// @(#)root/tree:$Name:  $:$Id: TEntryList.cxx,v 1.6 2006/11/30 07:49:39 brun Exp $
// Author: Anna Kreshuk 27/10/2006

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// TEntryList
// Stores entry numbers. 
// There are two types of entry lists:
// - for a TTree (fBlocks data member is non-zero)
//   Entry numbers are stored in TEntryListBlocks, which, in their turn, are stored
//   in the TObjArray fBlocks. The range of the entry numbers is cut into intervals
//   of kBlockSize entries (currently 64000), so that the first block contains
//   information which entries out of the first 64000 pass the selection, the second
//   block - which entries out of the 64000-127999 interval pass the selection, etc.
//   Some blocks, obviously, might be empty. The internal representation of entry
//   numbers in the blocks is described in the TEntryListBlock class description, and
//   this representation might be changed by calling OptimizeStorage() function
//   (when the list is filled via the Enter() function, this is done automatically).
//   Individual entry lists can be merged (functions Merge() and Add())
//   to make an entry list for a TChain of corresponding TTrees.
// - for a TChain (fLists data member is non-zero)
//   It contains a TList of sub-lists (TEntryList objects, corresponding to each TTree)
//   Trees and lists are matched by the TTree name and its file name (full path). 
//   All sub-lists are returned by the GetLists() function and individual lists are
//   returned by GetEntryList() function. Such lists are no different from the lists for
//   TTrees, described above.
// Operations on entry lists (see also function comments):
// - Add() - if the lists are for the same tree, adds all the entries of the second list
//           to the first list. If the lists are for different trees, creates a TEntryList
//           with 2 sublists for each TTree. If the lists are for TChains, merges the ones
//           for the same trees and adds new sublists for the TTrees that were not included
//           in the first TEntryList
// - Subtract() - if the lists are for the same TTree, removes the entries of the second
//                list from the first list. If the lists are for TChains, loops over all
//                sub-lists
// - GetEntry(n) - returns the n-th non-zero entry number 
// - Next()      - returns next non-zero entry number. Note, that this function is 
//                 much faster than GetEntry, and it's called when GetEntry() is called
//                 for 2 or more indices in a row.
// TEntryList objects are added to the list of objects in the current directory
// TTree::Draw() and TChain::Draw():
//   tree->Draw(">>elist", "x<0 && y>0");
//   TEntryList *elist = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("elist");
// TSelectors:
//   To fill an TEntryList from a TSelector correctly, one must add the TEntryList object
//   to the output list of the selector (TSelector::fOutput). This is the only way to 
//   make the sub-lists of the TEntryList switch when the current tree of the TChain is
//   changed. 
// Using a TEntryList as input (TTree::SetEntryList() and TChain::SetEntryList())
//   - while the TTree::SetEntryList() function is only setting the TTree::fEntryList
//     data member, the same function in TChain also finds correspondance between
//     the TTrees of this TChain and the sub-lists of this TEntryList.
// TEntryList and the current directory:
//   - TEntryList objects are automatically added to the current directory (like TTrees).
//     However, in case of a TEntryList for a chain, only the top-level entry list is added,
//     not the sub-lists for specific trees. Placing entry lists in the current directory
//     allows calling them as a part of a TTreeFormula expression, so if the user wants 
//     to extract a sublist from a TChain entry list via the GetEntryList() or some other
//     function, he has to add it to the current directory to be able to use it in 
//     TTreeFormula expressions.

#include "TEntryList.h"
#include "TEntryListBlock.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TSystem.h"


   //default c-tor

   fLists = 0;
   fCurrent = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   fN = 0;
   fNBlocks = 0;
   fTreeName = "";
   fFileName = "";
   fStringHash = 0;
   fTreeNumber = -1;
   fDirectory = 0;

   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;
   fShift = kFALSE;

TEntryList::TEntryList(const char *name, const char *title):TNamed(name, title)
   //c-tor with name and title

   fLists = 0;
   fCurrent = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   fN = 0;
   fNBlocks = 0;
   fTreeName = "";
   fFileName = "";
   fStringHash = 0;
   fTreeNumber = -1;

   fDirectory  = gDirectory;

   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;
   fShift = kFALSE;

