#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
#include "TXMLEngine.h"
#include "TGeoVolume.h"
#include "TGeoBBox.h"
#include "TGeoParaboloid.h"
#include "TGeoArb8.h"
#include "TGeoTube.h"
#include "TGeoCone.h"
#include "TGeoTrd2.h"
#include "TGeoPcon.h"
#include "TGeoPgon.h"
#include "TGeoSphere.h"
#include "TGeoTorus.h"
#include "TGeoPara.h"
#include "TGeoHype.h"
#include "TGeoEltu.h"
#include "TGeoXtru.h"
#include "TGeoVolume.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFormula.h"
#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
#include "TGeoBoolNode.h"
#include "TGeoMedium.h"
#include "TGeoElement.h"
#include "TGeoShape.h"
#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
#include "TGDMLParse.h"
TGeoVolume* TGDMLParse::GDMLReadFile(const char* filename)
TXMLEngine* gdml = new TXMLEngine;
XMLDocPointer_t gdmldoc = gdml->ParseFile(filename);
if (gdmldoc==0) {
delete gdml;
return 0;
XMLNodePointer_t mainnode = gdml->DocGetRootElement(gdmldoc);
fFileEngine[fFILENO] = gdml;
fStartFile = filename;
fCurrentFile = filename;
ParseGDML(gdml, mainnode);
delete gdml;
return fWorld;
const char* TGDMLParse::ParseGDML(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
XMLAttrPointer_t attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(node);
const char* name = gdml->GetNodeName(node);
XMLNodePointer_t parentn = gdml->GetParent(node);
const char* parent = gdml->GetNodeName(parentn);
const char* posistr = "position";
const char* setustr = "setup";
const char* consstr = "constant";
const char* rotastr = "rotation";
const char* elemstr = "element";
const char* matestr = "material";
const char* volustr = "volume";
const char* assestr = "assembly";
const char* twtrstr = "twistTrap";
const char* cutTstr = "cutTube";
const char* bboxstr = "box";
const char* xtrustr = "xtru";
const char* arb8str = "arb8";
const char* tubestr = "tube";
const char* conestr = "cone";
const char* polystr = "polycone";
const char* hypestr = "hype";
const char* trapstr = "trap";
const char* trdstr = "trd";
const char* sphestr = "sphere";
const char* orbstr = "orb";
const char* parastr = "para";
const char* torustr = "torus";
const char* hedrstr = "polyhedra";
const char* eltustr = "eltube";
const char* subtstr = "subtraction";
const char* uniostr = "union";
const char* parbstr = "paraboloid";
const char* intestr = "intersection";
const char* reflstr = "reflectedSolid";
if ((strcmp(name, posistr)) == 0){
node = PosProcess(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, rotastr)) == 0){
node = RotProcess(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, setustr)) == 0){
node = TopProcess(gdml, node);
} else if ((strcmp(name, consstr)) == 0){
node = ConProcess(gdml, node, attr);
} else if (((strcmp(name, "atom")) == 0) && ((strcmp(parent, elemstr)) == 0)){
node = EleProcess(gdml, node, parentn);
} else if ((strcmp(name, matestr)) == 0){
if(gdml->HasAttr(node, "Z")) {
int z = 1;
node = MatProcess(gdml, node, attr, z);
} else {
int z = 0;
node = MatProcess(gdml, node, attr, z);
} else if ((strcmp(name, volustr)) == 0){
node = VolProcess(gdml, node);
} else if ((strcmp(name, bboxstr)) == 0){
node = Box(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, cutTstr)) == 0){
node = CutTube(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, arb8str)) == 0){
node = Arb8(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, tubestr)) == 0){
node = Tube(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, conestr)) == 0){
node = Cone(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, polystr)) == 0){
node = Polycone(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, trapstr)) == 0){
node = Trap(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, trdstr)) == 0){
node = Trd(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, sphestr)) == 0){
node = Sphere(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, xtrustr)) == 0){
node = Xtru(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, twtrstr)) == 0){
node = TwistTrap(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, hypestr)) == 0){
node = Hype(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, orbstr)) == 0){
node = Orb(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, parastr)) == 0){
node = Para(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, torustr)) == 0){
node = Torus(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, eltustr)) == 0){
node = ElTube(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, hedrstr)) == 0){
node = Polyhedra(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, parbstr)) == 0){
node = Paraboloid(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, subtstr)) == 0){
node = BooSolid(gdml, node, attr, 1);
} else if ((strcmp(name, intestr)) == 0){
node = BooSolid(gdml, node, attr, 2);
} else if ((strcmp(name, uniostr)) == 0){
node = BooSolid(gdml, node, attr, 3);
} else if ((strcmp(name, reflstr)) == 0){
node = Reflection(gdml, node, attr);
} else if ((strcmp(name, assestr)) == 0){
node = AssProcess(gdml, node);
} else if (((strcmp(name, "gdml")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "define")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "element")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "materials")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "solids")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "structure")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "zplane")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "first")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "second")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "twoDimVertex")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "firstposition")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "firstpositionref")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "firstrotation")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "firstrotationref")) != 0) &&
