library: libQuadp
#include "TQpResidual.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TQpResidual : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:

static void GondzioProjection(TVectorD& v, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax) public:
TQpResidual() TQpResidual(Int_t nx, Int_t my, Int_t mz, TVectorD& ixlow, TVectorD& ixupp, TVectorD& iclow, TVectorD& icupp) TQpResidual(const TQpResidual& another) virtual ~TQpResidual() void Add_r3_xz_alpha(TQpVar* vars, Double_t alpha) void CalcResids(TQpDataBase* problem, TQpVar* vars) static TClass* Class() void Clear_r1r2() void Clear_r3() Double_t GetDualityGap() Double_t GetResidualNorm() virtual TClass* IsA() const TQpResidual& operator=(const TQpResidual& source) void Project_r3(Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax) void Set_r3_xz_alpha(TQpVar* vars, Double_t alpha) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) Bool_t ValidNonZeroPattern()

Data Members

Double_t fResidualNorm The norm of the residuals, ommiting the complementariy conditions Double_t fDualityGap A quantity that measures progress toward feasibility. In terms Int_t fNx Int_t fMy Int_t fMz Double_t fNxup Double_t fNxlo Double_t fMcup Double_t fMclo TVectorD fXupIndex TVectorD fXloIndex TVectorD fCupIndex TVectorD fCloIndex public:
TVectorD fRQ TVectorD fRA TVectorD fRC TVectorD fRz TVectorD fRv TVectorD fRw TVectorD fRt TVectorD fRu TVectorD fRgamma TVectorD fRphi TVectorD fRlambda TVectorD fRpi

Class Description

 The Residuals class calculates and stores the quantities that appear 
 on the right-hand side of the linear systems that arise at each      
 interior-point iteration. These residuals can be partitioned into    
 two fundamental categories: the components arising from the linear   
 equations in the KKT conditions, and the components arising from the 
 complementarity conditions.                                          

TQpResidual(Int_t nx,Int_t my,Int_t mz,TVectorD &ixlo,TVectorD &ixup, TVectorD &iclo,TVectorD &icup)
TQpResidual(const TQpResidual &another)
 Copy constructor
void CalcResids(TQpDataBase *prob_in,TQpVar *vars)
 Calculate residuals, their norms, and duality complementarity gap,
 given a problem and variable set.
void Add_r3_xz_alpha(TQpVar *vars,Double_t alpha)
 Modify the "complementarity" component of the residuals, by adding the pairwise
 products of the complementary variables plus a constant alpha to this term.
void Set_r3_xz_alpha(TQpVar *vars,Double_t alpha)
 Set the "complementarity" component of the residuals to the pairwise products of
 the complementary variables plus a constant alpha .
void Clear_r3()
 set the complementarity component of the residuals to 0.
void Clear_r1r2()
 set the noncomplementarity components of the residual (the terms arising from
 the linear equalities in the KKT conditions) to 0.
void Project_r3(Double_t rmin,Double_t rmax)
 Perform the projection operation required by Gondzio algorithm: replace each
 component r3_i of the complementarity component of the residuals by r3p_i-r3_i,
 where r3p_i is the projection of r3_i onto the box [rmin, rmax]. Then if the
 resulting value is less than -rmax, replace it by -rmax.
Bool_t ValidNonZeroPattern()
 Check if vector elements as selected through array indices are non-zero
void GondzioProjection(TVectorD &v,Double_t rmin,Double_t rmax)
 Replace each component r3_i of the complementarity component of the residuals
 by r3p_i-r3_i, where r3p_i is the projection of r3_i onto the box [rmin, rmax].
 Then if the resulting value is less than -rmax, replace it by -rmax.
TQpResidual & operator=(const TQpResidual &source)
 Assignment operator
virtual ~TQpResidual()
Double_t GetResidualNorm()

Author: Eddy Offermann May 2004
Last update: root/quadp:$Name: $:$Id: TQpResidual.cxx,v 1.9 2006/06/30 04:35:12 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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