library: libCore
#include "TROOT.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TROOT : public TDirectory

Inheritance Chart:
TROOT& operator=(const TROOT&) protected:
TClass* FindSTLClass(const char* name, Bool_t load) const void InitSystem() void InitThreads() TClass* LoadClass(const char* name) const void* operator new(size_t l) public:
virtual ~TROOT() void AddClass(TClass* cl) void AddClassGenerator(TClassGenerator* gen) virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b) static TClass* Class() Bool_t ClassSaved(TClass* cl) static Int_t DecreaseDirLevel() virtual TObject* FindObject(const char* name) const virtual TObject* FindObject(const TObject* obj) const virtual TObject* FindObjectAny(const char* name) const const char* FindObjectClassName(const char* name) const const char* FindObjectPathName(const TObject* obj) const TObject* FindSpecialObject(const char* name, void*& where) void ForceStyle(Bool_t force = kTRUE) Bool_t FromPopUp() const TApplication* GetApplication() const Int_t GetBuiltDate() const Int_t GetBuiltTime() const TClass* GetClass(const char* name, Bool_t load = kTRUE) const TClass* GetClass(const type_info& typeinfo, Bool_t load = kTRUE) const TSeqCollection* GetClipboard() const TColor* GetColor(Int_t color) const const char* GetConfigOptions() const const char* GetCutClassName() const const char* GetDefCanvasName() const static Int_t GetDirLevel() Bool_t GetEditHistograms() const Int_t GetEditorMode() const virtual TFile* GetFile() const TFile* GetFile(const char* name) const Bool_t GetForceStyle() const TObject* GetFunction(const char* name) const TObject* GetGeometry(const char* name) const TGlobal* GetGlobal(const char* name, Bool_t load = kFALSE) const TGlobal* GetGlobal(const TObject* obj, Bool_t load = kFALSE) const TFunction* GetGlobalFunction(const char* name, const char* params = "0", Bool_t load = kFALSE) TFunction* GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(const char* name, const char* proto = "0", Bool_t load = kFALSE) TInterpreter* GetInterpreter() const TList* GetListOfBrowsables() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfBrowsers() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfCanvases() const TCollection* GetListOfClasses() const TCollection* GetListOfClassGenerators() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfCleanups() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfColors() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfDataSets() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfFiles() const TCollection* GetListOfFunctions() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfGeometries() const TCollection* GetListOfGlobalFunctions(Bool_t load = kFALSE) TCollection* GetListOfGlobals(Bool_t load = kFALSE) TSeqCollection* GetListOfMappedFiles() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfMessageHandlers() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfProofs() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfSecContexts() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfSockets() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfSpecials() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfStreamerInfo() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfStyles() const TSeqCollection* GetListOfTasks() const TCollection* GetListOfTypes(Bool_t load = kFALSE) static const char* GetMacroPath() VoidFuncPtr_t GetMakeDefCanvas() const Int_t GetNclasses() const Int_t GetNtypes() const TPluginManager* GetPluginManager() const TFolder* GetRootFolder() const TVirtualPad* GetSelectedPad() const TObject* GetSelectedPrimitive() const TStyle* GetStyle(const char* name) const TDataType* GetType(const char* name, Bool_t load = kFALSE) const TProcessUUID* GetUUIDs() const const char* GetVersion() const Int_t GetVersionDate() const Int_t GetVersionInt() const Int_t GetVersionTime() const void Idle(UInt_t idleTimeInSec, const char* command = "0") Int_t IgnoreInclude(const char* fname, const char* expandedfname) static Int_t IncreaseDirLevel() static void IndentLevel() static Bool_t Initialized() virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsBatch() const Bool_t IsEscaped() const Bool_t IsExecutingMacro() const virtual Bool_t IsFolder() const Bool_t IsInterrupted() const Bool_t IsLineProcessing() const Bool_t IsProofServ() const Int_t LoadClass(const char* classname, const char* libname, Bool_t check = kFALSE) Int_t LoadMacro(const char* filename, Int_t* error = 0, Bool_t check = kFALSE) virtual void ls(Option_t* option = "") const Long_t Macro(const char* filename, Int_t* error = 0) static Bool_t MemCheck() void Message(Int_t id, const TObject* obj) Bool_t MustClean() const void ProcessLine(const char* line, Int_t* error = 0) Long_t ProcessLineFast(const char* line, Int_t* error = 0) void ProcessLineSync(const char* line, Int_t* error = 0) TVirtualProof* Proof(const char* cluster = "0", const char* conffile = "0", const char* confdir = "0", Int_t loglevel = 0) Bool_t ReadingObject() const void RefreshBrowsers() void RemoveClass(TClass*) void Reset(Option_t* option = "") void SaveContext() void SetApplication(TApplication* app) void SetBatch(Bool_t batch = kTRUE) void SetCutClassName(const char* name = "TCutG") void SetDefCanvasName(const char* name = "c1") static void SetDirLevel(Int_t level = 0) void SetEditHistograms(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetEditorMode(const char* mode = "") void SetEscape(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetExecutingMacro(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetFromPopUp(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetInterrupt(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetLineHasBeenProcessed() void SetLineIsProcessing() static void SetMacroPath(const char* newpath) static void SetMakeDefCanvas(VoidFuncPtr_t makecanvas) void SetMustClean(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetReadingObject(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) void SetSelectedPad(TVirtualPad* pad) void SetSelectedPrimitive(const TObject* obj) void SetStyle(const char* stylename = "Default") virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void Time(Int_t casetime = 1) Int_t Timer() const