TEntryList::TEntryList(const char *name, const char *title, const TTree *tree):TNamed(name, title)
   //constructor with name and title, which also sets the tree

   fLists = 0;
   fCurrent = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   fN = 0;
   fNBlocks = 0;
   fTreeNumber = -1;

   fDirectory  = gDirectory;

   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;
   fShift = kFALSE;

TEntryList::TEntryList(const char *name, const char *title, const char *treename, const char *filename):TNamed(name, title)
   //c-tor with name and title, which also sets the treename and the filename

   fLists = 0;
   fCurrent = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   fNBlocks = 0;
   fN = 0;
   SetTree(treename, filename);
   fTreeNumber = -1;

   fDirectory  = gDirectory;

   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;
   fShift = kFALSE;

TEntryList::TEntryList(const TTree *tree)
   //c-tor, which sets the tree

   fLists = 0;
   fCurrent = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   fNBlocks = 0;
   fN = 0;

   fTreeNumber = -1;

   fDirectory  = gDirectory;

   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;
   fShift = kFALSE;

TEntryList::TEntryList(const TEntryList &elist) : TNamed(elist)
   //copy c-tor

   fNBlocks = elist.fNBlocks;
   fTreeName = elist.fTreeName;
   fFileName = elist.fFileName;
   fStringHash = elist.fStringHash;
   fTreeNumber = elist.fTreeNumber;
   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;
   fN = elist.fN;
   fShift = elist.fShift;
   fLists = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   if (elist.fLists){
      fLists = new TList();
      TEntryList *el1 = 0;
      TEntryList *el2 = 0;
      TIter next(elist.fLists);
      while((el1 = (TEntryList*)next())){
         el2 = new TEntryList(*el1);
         if (el1==elist.fCurrent)
            fCurrent = el2;
   } else {
      if (elist.fBlocks){
         TEntryListBlock *block1 = 0;
         TEntryListBlock *block2 = 0;
         //or just copy it as a TObjArray??
         fBlocks = new TObjArray();
         for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBlocks; i++){
            block1 = (TEntryListBlock*)elist.fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);
            block2 = new TEntryListBlock(*block1);
      fCurrent = this;
   fDirectory  = 0;


// d-tor

   if (fBlocks){
      delete fBlocks;

   fBlocks = 0;
   if (fLists){
      delete fLists;

   fLists = 0;

   if (fDirectory) fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this);
   fDirectory  = 0;


void TEntryList::Add(const TEntryList *elist)
   //Add 2 entry lists
   //If the resulting list has sublists (fLists!=0), its fCurrent member is reset to 0

   if (fN==0){
      //this list is empty. copy the other list completely ??
      fNBlocks = elist->fNBlocks;
      fTreeName = elist->fTreeName;
      fFileName = elist->fFileName;
      fStringHash = elist->fStringHash;
      fTreeNumber = elist->fTreeNumber;
      fLastIndexQueried = -1;
      fLastIndexReturned = 0;
      fN = elist->fN;
      if (elist->fLists){
         fLists = new TList();
         TEntryList *el1 = 0;
         TEntryList *el2 = 0;
         TIter next(elist->fLists);
         while((el1 = (TEntryList*)next())){
            el2 = new TEntryList(*el1);
            if (el1==elist->fCurrent)
               fCurrent = el2;
      } else {
         if (elist->fBlocks){
            TEntryListBlock *block1 = 0;
            TEntryListBlock *block2 = 0;
            //or just copy it as a TObjArray??
            fBlocks = new TObjArray();
            for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBlocks; i++){
               block1 = (TEntryListBlock*)elist->fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);
               block2 = new TEntryListBlock(*block1);
         fCurrent = 0;


