#include "PropertyList.h"


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class ROOT::Reflex::PropertyList

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function Members (Methods)

Display options:
Show inherited
Show non-public
unsigned intAddProperty(const string& key, const ROOT::Reflex::Any& value) const
voidAddProperty(size_t key, const ROOT::Reflex::Any& value) const
unsigned intAddProperty(const string& key, char* value) const
voidAddProperty(size_t key, char* value) const
voidClearProperties() const
boolHasKey(const string& key) const
boolHasProperty(const string& key) const
boolHasProperty(size_t key) const
static __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const string*,vector<string> >Key_Begin()
static __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const string*,vector<string> >Key_End()
static reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const string*,vector<string> > >Key_RBegin()
static reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const string*,vector<string> > >Key_REnd()
static std::string&KeyAt(size_t nth)
static unsigned intKeyByName(const string& key, bool allocateNew = false)
static std::stringKeysAsString()
static unsigned intKeySize()
booloperator bool() const
std::stringPropertyAsString(const string& key) const
std::stringPropertyAsString(size_t key) const
unsigned intPropertyCount() const
unsigned intPropertyKey(const string& key, bool allocateNew = false) const
std::stringPropertyKeys() const
ROOT::Reflex::PropertyListPropertyList(ROOT::Reflex::PropertyListImpl* propertyListImpl = 0)
ROOT::Reflex::PropertyListPropertyList(const ROOT::Reflex::PropertyList& pl)
unsigned intPropertySize() const
ROOT::Reflex::Any&PropertyValue(const string& key) const
ROOT::Reflex::Any&PropertyValue(size_t key) const
voidRemoveProperty(const string& key) const
voidRemoveProperty(size_t key) const
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&, char*)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)

Data Members


Class Description

ROOT::Reflex::StdString_Iterator Key_Begin()
 Return the begin iterator of the keys container.
ROOT::Reflex::StdString_Iterator Key_End()
 Return the end iterator of the keys container.
ROOT::Reflex::Reverse_StdString_Iterator Key_RBegin()
 Return the rbegin iterator of the keys container.
ROOT::Reflex::Reverse_StdString_Iterator Key_REnd()
 Return the rend iterator of the keys container.
std::string KeysAsString()
 Return all keys as one string concatenation.
const std::string & KeyAt( size_t nth )
 Return key at position nth.
size_t KeyByName( const std::string & key, bool allocateNew )
 Return the position of a Key. If allocateNew is set to true allocate a new key
 if necessary.
size_t KeySize()
 Return the number of all allocated keys.
PropertyValue( const std::string & key )
 Get the value of a property as Any object.
PropertyValue( size_t key )
 Get the value of a property as Any object.
PropertyList( PropertyListImpl * propertyListImpl )
PropertyList( const PropertyList & pl)
size_t AddProperty( const std::string & key, const Any & value )
void AddProperty( size_t key, const Any & value )
size_t AddProperty( const std::string & key, const char* value )
void AddProperty( size_t key, const char* value )
void ClearProperties()
bool HasProperty(const std::string & key)
bool HasProperty( size_t key)
bool HasKey(const std::string & key)
PropertyAsString( const std::string & key )
PropertyAsString( size_t key )
size_t PropertyKey( const std::string & key, bool allocateNew )
std::string PropertyKeys()
size_t PropertyCount()
size_t PropertySize()
void RemoveProperty( const std::string & key )
void RemoveProperty( size_t key )
PropertyList( PropertyListImpl * propertyListImpl = 0 )
* default constructor */

Author: Stefan Roiser 2004
Last update: root/reflex:$Name: $:$Id: PropertyList.cxx,v 1.12 2006/09/08 20:54:05 roiser Exp $

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