Data Members

Int_t fLineIsProcessing To synchronize multi-threads static Int_t fgDirLevel Indentation level for ls() static Bool_t fgRootInit Singleton initialization flag static Bool_t fgMemCheck Turn on memory leak checker protected:
TString fConfigOptions ROOT ./configure build options TString fVersion ROOT version (from CMZ VERSQQ) ex 0.05/01 Int_t fVersionInt ROOT version in integer format (501) Int_t fVersionDate Date of ROOT version (ex 951226) Int_t fVersionTime Time of ROOT version (ex 1152) Int_t fBuiltDate Date of ROOT built Int_t fBuiltTime Time of ROOT built Int_t fTimer Timer flag TApplication* fApplication Pointer to current application TInterpreter* fInterpreter Command interpreter Bool_t fBatch True if session without graphics Bool_t fEditHistograms True if histograms can be edited with the mouse Bool_t fFromPopUp True if command executed from a popup menu Bool_t fMustClean True if object destructor scans canvases Bool_t fReadingObject True while reading an object Bool_t fForceStyle Force setting of current style when reading objects Bool_t fInterrupt True if macro should be interrupted Bool_t fEscape True if ESC has been pressed Bool_t fExecutingMacro True while executing a TMacro Int_t fEditorMode Current Editor mode TObject* fPrimitive Currently selected primitive TVirtualPad* fSelectPad Currently selected pad TCollection* fClasses List of classes definition ROOT::TMapTypeToTClass* fIdMap Map from typeid to TClass pointer TCollection* fTypes List of data types definition TCollection* fGlobals List of global variables TCollection* fGlobalFunctions List of global functions TSeqCollection* fFiles List of files TSeqCollection* fMappedFiles List of memory mapped files TSeqCollection* fSockets List of network sockets TSeqCollection* fCanvases List of canvases TSeqCollection* fStyles List of styles TCollection* fFunctions List of analytic functions TSeqCollection* fTasks List of tasks TSeqCollection* fColors List of colors TSeqCollection* fGeometries List of geometries TSeqCollection* fBrowsers List of browsers TSeqCollection* fSpecials List of special objects TSeqCollection* fCleanups List of recursiveRemove collections TSeqCollection* fMessageHandlers List of message handlers TSeqCollection* fStreamerInfo List of active StreamerInfo classes TCollection* fClassGenerators List of user defined class generators; TSeqCollection* fSecContexts List of security contexts (TSecContext) TSeqCollection* fProofs List of proof sessions TSeqCollection* fClipboard List of clipbard objects TSeqCollection* fDataSets List of data sets (TDSet or TChain) TProcessUUID* fUUIDs Pointer to TProcessID managing TUUIDs TFolder* fRootFolder top level folder //root TList* fBrowsables List of browsables TPluginManager* fPluginManager Keeps track of plugin library handlers TString fCutClassName Name of default CutG class in graphics editor TString fDefCanvasName Name of default canvas static VoidFuncPtr_t fgMakeDefCanvas Pointer to default canvas constructor

Class Description

                R O O T top level object description

    The TROOT object is the entry point to the ROOT system.
    The single instance of TROOT is accessible via the global gROOT.
    Using the gROOT pointer one has access to basically every object
    created in a ROOT based program. The TROOT object is essentially a
    container of several lists pointing to the main ROOT objects.