   if (!fLists){
      if (!strcmp(elist->fTreeName.Data(),fTreeName.Data()) && !strcmp(elist->fFileName.Data(),fFileName.Data())){
         //entry lists are for the same tree
         if (!elist->fBlocks)
            //the other list is empty list
         if (!fBlocks){
            //this entry list is empty
            fBlocks = new TObjArray(*elist->fBlocks);
         //both not empty, merge block by block
         TEntryListBlock *block1=0;
         TEntryListBlock *block2=0;
         Int_t i;
         Int_t nmin = TMath::Min(fNBlocks, elist->fNBlocks);
         Int_t nnew;
         for (i=0; i<nmin; i++){
            block1 = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);
            block2 = (TEntryListBlock*)elist->fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);
            nnew = block1->Merge(block2);
         if (fNBlocks<elist->fNBlocks){
            Int_t nmax = elist->fNBlocks;
            for (i=nmin; i<nmax; i++){
               block2 = (TEntryListBlock*)elist->fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);
               block1 = new TEntryListBlock(*block2);
         fLastIndexQueried = -1;
         fLastIndexReturned = 0;
      } else {
      //entry lists are for different trees. create a chain entry list with
      //2 sub lists for the first and second entry lists
         fLastIndexQueried = -1;
         fLastIndexReturned = 0;
         fLists = new TList();
         TEntryList *el = new TEntryList();
         el->fTreeName = fTreeName;
         el->fFileName = fFileName;
         el->fBlocks = fBlocks;
         fBlocks = 0;
         el->fNBlocks = fNBlocks;
         el->fN = fN;
         el->fLastIndexQueried = -1;
         el->fLastIndexReturned = 0;
         el = new TEntryList(*elist);
         el->fLastIndexQueried = -1;
         el->fLastIndexReturned = 0;
         fCurrent = 0;
   } else {
      //there are already some sublists in this list, just add another one
      if (!elist->fLists){
         //the other list doesn't have sublists
         TIter next(fLists);
         TEntryList *el = 0;
         Bool_t found = kFALSE;
         while ((el = (TEntryList*)next())){
            if (!strcmp(el->fTreeName.Data(), elist->fTreeName.Data()) &&
                !strcmp(el->fFileName.Data(), elist->fFileName.Data())){
            // if (el->fStringHash == elist->fStringHash){
               //found a list for the same tree
               found = kTRUE;
         if (!found){
            el = new TEntryList(*elist);
      } else {
         //add all sublists from the other list
         TEntryList *el = 0;
         TIter next(elist->fLists);
         while ((el = (TEntryList*)next())){


Int_t TEntryList::Contains(Long64_t entry, TTree *tree)
//When tree = 0, returns from the current list
//When tree != 0, finds the list, corresponding to this tree
//When tree is a chain, the entry is assumed to be global index and the local
//entry is recomputed from the treeoffset information of the chain

   if (!tree){
      if (fBlocks) {
         //this entry list doesn't contain any sub-lists
         TEntryListBlock *block = 0;
         Int_t nblock = entry/kBlockSize;
         if (nblock >= fNBlocks) return 0;
         block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(nblock);
         return block->Contains(entry-nblock*kBlockSize);
      if (fLists) {
         if (!fCurrent) fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->First();
         return fCurrent->Contains(entry);
   } else {
      if (fCurrent)
         return fCurrent->Contains(entry);
   return 0;


Bool_t TEntryList::Enter(Long64_t entry, TTree *tree)
//Add entry #entry to the list
//When tree = 0, returns from the current list
//When tree != 0, finds the list, corresponding to this tree
//When tree is a chain, the entry is assumed to be global index and the local
//entry is recomputed from the treeoffset information of the chain

   if (!tree){
      if (!fLists) {
         if (!fBlocks) fBlocks = new TObjArray();
         TEntryListBlock *block = 0;
         Long64_t nblock = entry/kBlockSize;
         if (nblock >= fNBlocks) {
            if (fNBlocks>0){
               block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(fNBlocks-1);
               if (!block) return 0;
            for (Int_t i=fNBlocks; i<=nblock; i++){
               block = new TEntryListBlock();
         fNBlocks = nblock+1;
         block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(nblock);
         if (block->Enter(entry-nblock*kBlockSize)) {
            return 1;
      } else {
         //the entry in the current entry list
         if (!fCurrent) fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->First();
         if (fCurrent->Enter(entry)) {
            return 1;
   } else {
      Long64_t localentry = tree->LoadTree(entry);
      if (fCurrent){
         if (fCurrent->Enter(localentry)) {
            return 1;
   return 0;


