library: libXMLIO #include "TXMLFile.h" |
class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
void operator=(const TXMLFile&)
void CombineNodesTree(TDirectory* dir, XMLNodePointer_t topnode, Bool_t dolink)
virtual Long64_t DirCreateEntry(TDirectory*)
virtual Int_t DirReadKeys(TDirectory*)
virtual void DirWriteHeader(TDirectory*)
virtual void DirWriteKeys(TDirectory*)
TKeyXML* FindDirKey(TDirectory* dir)
TDirectory* FindKeyDir(TDirectory* mother, Long64_t keyid)
void InitXmlFile(Bool_t create)
static void ProduceFileNames(const char* filename, TString& fname, TString& dtdname)
Bool_t ReadFromFile()
Int_t ReadKeysList(TDirectory* dir, XMLNodePointer_t topnode)
void ReadStreamerElement(XMLNodePointer_t node, TStreamerInfo* info)
void SaveToFile()
void StoreStreamerElement(XMLNodePointer_t node, TStreamerElement* elem)
virtual Int_t SysClose(Int_t)
virtual Int_t SysOpen(const char*, Int_t, UInt_t)
virtual Int_t SysRead(Int_t, void*, Int_t)
virtual Long64_t SysSeek(Int_t, Long64_t, Int_t)
virtual Int_t SysStat(Int_t, Long_t*, Long64_t*, Long_t*, Long_t*)
virtual Int_t SysSync(Int_t)
virtual Int_t SysWrite(Int_t, const void*, Int_t)
TXMLFile(const char* filename, Option_t* option = "read", const char* title = "title", Int_t compression = 1)
virtual ~TXMLFile()
static TClass* Class()
virtual void Close(Option_t* option = "")
virtual TKey* CreateKey(TDirectory* mother, const TObject* obj, const char* name, Int_t bufsize)
virtual TKey* CreateKey(TDirectory* mother, const void* obj, const TClass* cl, const char* name, Int_t bufsize)
virtual void DrawMap(const char* = "*", Option_t* = "")
virtual void FillBuffer(char*&)
virtual void Flush()
virtual Long64_t GetEND() const
virtual Int_t GetErrno() const
Int_t GetIOVersion() const
virtual Int_t GetNbytesFree() const
virtual Int_t GetNbytesInfo() const
virtual Int_t GetNfree() const
virtual Long64_t GetSeekFree() const
virtual Long64_t GetSeekInfo() const
virtual Long64_t GetSize() const
virtual TList* GetStreamerInfoList()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
virtual Bool_t IsOpen() const
virtual void MakeFree(Long64_t, Long64_t)
virtual void MakeProject(const char*, const char* = "*", Option_t* = "new")
virtual void Map()
virtual void Paint(Option_t* = "")
virtual void Print(Option_t* = "") const
virtual Bool_t ReadBuffer(char*, Int_t)
virtual void ReadFree()
virtual Int_t Recover()
virtual Int_t ReOpen(Option_t* mode)
virtual void ResetErrno() const
virtual void Seek(Long64_t, TFile::ERelativeTo = kBeg)
virtual void SetEND(Long64_t)
virtual void SetStoreStreamerInfos(Bool_t iConvert = kTRUE)
virtual void SetUsedDtd(Bool_t use = kTRUE)
virtual void SetUseNamespaces(Bool_t iUseNamespaces = kTRUE)
virtual void SetXmlLayout(TXMLSetup::EXMLLayout layout)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual Int_t Sizeof() const
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
virtual void UseCache(Int_t = 10, Int_t = 0)
virtual Int_t Write(const char* = "0", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0)
virtual Int_t Write(const char* = "0", Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0) const
virtual Bool_t WriteBuffer(const char*, Int_t)
virtual void WriteFree()
virtual void WriteHeader()
virtual void WriteStreamerInfo()
TXMLEngine* XML()
XMLDocPointer_t fDoc !
XMLNodePointer_t fStreamerInfoNode ! pointer of node with streamer info data
TXMLEngine* fXML ! object for interface with xml library
Int_t fIOVersion ! indicates format of ROOT xml file
Long64_t fKeyCounter ! counter of created keys, used for keys id
The main motivation for the XML format is to facilitate the
communication with other non ROOT applications. Currently
writing and reading XML files is limited to ROOT applications.
It is our intention to develop a simple reader independent
of the ROOT libraries that could be used as an example for
real applications. One of possible approach with code generation
is implemented in TXMLPlayer class.
The XML format should be used only for small data volumes,
typically histogram files, pictures, geometries, calibrations.
The XML file is built in memory before being dumped to disk.