((strcmp(name, "section")) != 0) && ((strcmp(name, "world")) != 0)){
std::cout << "Error: Unsupported GDML Tag Used :" << name << ". Please Check Geometry/Schema." << std::endl;
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
while (child!=0) {
ParseGDML(gdml, child);
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
return fWorldName;
double TGDMLParse::Evaluate(const char* evalline)
TFormula form;
double result = 0;
result = form.Eval(0);
return result;
Int_t TGDMLParse::SetAxis(const char* axisString)
Int_t axis = 0;
if((strcmp(axisString, "kXAxis")) == 0){
axis = 1;
} else if((strcmp(axisString, "kYAxis")) == 0){
axis = 2;
} else if((strcmp(axisString, "kZAxis")) == 0){
axis = 3;
} else if((strcmp(axisString, "kRho")) == 0){
axis = 1;
} else if((strcmp(axisString, "kPhi")) == 0){
axis = 2;
return axis;
const char* TGDMLParse::NameShort(const char* name)
int len = strlen(name);
int offset = 0;
const char* newname = name;
while(offset != len){
if((name[offset] == '0') && (name[offset+1] == 'x')){
newname = NameShortB(newname);
offset = offset + 1;
return newname;
const char* TGDMLParse::NameShortB(const char* name)
char* shortname = NULL;
const char* retname = NULL;
int char_offset = 0;
int len = strlen(name);
while (shortname == NULL && char_offset != len){
if((name[char_offset] == '0') && (name[(char_offset+1)] == 'x')){
shortname = new char[len];
const char *temp = &name[(char_offset + 10)];
shortname = strcat(shortname, temp);
retname = shortname;
} else {
retname = name;
char_offset = char_offset + 1;
if(shortname == NULL){
retname = name;
return retname;
const char* TGDMLParse::FindConst(const char* retval)
const char* tempconst = retval;
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
retval = Form("%s_%s", retval, fCurrentFile);
if(fconmap.find(retval) != fconmap.end()){
tempconst = fconmap[retval];
return tempconst;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::ConProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* name = "";
const char* value = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "value")) == 0) {
value = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
fconmap[name] = value;
return node;
const char* TGDMLParse::GetScale(const char* unit)
const char* retunit = "";
if(strcmp(unit, "mm") == 0){
retunit = "1.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "milimeter") == 0){
retunit = "1.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "m") == 0){
retunit = "1000.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "meter") == 0){
retunit = "1000.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "km") == 0){
retunit = "1000000.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "kilometer") == 0){
retunit = "1000000.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "rad") == 0){
retunit = Form("%f", TMath::RadToDeg());
else if(strcmp(unit, "radian") == 0){
retunit = Form("%f", TMath::RadToDeg());
else if(strcmp(unit, "deg") == 0){
retunit = "1.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "degree") == 0){
retunit = "1.0";
else if(strcmp(unit, "pi") == 0){
retunit = "pi";
else if(strcmp(unit, "avogadro") == 0){
retunit = Form("%f", TMath::Na());
retunit = "0";
return retunit;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::PosProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* xpos = "0";
const char* ypos = "0";
const char* zpos = "0";
const char* name = "0";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "x")) == 0) {
xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y") == 0){
ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
zpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "unit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* xline = "";
const char* yline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(lunit);
xline = Form("%s*%s", xpos, retunit);
yline = Form("%s*%s", ypos, retunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", zpos, retunit);
TGeoTranslation* pos = new TGeoTranslation(Evaluate(xline),
fposmap[name] = pos;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::RotProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* xpos = "0";
const char* ypos = "0";
const char* zpos = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "x")) == 0) {
xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y") == 0){
ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
zpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "unit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* xline = "";
const char* yline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(aunit);
xline = Form("%s*%s", xpos, retunit);
yline = Form("%s*%s", ypos, retunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", zpos, retunit);
TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
frotmap[name] = rot;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::EleProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLNodePointer_t parentn)
const char* z = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* formula = "";
const char* atom = "0";