Bool_t TEntryList::Remove(Long64_t entry, TTree *tree)
//Remove entry #entry from the list
//When tree = 0, returns from the current list
//When tree != 0, finds the list, corresponding to this tree
//When tree is a chain, the entry is assumed to be global index and the local
//entry is recomputed from the treeoffset information of the chain

   if (!tree){
      if (!fLists) {
         if (!fBlocks) return 0;
         TEntryListBlock *block = 0;
         Long64_t nblock = entry/kBlockSize;
         block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(nblock);
         if (!block) return 0;
         Long64_t blockindex = entry - nblock*kBlockSize;
         if (block->Remove(blockindex)){
            return 1;
      } else {
         if (!fCurrent) fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->First();
         if (fCurrent->Remove(entry)){
            return 1;
   } else {
      Int_t localentry = tree->LoadTree(entry);
      if (fCurrent){
         if (fCurrent->Remove(localentry)) {
            return 1;
   return 0;

Long64_t TEntryList::GetEntry(Int_t index)
   //return the number of the entry #index of this TEntryList in the TTree or TChain
   //See also Next().

   if (index>=fN){
      return -1;
   if (index==fLastIndexQueried+1){
      //in a loop
      return Next();
   } else {
      if (fBlocks) {
         TEntryListBlock *block = 0;
         Long64_t total_passed = 0;
         Int_t i=0;
         while (total_passed<=index && i<fNBlocks){
         if (i!=fLastIndexReturned/kBlockSize){
            block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(fLastIndexReturned/kBlockSize);
            block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);

         Long64_t localindex = index - total_passed;
         Long64_t blockindex = block->GetEntry(localindex);
         if (blockindex < 0) return -1;
         Long64_t res = i*kBlockSize + blockindex;
         fLastIndexQueried = index;
         fLastIndexReturned = res;
         return res;
      } else {
         //find the corresponding list
         if (!fCurrent) fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->First();
         TIter next(fLists);
         TEntryList *templist;
         Long64_t ntotal = 0;
         if (fCurrent){
            //reset all indices of the current list
            Int_t currentblock = (fCurrent->fLastIndexReturned)/kBlockSize;
            TEntryListBlock *block = (TEntryListBlock*)fCurrent->fBlocks->UncheckedAt(currentblock);
            fCurrent->fLastIndexReturned = 0;
            fCurrent->fLastIndexQueried = -1;

         while ((templist = (TEntryList*)next())){
            if (!fShift){
               ntotal += templist->GetN();
            } else {
               if (templist->GetTreeNumber() >= 0)
                  ntotal += templist->GetN();
            if (ntotal > index)
         fCurrent = templist;
         Long64_t localentry = index - (ntotal - fCurrent->GetN());
         fLastIndexQueried = index;
         fLastIndexReturned = fCurrent->GetEntry(localentry);
         return fLastIndexReturned;

   return -1;

Long64_t TEntryList::GetEntryAndTree(Int_t index, Int_t &treenum)
//return the index of "index"-th non-zero entry in the TTree or TChain
//and the # of the corresponding tree in the chain

//If shift is true, then when the requested entry is found in an entry list,
//for which there is no corresponding tree in the chain, this list is not
//taken into account, and entry from the next list with a tree is returned.
//First sublist - 20 entries, second sublist - 5 entries, third sublist - 10 entries
//Second sublist doesn't correspond to any trees of the chain
//Then, when GetEntryAndTree(21, treenum, kTRUE) is called, first entry of the
//third sublist will be returned

   Long64_t result = GetEntry(index);
   if (fLists)
      treenum = fCurrent->fTreeNumber;
      treenum = fTreeNumber;
   if (treenum<0) return -1;

   return result;

TEntryList *TEntryList::GetEntryList(const char *treename, const char *filename)
   //return the entry list, correspoding to treename and filename

   if (!fLists){
      if (!strcmp(treename, fTreeName.Data()) && !(strcmp(filename, fFileName.Data()))){
         return this;
      } else {
         return 0;

   TString stotal = treename;
   ULong_t newhash = stotal.Hash();

   TIter next(fLists);
   TEntryList *templist;
   while ((templist = (TEntryList*)next())){
      if (newhash == templist->fStringHash){
         return templist;

   //didn't find anything for this filename, try the full name too
   TString longname = filename;
   if (!gSystem->IsAbsoluteFileName(longname))
      gSystem->PrependPathName(gSystem->pwd(), longname);
   longname = gSystem->UnixPathName(longname);
   stotal = treename;
   newhash = stotal.Hash();
   while ((templist = (TEntryList*)next())){
      if (newhash == templist->fStringHash){
         return templist;
   return 0;

