smoothing window



[1] Z.K. Silagadze, A new algorithm for automatic photopeak searches. NIM A 376 (1996), 451. 

const char * Deconvolution(float *source, const float *response, int ssize, int numberIterations, int numberRepetitions, double boost )
   ONE-DIMENSIONAL DECONVOLUTION FUNCTION                                
   This function calculates deconvolution from source spectrum           
   according to response spectrum using Gold algorithm                   
   The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer.         
   Function parameters:                                                  
   source:  pointer to the vector of source spectrum                     
   response:     pointer to the vector of response spectrum              
   ssize:    length of source and response spectra                       
   numberIterations, for details we refer to the reference given below   
   numberRepetitions, for repeated boosted deconvolution                 
   boost, boosting coefficient                                           
    M. Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, M. Veselský, I. Turzo.:           
    Efficient one- and two-dimensional Gold deconvolution and its        
    application to gamma-ray spectra decomposition.                      
    NIM, A401 (1997) 385-408.                                            



Goal: Improvement of the resolution in spectra, decomposition of multiplets


Mathematical formulation of the convolution system is






where h(i) is the impulse response function, x, y are input and output vectors, respectively, N is the length of x and h vectors. In matrix form we have
















         let us assume that we know the response and the output vector (spectrum) of the above given system.

         the deconvolution represents solution of the overdetermined system of linear equations, i.e.,  the calculation of the vector x.

         from numerical stability point of view the operation of deconvolution is extremely critical (ill-posed  problem) as well as time consuming operation.

         the Gold deconvolution algorithm proves to work very well, other methods (Fourier, VanCittert etc) oscillate.

         it is suitable to process positive definite data (e.g. histograms).


Gold deconvolution algorithm











where L is given number of iterations (numberIterations parameter).


Boosted deconvolution

1.    Set the initial solution

2.    Set required number of repetitions R and iterations L

3.    Set r = 1.

4.    Using Gold deconvolution algorithm for k=1,2,...,L  find

5.    If  r = R stop calculation, else

a. apply boosting operation, i.e., set

    i=0,1,...N-1 and p is boosting coefficient >0.

b. r = r + 1

c. continue in 4.



const char* Deconvolution(float *source, const float *respMatrix, int ssize, int numberIterations, int numberRepetitions, double boost)


This function calculates deconvolution from source spectrum according to response spectrum using Gold deconvolution algorithm. The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer. On successful completion it returns 0. On error it returns pointer to the string describing error. If desired after every numberIterations one can apply boosting operation (exponential function with exponent given by boost coefficient) and repeat it numberRepetitions times.



        source-pointer to the vector of source spectrum                 

        respMatrix-pointer to the vector of response spectrum                 

        ssize-length of the spectrum vector                                

        numberIterations-number of iterations (parameter l in the Gold deconvolution 


        numberRepetitions-number of repetitions for boosted deconvolution. It must be

        greater or equal to one.

        boost-boosting coefficient, applies only if numberRepetitions is greater than one. 

        Recommended range <1,2>.



[1] Gold R., ANL-6984, Argonne National Laboratories, Argonne Ill, 1964.

[2] Coote G.E., Iterative smoothing and deconvolution of one- and two-dimensional elemental distribution data, NIM B 130 (1997) 118.

[3] M. Morháč, J. Kliman, V. Matoušek, M. Veselský, I. Turzo.: Efficient one- and two-dimensional Gold deconvolution and its application to gamma-ray spectra decomposition. NIM, A401 (1997) 385-408.

[4] Morháč M., Matoušek V., Kliman J., Efficient algorithm of multidimensional deconvolution and its application to nuclear data processing, Digital Signal Processing 13 (2003) 144.


const char * DeconvolutionRL(float *source, const float *response, int ssize, int numberIterations, int numberRepetitions, double boost )
   ONE-DIMENSIONAL DECONVOLUTION FUNCTION                                
   This function calculates deconvolution from source spectrum           
   according to response spectrum using Richardson-Lucy algorithm        
   The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer.         
   Function parameters:                                                  
   source:  pointer to the vector of source spectrum                     
   response:     pointer to the vector of response spectrum              
   ssize:    length of source and response spectra                       
   numberIterations, for details we refer to the reference given above   
   numberRepetitions, for repeated boosted deconvolution                 
   boost, boosting coefficient                                           

Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm

·              for discrete systems it has the form



·               for positive input data and response matrix this iterative method forces the deconvoluted spectra to be non-negative.

·              the Richardson-Lucy iteration converges to the maximum likelihood solution for Poisson statistics in the data.



const char* DeconvolutionRL(float *source, const float *respMatrix, int ssize, int numberIterations, int numberRepetitions, double boost)


This function calculates deconvolution from source spectrum according to response spectrum using Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm. The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer. On successful completion it returns 0. On error it returns pointer to the string describing error. If desired after every numberIterations one can apply boosting operation (exponential function with exponent given by boost coefficient) and repeat it numberRepetitions times (see Gold deconvolution).



        source-pointer to the vector of source spectrum                 

        respMatrix-pointer to the vector of response spectrum                 

        ssize-length of the spectrum vector                                

        numberIterations-number of iterations (parameter l in the Gold deconvolution 


        numberRepetitions-number of repetitions for boosted deconvolution. It must be

        greater or equal to one.

        boost-boosting coefficient, applies only if numberRepetitions is greater than one. 

        Recommended range <1,2>.



[1] Abreu M.C. et al., A four-dimensional deconvolution method to correct NA38 experimental data, NIM A 405 (1998) 139.