    The following lists are accessible from gROOT object:
       gROOT->GetListOfSpecials (for example graphical cuts)

   The TROOT class provides also many useful services:
     - Get pointer to an object in any of the lists above
     - Time utilities TROOT::Time

   The ROOT object must be created as a static object. An example
   of a main program creating an interactive version is shown below:

---------------------Example of a main program--------------------------------

       #include "TRint.h"

       int main(int argc, char **argv)
          TRint *theApp = new TRint("ROOT example", &argc, argv);

          // Init Intrinsics, build all windows, and enter event loop

-----------------------End of Main program--------------------------------

TROOT& operator=(const TROOT& r)
assignment operator
 Clean up and free resources used by ROOT (files, network sockets,
 shared memory segments, etc.).
void AddClass(TClass *cl)
 Add a class to the list and map of classes.
void AddClassGenerator(TClassGenerator *generator)
 Add a class generator.  This generator will be called by TROOT::GetClass
 in case its does not find a loaded rootcint dictionary to request the
 creation of a TClass object.
void Browse(TBrowser *b)
 Add browsable objects to TBrowser.
Bool_t ClassSaved(TClass *cl)
 return class status bit kClassSaved for class cl
 This function is called by the SavePrimitive functions writing
 the C++ code for an object.
TObject * FindObject(const TObject *)
 Find an object in one Root folder
TObject * FindObject(const char *name)
 Returns address of a ROOT object if it exists

 If name contains at least one "/" the function calls FindObjectany
 This function looks in the following order in the ROOT lists:
     - List of files
     - List of memory mapped files
     - List of functions
     - List of geometries
     - List of canvases
     - List of styles
     - List of specials
     - List of materials in current geometry
     - List of shapes in current geometry
     - List of matrices in current geometry
     - List of Nodes in current geometry
     - Current Directory in memory
     - Current Directory on file
TObject * FindSpecialObject(const char *name, void *&where)
 Returns address and folder of a ROOT object if it exists