Int_t TEntryList::Merge(TCollection *list)
   //Merge this list with the lists from the collection

   if (!list) return -1;
   TIter next(list);
   TEntryList *elist = 0;
   while ((elist = (TEntryList*)next())) {
      if (!elist->InheritsFrom(TEntryList::Class())) {
         Error("Add","Attempt to add object of class: %s to a %s",elist->ClassName(),this->ClassName());
         return -1;
   return 0;

Long64_t TEntryList::Next()
   //return the next non-zero entry index (next after fLastIndexQueried)
   //this function is faster than GetEntry()

   Long64_t result;
   if (fN == fLastIndexQueried+1 || fN==0){
      return -1;
   if (fBlocks){
      Int_t iblock = fLastIndexReturned/kBlockSize;
      TEntryListBlock *current_block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(iblock);
      result = current_block->Next();
      if (result>=0) {
         fLastIndexReturned = result+kBlockSize*iblock;
         return fLastIndexReturned;
      else {
         while (result<0 && iblock<fNBlocks-1) {
            current_block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(iblock);
            result = current_block->Next();
         if (result<0) {
            fLastIndexQueried = -1;
            fLastIndexReturned = 0;
            return -1;
         fLastIndexReturned = result+kBlockSize*iblock;

         return fLastIndexReturned;
   } else {
      if (!fCurrent) {
         fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->First();
         if (fShift) {
            while (fCurrent->GetTreeNumber()<0)
               fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->After(fCurrent);
      result = fCurrent->Next();
      if (result>=0) {
         fLastIndexReturned = result;
         return result;
      } else {
         if (fCurrent){
            //reset all indices of the current list
            Int_t currentblock = (fCurrent->fLastIndexReturned)/kBlockSize;
            TEntryListBlock *block = (TEntryListBlock*)fCurrent->fBlocks->UncheckedAt(currentblock);
            fCurrent->fLastIndexReturned = 0;
            fCurrent->fLastIndexQueried = -1;


         //find the list with the next non-zero entry
         while (result<0 && fCurrent!=((TEntryList*)fLists->Last())){
            fCurrent->fLastIndexQueried = -1;
            fCurrent->fLastIndexReturned = 0;
            fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->After(fCurrent);
            if (!fShift)
               result = fCurrent->Next();
            else {
               if (fCurrent->GetTreeNumber() >= 0)
                  result = fCurrent->Next();
         fLastIndexReturned = result;
         return result;

void TEntryList::OptimizeStorage()
   //Checks if the array representation is more economical and if so, switches to it

   if (fBlocks){
      TEntryListBlock *block = 0;
      for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBlocks; i++){
         block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);

void TEntryList::Print(const Option_t* option) const
   //Print this list
   //option = "" - default - print the name of the tree and file
   //option = "all" - print all the entry numbers

   TString opt = option;
   if (fBlocks) {
      printf("%s %s\n", fTreeName.Data(), fFileName.Data());
      if (opt.Contains("A")){
         TEntryListBlock* block = 0;
         for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBlocks; i++){
            block = (TEntryListBlock*)fBlocks->UncheckedAt(i);
            Int_t shift = i*kBlockSize;
      TEntryList *elist = 0;
      TIter next(fLists);
      while((elist = (TEntryList*)next())){


void TEntryList::Reset()
   //Reset this list

   //Maybe not delete, but just reset the number of blocks to 0????

   if (fBlocks){
      delete fBlocks;
      fBlocks = 0;
   if (fLists){
      if (!((TEntryList*)fLists->First())->GetDirectory()){
      delete fLists;
      fLists = 0;
   fCurrent = 0;
   fBlocks = 0;
   fNBlocks = 0;
   fN = 0;
   fTreeName = "";
   fFileName = "";
   fStringHash = 0;
   fTreeNumber = -1;
   fLastIndexQueried = -1;
   fLastIndexReturned = 0;

void TEntryList::SetDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
   //Add reference to directory dir. dir can be 0.

   if (fDirectory == dir) return;
   if (fDirectory) fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this);
   fDirectory = dir;
   if (fDirectory) fDirectory->GetList()->Add(this);

void TEntryList::SetTree(const char *treename, const char *filename)
   //If a list for a tree with such name and filename exists, sets it as the current sublist
   //If not, creates this list and sets it as the current sublist