[2] Lucy L.B., A.J. 79 (1974) 745.

[3] Richardson W.H., J. Opt. Soc. Am. 62 (1972) 55.

const char * Unfolding(float *source, const float **respMatrix, int ssizex, int ssizey, int numberIterations, int numberRepetitions, double boost)
        This function unfolds source spectrum
        according to response matrix columns.
        The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer.

        Function parameters:
        source-pointer to the vector of source spectrum
        respMatrix-pointer to the matrix of response spectra
        ssizex-length of source spectrum and # of columns of response matrix
        ssizey-length of destination spectrum and # of rows of
              response matrix
        numberIterations, for details we refer to manual
        Note!!! ssizex must be >= ssizey



Goal: Decomposition of spectrum to a given set of component spectra


Mathematical formulation of the discrete linear system is


















const char* Unfolding(float *source, const float **respMatrix, int ssizex, int ssizey, int numberIterations, int numberRepetitions, double boost)


This function unfolds source spectrum according to response matrix columns. The result is placed in the vector pointed by source pointer.  The coefficients of the resulting vector represent contents of the columns (weights) in the input vector. On successful completion it returns 0. On error it returns pointer to the string describing error. If desired after every numberIterations one can apply boosting operation (exponential function with exponent given by boost coefficient) and repeat it numberRepetitions times. For details we refer to [1].



        source-pointer to the vector of source spectrum                 

        respMatrix-pointer to the matrix of response spectra                 

        ssizex-length of source spectrum and # of columns of the response matrix

        ssizey-length of destination spectrum and # of rows of the response matrix                                

        numberIterations-number of iterations

        numberRepetitions-number of repetitions for boosted deconvolution. It must be

        greater or equal to one.

        boost-boosting coefficient, applies only if numberRepetitions is greater than one. 

        Recommended range <1,2>.


Note!!! sizex must be >= sizey After decomposition the resulting channels are written back to the first sizey channels of the source spectrum.



[1] Jandel M., Morháč M., Kliman J., Krupa L., Matoušek V., Hamilton J. H., Ramaya A. V.: Decomposition of continuum gamma-ray spectra using synthetized response matrix. NIM A 516 (2004), 172-183.


Int_t SearchHighRes(float *source,float *destVector, int ssize, float sigma, double threshold, bool backgroundRemove,int deconIterations, bool markov, int averWindow)
        This function searches for peaks in source spectrum
      It is based on deconvolution method. First the background is
      removed (if desired), then Markov spectrum is calculated
      (if desired), then the response function is generated
      according to given sigma and deconvolution is carried out.

        Function parameters:
        source-pointer to the vector of source spectrum
        destVector-pointer to the vector of resulting deconvolved spectrum     *
        ssize-length of source spectrum
        sigma-sigma of searched peaks, for details we refer to manual
        threshold-threshold value in % for selected peaks, peaks with
                amplitude less than threshold*highest_peak/100
                are ignored, see manual
      backgroundRemove-logical variable, set if the removal of
                background before deconvolution is desired
      deconIterations-number of iterations in deconvolution operation
      markov-logical variable, if it is true, first the source spectrum
             is replaced by new spectrum calculated using Markov
             chains method.
        averWindow-averanging window of searched peaks, for details
                  we refer to manual (applies only for Markov method)

Peaks searching


Goal: to identify automatically the peaks in spectrum with the presence of the continuous background and statistical fluctuations - noise.


The common problems connected with correct peak identification are



Int_t SearchHighRes(float *source,float *destVector, int ssize, float sigma, double threshold, bool backgroundRemove,int deconIterations, bool markov, int averWindow)   


This function searches for peaks in source spectrum. It is based on deconvolution method. First the background is removed (if desired), then Markov smoothed spectrum is calculated (if desired), then the response function is generated according to given sigma and deconvolution is carried out. The order of peaks is arranged according to their heights in the spectrum after background elimination. The highest peak is the first in the list. On success it returns number of found peaks.



        source-pointer to the vector of source spectrum                 

        destVector-resulting spectrum after deconvolution

        ssize-length of the source and destination spectra               

        sigma-sigma of searched peaks

threshold- threshold value in % for selected peaks, peaks with amplitude less than threshold*highest_peak/100 are ignored

backgroundRemove- background_remove-logical variable, true if the removal of background before deconvolution is desired 

deconIterations-number of iterations in deconvolution operation

markov-logical variable, if it is true, first the source spectrum is replaced by new spectrum calculated using Markov chains method

averWindow-width of averaging smoothing window


Fig. 27 An example of one-dimensional synthetic spectrum with found peaks denoted by markers



[1] M.A. Mariscotti: A method for identification of peaks in the presence of background and its application to spectrum analysis. NIM 50 (1967), 309-320.

[2]  M. Morháč, J. Kliman, V. Matoušek, M. Veselský, I. Turzo.:Identification of peaks in multidimensional coincidence gamma-ray spectra. NIM, A443 (2000) 108-125.

[3] Z.K. Silagadze, A new algorithm for automatic photopeak searches. NIM A 376 (1996), 451.

Int_t Search1HighRes(float *source,float *destVector, int ssize, float sigma, double threshold, bool backgroundRemove,int deconIterations, bool markov, int averWindow)
  Old name of SearcHighRes introduced for back compatibility
 This function will be removed after the June 2006 release
Int_t GetNPeaks()

Author: Miroslav Morhac 27/05/99
Last update: root/hist:$Name: $:$Id: TSpectrum.cxx,v 1.48 2006/06/28 13:11:47 brun Exp $

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