A specialized string object used for TTree selections.
A TCut object has a name and a title. It does not add any data
members compared to a TNamed. It only add a set of operators to
facilitate logical string concatenation. For example, assume
cut1 = "x<1" and cut2 = "y>2"
cut1 && cut2 will be the string "(x<1)&&(y>2)"
Operators =, +=, +, *, !, &&, || overloaded.
Examples of use:
Root > TCut c1 = "x<1"
Root > TCut c2 = "y<0"
Root > TCut c3 = c1&&c2
Root > ntuple.Draw("x", c1)
Root > ntuple.Draw("x", c1||"x>0")
Root > ntuple.Draw("x", c1&&c2)
Root > ntuple.Draw("x", "(x+y)"*(c1&&c2))