library: libTree
#include "TDSet.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TDSet : public TNamed

Inheritance Chart:
TDSet(const TDSet&) void operator=(const TDSet&) public:
TDSet() TDSet(const char* name, const char* objname = "*", const char* dir = "/", const char* type = "0") virtual ~TDSet() virtual Bool_t Add(const char* file, const char* objname = "0", const char* dir = "0", Long64_t first = 0, Long64_t num = -1, const char* msd = "0") virtual Bool_t Add(TDSet* set) virtual Bool_t Add(TList* fileinfo) virtual void AddFriend(TDSet* friendset, const char* alias) void AddInput(TObject* obj) static TClass* Class() void ClearInput() TDSetElement* Current() const virtual Int_t Draw(const char* varexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option = "", Long64_t nentries = -1, Long64_t firstentry = 0) virtual Int_t Draw(const char* varexp, const TCut& selection, Option_t* option = "", Long64_t nentries = -1, Long64_t firstentry = 0) virtual void Draw(Option_t* opt) Bool_t ElementsValid() const Int_t ExportFileList(const char* filepath, Option_t* opt = "") const char* GetDirectory() const static Long64_t GetEntries(Bool_t isTree, const char* filename, const char* path, const char* objname) TEventList* GetEventList() const TList* GetListOfElements() const const char* GetObjName() const TObject* GetOutput(const char* name) TList* GetOutputList() virtual TTree* GetTreeHeader(TVirtualProof* proof) const char* GetType() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsTree() const Bool_t IsValid() const virtual TDSetElement* Next(Long64_t totalEntries = -1) virtual void Print(Option_t* option = "") const virtual Int_t Process(const char* selector, Option_t* option = "", Long64_t nentries = -1, Long64_t firstentry = 0, TEventList* evl = 0) virtual void Reset() void SetDirectory(const char* dir) virtual void SetEventList(TEventList* evl) void SetObjName(const char* objname) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void StartViewer() virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void Validate() void Validate(TDSet* dset)

Data Members

TString fDir name of the directory TString fType type of objects (e.g. TTree); TString fObjName name of objects to be analyzed (e.g. TTree name) TList* fElements -> list of TDSetElements Bool_t fIsTree true if type is a TTree (or TTree derived) TIter* fIterator ! iterator on fElements TEventList* fEventList ! event list for processing protected:
TDSetElement* fCurrent ! current element

Class Description

 This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing.    
 The TDSet defines the class of which objects will be processed,      
 the directory in the file where the objects of that type can be      
 found and the list of files to be processed. The files can be        
 specified as logical file names (LFN's) or as physical file names    
 (PFN's). In case of LFN's the resolution to PFN's will be done       
 according to the currently active GRID interface.                    
   TDSet treeset("TTree", "AOD");                                     
   TDSet objset("MyEvent", "*", "/events");                           
 Validity of file names will only be checked at processing time       
 (typically on the PROOF master server), not at creation time.        

 Default ctor.
TDSet(const char *name, const char *objname, const char *dir, const char *type)
 Create a named TDSet object. The "type" defines the class of which objects
 will be processed (default 'TTree'). The optional "objname" argument
 specifies the name of the objects of the specified class.
 If the "objname" is not given the behaviour depends on the 'type':
 for 'TTree' the first TTree is analyzed; for other types, all objects of
 the class found in the specified directory are processed.
 The "dir" argument specifies in which directory the objects are
 to be found, the top level directory ("/") is the default.
 Directories can be specified using wildcards, e.g. "*" or "/*"
 means to look in all top level directories, "/dir/*" in all
 directories under "/dir", and "/*/*" to look in all directories
 two levels deep.
 For backward compatibility the type can also be passed via 'name',
 in which case 'type' is ignored.
Int_t Process(const char *selector, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first, TEventList *evl)
 Process TDSet on currently active PROOF session.
 Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise.
void AddInput(TObject *obj)
 Add objects that might be needed during the processing of
 the selector (see Process()).
void ClearInput()
 Clear input object list.
TObject * GetOutput(const char *name)
 Get specified object that has been produced during the processing
 (see Process()).
TList * GetOutputList()
 Get list with all object created during processing (see Process()).
void Print(const Option_t *opt)
 Print TDSet basic or full data. When option="a" print full data.
void SetObjName(const char *objname)
 Set/change object name.
void SetDirectory(const char *dir)
 Set/change directory.
Bool_t Add(const char *file, const char *objname, const char *dir, Long64_t first, Long64_t num, const char *msd)
 Add file to list of files to be analyzed. Optionally with the
 objname and dir arguments the default, TDSet wide, objname and
 dir can be overridden.
Bool_t Add(TDSet *dset)
 Add specified data set to the this set.
Bool_t Add(TList *fileinfo)
 Add files passed as list of TfileInfo objects
Int_t ExportFileList(const char *fpath, Option_t *opt)
 Export TDSetElements files as list of TFileInfo objects in file
 'fpath'. If the file exists already the action fails, unless
 'opt == "F"'.
 Return 0 on success, -1 otherwise
void AddFriend(TDSet *friendset, const char* alias)
 Add friend dataset to this set. Only possible if the TDSet type is
 a TTree or derived class. The friendset will be owned by this class
 and deleted in its destructor.
void Reset()
 Reset or initialize access to the elements.
Long64_t GetEntries(Bool_t isTree, const char *filename, const char *path, const char *objname)
 Returns number of entries in tree or objects in file. Returns -1 in
 case of error.
Int_t Draw(const char *varexp, const TCut &selection, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
 Draw expression varexp for specified entries.
 This function accepts a TCut objects as argument.
 Use the operator+ to concatenate cuts.
Int_t Draw(const char *varexp, const char *selection, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
 Draw expression varexp for specified entries.
 See TTree::Draw().
void StartViewer()
 Start the TTreeViewer on this TTree.
TTree* GetTreeHeader(TVirtualProof* proof)
 Returns a tree header containing the branches' structure of the dataset.
Bool_t ElementsValid()
 Check if all elemnts are valid.
void Validate()
 Validate the TDSet by opening files.
void Validate(TDSet* dset)
 Validate the TDSet against another TDSet.
 Only validates elements in common from input TDSet.
void SetEventList(TEventList *aList)
TDSet(const TDSet &)
void operator=(const TDSet &)
Int_t Draw(const char *varexp, const char *selection, Option_t *option = "", Long64_t nentries = -1, Long64_t firstentry = 0)
Bool_t IsTree()
Bool_t IsValid()

Author: Fons Rademakers 11/01/02
Last update: root/tree:$Name: $:$Id: TDSet.cxx,v 1.33 2006/06/27 14:56:57 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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