   TEntryList *elist = 0;

   TString stotal = treename;
   ULong_t newhash = stotal.Hash();
   if (fLists) {
      //find the corresponding entry list and make it current
      if (!fCurrent) fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fLists->First();
      if (fCurrent->fStringHash == 0){
         stotal = fCurrent->fTreeName + fCurrent->fFileName;
         fCurrent->fStringHash = stotal.Hash();
      if (newhash == fCurrent->fStringHash)
      TIter next(fLists);
      while ((elist = (TEntryList*)next())){
         if (newhash == elist->fStringHash){
            fCurrent = elist;
            //the current entry list was changed. reset the fLastIndexQueried,
            //so that Next() doesn't start with the wrong current list
            fLastIndexQueried = -3;
      //didn't find an entry list for this tree, create a new one
      elist = new TEntryList("", "", treename, filename);
      if (elist->GetDirectory()) {
         //sub lists are not added to the current directory
      fCurrent = elist;
   } else {
      if (fBlocks){
         if (fStringHash == 0){
            stotal = fTreeName + fFileName;
            fStringHash = stotal.Hash();
         if (newhash != fStringHash){
         //we have a chain and already have an entry list for the first tree
         //move the first entry list to the fLists
            fLists = new TList();
            elist = new TEntryList();
            elist->fTreeName = fTreeName;
            elist->fFileName = fFileName;
            elist->fStringHash = fStringHash;
            elist->fN = fN;
            elist->fTreeNumber = fTreeNumber;
            elist->fBlocks = fBlocks;
            fBlocks = 0;
            elist->fNBlocks = fNBlocks;
            elist = new TEntryList("", "", treename, filename);
            if (elist->GetDirectory()) {
               //sub lists are not added to the current directory
            fCurrent = elist;
            //the current entry list was changed. reset the fLastIndexQueried,
            //so that Next() doesn't start with the wrong current list
            fLastIndexQueried = -3;

         else {
            //same tree as in the current entry list, don't do anything
      } else {
         fTreeName = treename;
         fFileName = filename;
         stotal = fTreeName + fFileName;
         fStringHash = stotal.Hash();

void TEntryList::SetTree(const TTree *tree)
   //If a list for a tree with such name and filename exists, sets it as the current sublist
   //If not, creates this list and sets it as the current sublist

   TString treename = tree->GetTree()->GetName();
   TString filename;
   if (tree->GetTree()->GetCurrentFile()){
      filename = tree->GetTree()->GetCurrentFile()->GetName();
      if (!gSystem->IsAbsoluteFileName(filename))
         gSystem->PrependPathName(gSystem->pwd(), filename);
      filename = gSystem->UnixPathName(filename);
   } else {
      filename = "";
   SetTree(treename, filename);


void TEntryList::Subtract(const TEntryList *elist)
   //remove all the entries of this entry list, that are contained in elist

   TEntryList *templist = 0;
   if (!fLists){
      if (!fBlocks) return;
      //check if lists are for the same tree
      if (!elist->fLists){
         //second list is also only for 1 tree
         if (!strcmp(elist->fTreeName.Data(),fTreeName.Data()) &&
            //same tree
            Long64_t n2 = elist->GetN();
            Long64_t entry;
            for (Int_t i=0; i<n2; i++){
               entry = (const_cast<TEntryList*>(elist))->GetEntry(i);
         } else {
            //different trees
      } else {
         //second list has sublists, try to find one for the same tree as this list
         TIter next1(elist->GetLists());
         templist = 0;
         Bool_t found = kFALSE;
         while ((templist = (TEntryList*)next1())){
            if (!strcmp(templist->fTreeName.Data(),fTreeName.Data()) &&
               found = kTRUE;
         if (found) {
   } else {
      //this list has sublists
      TIter next2(fLists);
      templist = 0;
      while ((templist = (TEntryList*)next2())){


TEntryList operator||(TEntryList &elist1, TEntryList &elist2)
   TEntryList eresult = elist1;
   //eresult = elist1;
   // printf("internal in operator1\n");
   // printf("internal in operator2\n");

   return eresult;

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