 This function looks in the following order in the ROOT lists:
     - List of files
     - List of memory mapped files
     - List of functions
     - List of geometries
     - List of canvases
     - List of styles
     - List of specials
     - List of materials in current geometry
     - List of shapes in current geometry
     - List of matrices in current geometry
     - List of Nodes in current geometry
     - Current Directory in memory
     - Current Directory on file
TObject * FindObjectAny(const char *name)
 Return a pointer to the first object with name starting at //root.
 This function scans the list of all folders.
 if no object found in folders, it scans the memory list of all files.
const char * FindObjectClassName(const char *name)
 Returns class name of a ROOT object including CINT globals.
const char * FindObjectPathName(const TObject *)
 Return path name of obj somewhere in the //root/... path.
 The function returns the first occurence of the object in the list
 of folders. The returned string points to a static char array in TROOT.
 If this function is called in a loop or recursively, it is the
 user's responsability to copy this string in his area.
TClass * FindSTLClass(const char *name, Bool_t load)
 return a TClass object corresponding to 'name' assuming it is an STL container.
 In particular we looking for possible alternative name (default template
 parameter, typedefs template arguments, typedefed name).
TClass * GetClass(const char *name, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to class with name.
TClass * GetClass(const type_info& typeinfo, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to class with name.
TColor * GetColor(Int_t color)
 Return address of color with index color.
VoidFuncPtr_t GetMakeDefCanvas()
 Return default canvas function.
TDataType * GetType(const char *name, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to type with name.
TFile * GetFile(const char *name)
 Return pointer to file with name.
TStyle * GetStyle(const char *name)
 Return pointer to style with name
TObject * GetFunction(const char *name)
 Return pointer to function with name.
TGlobal * GetGlobal(const char *name, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to global variable by name. If load is true force
 reading of all currently defined globals from CINT (more expensive).
TGlobal * GetGlobal(const TObject *addr, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to global variable with address addr. If load is true
 force reading of all currently defined globals from CINT (more
TFunction * GetGlobalFunction(const char *function, const char *params, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to global function by name. If params != 0
 it will also resolve overloading. If load is true force reading
 of all currently defined global functions from CINT (more expensive).
 The param string must be of the form: "3189,\"aap\",1.3".
TFunction * GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(const char *function, const char *proto, Bool_t load)
 Return pointer to global function by name. If proto != 0
 it will also resolve overloading. If load is true force reading
 of all currently defined global functions from CINT (more expensive).
 The proto string must be of the form: "int, char*, float".
TObject * GetGeometry(const char *name)
 Return pointer to Geometry with name
TCollection * GetListOfGlobals(Bool_t load)
 Return list containing the TGlobals currently defined.
 Since globals are created and deleted during execution of the
 program, we need to update the list of globals every time we
 execute this method. However, when calling this function in
 a (tight) loop where no interpreter symbols will be created
 you can set load=kFALSE (default).
TCollection * GetListOfGlobalFunctions(Bool_t load)
 Return list containing the TFunctions currently defined.
 Since functions are created and deleted during execution of the
 program, we need to update the list of functions every time we
 execute this method. However, when calling this function in
 a (tight) loop where no interpreter symbols will be created
 you can set load=kFALSE (default).
TCollection * GetListOfTypes(Bool_t load)
 Return list containing all TDataTypes (typedefs) currently defined.
 Since types can be added and removed during execution of the
 program, we need to update the list of types every time we
 execute this method. However, when calling this function in
 a (tight) loop where no new types will be created
 you can set load=kFALSE (default).
void Idle(UInt_t idleTimeInSec, const char *command)
 Execute command when system has been idle for idleTimeInSec seconds.
void InitSystem()
 Initialize operating system interface.
void InitThreads()
 Load and initialize thread library.
TClass * LoadClass(const char *classname)
 Helper function used by TROOT::GetClass().
 This function attempts to load the dictionary for 'classname'
 either from the TClassTable or from the list of generator.
Int_t LoadClass(const char *classname, const char *libname, Bool_t check)
 Check if class "classname" is known to the interpreter. If
 not it will load library "libname". If the library name does
 not start with "lib", "lib" will be prepended and a search will
 be made in the DynamicPath (see .rootrc). If not found a search
 will be made on libname (without "lib" prepended) and if not found
 a direct try of libname will be made (in case it contained an
 absolute path).
 If check is true it will only check if libname exists and is
 Returns 0 on successful loading and -1 in case libname does not
 exist or in case of error.
void ls(Option_t *option)
 To list all objects of the application.
 Loop on all objects created in the ROOT linked lists.
 Objects may be files and windows or any other object directly
 attached to the ROOT linked list.
Int_t LoadMacro(const char *filename, int *error, Bool_t check)
 Load a macro in the interpreter's memory. Equivalent to the command line
 command ".L filename". If the filename has "+" or "++" appended
 the macro will be compiled by ACLiC. The filename must have the format:
 The possible error codes are defined by TInterpreter::EErrorCode.
 If check is true it will only check if filename exists and is
 Returns 0 on successful loading and -1 in case filename does not
 exist or in case of error.
Long_t Macro(const char *filename, int *error)
 Execute a macro in the interpreter. Equivalent to the command line
 command ".x filename". If the filename has "+" or "++" appended
 the macro will be compiled by ACLiC. The filename must have the format:
 The possible error codes are defined by TInterpreter::EErrorCode.
void Message(Int_t id, const TObject *obj)
 Process message id called by obj
void ProcessLine(const char *line, Int_t *error)
 Process interpreter command via TApplication::ProcessLine().
 On Win32 the line will be processed a-synchronously by sending
 it to the CINT interpreter thread. For explicit synchrounous processing
 use ProcessLineSync(). On non-Win32 platforms there is not difference
 between ProcessLine() and ProcessLineSync().
 The possible error codes are defined by TInterpreter::EErrorCode.  In
 particular, error will equal to TInterpreter::kProcessing until the
 CINT interpreted thread has finished executing the line.
void ProcessLineSync(const char *line, Int_t *error)
 Process interpreter command via TApplication::ProcessLine().
 On Win32 the line will be processed synchronously (i.e. it will
 only return when the CINT interpreter thread has finished executing
 the line). On non-Win32 platforms there is not difference between
 ProcessLine() and ProcessLineSync().
 The possible error codes are defined by TInterpreter::EErrorCode.
Long_t ProcessLineFast(const char *line, Int_t *error)
 Process interpreter command directly via CINT interpreter.
 Only executable statements are allowed (no variable declarations),
 In all other cases use TROOT::ProcessLine().
 The possible error codes are defined by TInterpreter::EErrorCode.
TVirtualProof * Proof(const char *cluster, const char *conffile, const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel)
 Start a PROOF session on a specific cluster. The actual work is done
 in TVirtualProof::Open(). The use of this method is deprecated and
 provided only for backward compatibility. Users should use either
 TProof::Open or TVirtualProof::Open() instead.
void RefreshBrowsers()
 Refresh all browsers. Call this method when some command line
 command or script has changed the browser contents. Not needed
 for objects that have the kMustCleanup bit set. Most useful to
 update browsers that show the file system or other objects external
 to the running ROOT session.
void RemoveClass(TClass *oldcl)
 Remove a class from the list and map of classes
void Reset(Option_t *option)
 Delete all global interpreter objects created since the last call to Reset