Like for normal ROOT files, XML files use the same I/O mechanism
exploiting the ROOT/CINT dictionary. Any class having a dictionary
can be saved in XML format.
This first implementation does not support subdirectories
or Trees.
The shared library may be loaded dynamically
via gSystem->Load("libRXML"). This library is automatically
loaded by the plugin manager as soon as a XML file is created
via, eg
TFile::Open returns a TXMLFile object. When a XML file is open in write mode,
one can use the normal TObject::Write to write an object in the file.
Alternatively one can use the new functions TDirectory::WriteObject and
TDirectory::WriteObjectAny to write a TObject* or any class not deriving
from TObject.
example of a session saving a histogram to a XML file
TFile *f = TFile::Open("Example.xml","recreate");
TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",1000,-2,2);
delete f;
example of a session reading the histogram from the file
TFile *f = TFile::Open("Example.xml");
TH1F *h = (TH1F*)f->Get("h");
A new option in the canvas "File" menu is available to save
a TCanvas as a XML file. One can also do
Configuring ROOT with the option "xml"
The XML package is enabled by default
See also classes TBufferXML, TKeyXML, TXMLEngine, TXMLSetup and TXMLPlayer.
An example of XML file corresponding to the small example below
can be found at
TXMLFile(const char* filename, Option_t* option, const char* title, Int_t compression)
Open or creates local XML file with name filename.
It is recommended to specify filename as "<file>.xml". The suffix ".xml"
will be used by object browsers to automatically identify the file as
a XML file. If the constructor fails in any way IsZombie() will
return true. Use IsOpen() to check if the file is (still) open.
If option = NEW or CREATE create a new file and open it for writing,
if the file already exists the file is
not opened.
= RECREATE create a new file, if the file already
exists it will be overwritten.
= 2xoo create a new file with specified xml settings
for more details see TXMLSetup class
= UPDATE open an existing file for writing.
if no file exists, it is created.
= READ open an existing file for reading.
For more details see comments for TFile::TFile() constructor
For a moment TXMLFile does not support TTree objects and subdirectories
void SaveToFile()
Saves xml structures to file
xml elements are kept in list of TKeyXML objects
When saving, all this elements are linked to root xml node
In the end StreamerInfo structures are added
After xml document is saved, all nodes will be unlinked from root node
and kept in memory.
Only Close() or destructor relase memory, used by xml structures
Bool_t ReadFromFile()
read document from file
Now full content of docuument reads into the memory
Then document decomposed to separate keys and streamer info structures
All inrelevant data will be cleaned
TList* GetStreamerInfoList()
Read streamerinfo structures from xml format and provide them in the list
It is user responsibility to destroy this list
void SetXmlLayout(EXMLLayout layout)
Change layout of objects in xml file
Can be changed only for newly created file.
Currently there are two supported layouts:
TXMLSetup::kSpecialized = 2
This is default layout of the file, when xml nodes names class names and data member
names are used. For instance:
<TAttLine version="1">
<fLineColor v="1"/>
<fLineStyle v="1"/>
<fLineWidth v="1"/>
TXMLSetup::kGeneralized = 3
For this layout all nodes name does not depend from class definitions.
The same class looks like
<Class name="TAttLine" version="1">
<Member name="fLineColor" v="1"/>
<Member name="fLineStyle" v="1"/>
<Member name="fLineWidth" v="1"/>
void SetStoreStreamerInfos(Bool_t iConvert)
If true, all correspondent to file TStreamerInfo objects will be stored in file
this allows to apply schema avolution later for this file
may be usefull, when file used outside ROOT and TStreamerInfo objects does not required
Can be changed only for newly created file.
void SetUsedDtd(Bool_t use)
Specify usage of DTD for this file.
Currently this option not avaliable (always false).
Can be changed only for newly created file.
void SetUseNamespaces(Bool_t iUseNamespaces)
Specifiy usage of namespaces in xml file
In current implementation every instrumented class in file gets its unique namespace,
which is equal to name of class and refer to root documentation page like
<TAttPad xmlns:TAttPad="" version="3">
And xml node for class member gets its name as combination of class name and member name
<TAttPad:fLeftMargin v="0.100000"/>
<TAttPad:fRightMargin v="0.100000"/>
<TAttPad:fBottomMargin v="0.100000"/>
and so on
Usage of namespace increase size of xml file, but makes file more readable
and allows to produce DTD in the case, when in several classes data member has same name
Can be changed only for newly created file.
Author: Sergey Linev, Rene Brun 10.05.2004
Last update: root/xml:$Name: $:$Id: TXMLFile.cxx,v 1.22 2006/06/27 14:36:28 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
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