 If option="a" is set reset to startup context (i.e. unload also
 all loaded files, classes, structs, typedefs, etc.).

 This function is typically used at the beginning (or end) of a macro
 to clean the environment.
void SaveContext()
 Save the current interpreter context.
void SetCutClassName(const char *name)
 Set the default graphical cut class name for the graphics editor
 By default the graphics editor creates an instance of a class TCutG.
 This function may be called to specify a different class that MUST
 derive from TCutG
void SetEditorMode(const char *mode)
 Set editor mode
void SetStyle(const char *stylename)
 Change current style to style with name stylename
Int_t DecreaseDirLevel()
 Decrease the indentation level for ls().
Int_t GetDirLevel()
return directory level
const char * GetMacroPath()
 Get macro search path. Static utility function.
void SetMacroPath(const char *newpath)
 Set or extend the macro search path. Static utility function.
 If newpath=0 or "" reset to value specified in the rootrc file.
Int_t IncreaseDirLevel()
 Increase the indentation level for ls().
void IndentLevel()
 Functions used by ls() to indent an object hierarchy.
Bool_t Initialized()
 Return kTRUE if the TROOT object has been initialized.
Bool_t MemCheck()
 Return kTRUE if the memory leak checke is on.
void SetDirLevel(Int_t level)
 Return Indentation level for ls().
void SetMakeDefCanvas(VoidFuncPtr_t makecanvas)
 Static function used to set the address of the default make canvas method.
 This address is by default initialized to 0.
 It is set as soon as the library containing the TCanvas class is loaded.
void ForceStyle(Bool_t force = kTRUE)
Bool_t FromPopUp()
Bool_t GetEditHistograms()
Int_t GetEditorMode()
Bool_t GetForceStyle()
Int_t GetBuiltDate()
Int_t GetBuiltTime()
Int_t GetVersionDate()
Int_t GetVersionTime()
Int_t GetVersionInt()
Int_t GetNclasses()
Int_t GetNtypes()
Int_t IgnoreInclude(const char *fname, const char *expandedfname)
Bool_t IsBatch()
Bool_t IsExecutingMacro()
Bool_t IsFolder()
Bool_t IsInterrupted()
Bool_t IsEscaped()
Bool_t IsLineProcessing()
Bool_t IsProofServ()
Bool_t MustClean()
Bool_t ReadingObject()
void SetApplication(TApplication *app)
void SetBatch(Bool_t batch = kTRUE)
void SetDefCanvasName(const char *name = "c1")
void SetEditHistograms(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetExecutingMacro(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetFromPopUp(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetInterrupt(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetEscape(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetLineIsProcessing()
void SetLineHasBeenProcessed()
void SetReadingObject(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetMustClean(Bool_t flag = kTRUE)
void SetSelectedPrimitive(const TObject *obj)
void SetSelectedPad(TVirtualPad *pad)
void Time(Int_t casetime=1)
Int_t Timer()

Author: Rene Brun 08/12/94
Last update: root/base:$Name: $:$Id: TROOT.cxx,v 1.184 2006/07/09 05:27:53 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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