const char* tempattr;
XMLAttrPointer_t attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(parentn);
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "Z")) == 0) {
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "formula") == 0) {
formula = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(node);
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "value")) == 0) {
atom = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
Int_t z2 = (Int_t)Evaluate(z);
Double_t atom2 = Evaluate(atom);
TGeoElement* ele = new TGeoElement(NameShort(name), formula, z2 , atom2);
felemap[name] = ele;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::MatProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr, int z)
typedef FracMap::iterator fractions;
FracMap fracmap;
static int medid = 0;
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
const char* tempattr = "";
int ncompo = 0, mixflag = 2;
double density = 0;
const char* name = "";
TGeoMixture* mix = 0;
TGeoMaterial* mat = 0;
const char* tempconst = "";
if (z == 1){
double a = 0;
double d = 0;
while (child!=0) {
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "atom")) == 0){
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "value")) == 0) {
a = Evaluate(FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr)));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "D")) == 0){
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "value")) == 0) {
d = Evaluate(FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr)));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
name = gdml->GetAttr(node, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
tempconst = FindConst(gdml->GetAttr(node, "Z"));
mat = new TGeoMaterial(NameShort(name), a, Evaluate(tempconst), d);
mixflag = 0;
TGeoElement* mat_ele = new TGeoElement(NameShort(name), "", atoi(tempconst), a);
felemap[name] = mat_ele;
else if (z == 0){
while (child!=0) {
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "fraction")) == 0){
double n = 0;
const char* ref = "";
ncompo = ncompo + 1;
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "n")) == 0) {
n = Evaluate(FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr)));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "ref")) == 0) {
ref = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
ref = Form("%s_%s", ref, fCurrentFile);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
fracmap[ref] = n;
else if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "composite")) == 0){
double n = 0;
const char* ref = "";
ncompo = ncompo + 1;
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "n")) == 0) {
n = Evaluate(FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr)));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "ref")) == 0) {
ref = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
fracmap[ref] = n;
else if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "D")) == 0){
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "value")) == 0) {
density = Evaluate(FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr)));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
name = gdml->GetAttr(node, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
mix = new TGeoMixture(NameShort(name), ncompo, density);
mixflag = 1;
int i = 0;
for(fractions f = fracmap.begin(); f != fracmap.end(); f++){
if(felemap.find(f->first) != felemap.end()){
mix->DefineElement(i, felemap[f->first], f->second);
else {
i = i + 1;
medid = medid + 1;
TGeoMedium* med = 0;
if(mixflag == 1) {
fmixmap[name] = mix;
med = new TGeoMedium(NameShort(name), medid, mix);
else if (mixflag == 0) {
fmatmap[name] = mat;
med = new TGeoMedium(NameShort(name), medid, mat);
fmedmap[name] = med;
return child;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::VolProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
XMLAttrPointer_t attr;
XMLNodePointer_t subchild;
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
const char* name;
const char* solidname = "";
const char* tempattr = "";
TGeoShape* solid = 0;
TGeoMedium* medium = 0;
TGeoVolume* vol = 0;
TGeoVolume* lv = 0;
TGeoShape* reflex = 0;
TGeoTranslation* pos = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0);
TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
TGeoMatrix* matr;
TGeoMatrix* tempmatr = 0;
const Double_t* parentrot = 0;
int yesrefl = 0;
const char* reftemp = "";
while (child!=0) {
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "solidref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fsolmap.find(reftemp) != fsolmap.end()){
solid = fsolmap[reftemp];
else if(freflectmap.find(reftemp) != freflectmap.end()){
solidname = reftemp;
reflex = fsolmap[freflectmap[reftemp]];
else {
printf("Solid: %s, Not Yet Defined!\n", reftemp);
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "materialref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fmedmap.find(reftemp) != fmedmap.end()){
medium = fmedmap[reftemp];
else {
printf("Medium: %s, Not Yet Defined!\n", gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref"));
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
name = gdml->GetAttr(node, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
if(reflex == 0){
vol = new TGeoVolume(NameShort(name), solid, medium);
else {
vol = new TGeoVolume(NameShort(name), reflex, medium);
freflvolmap[name] = solidname;
TGDMLRefl* parentrefl = freflsolidmap[solidname];
parentrot = parentrefl->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix();
yesrefl = 1;
fvolmap[name] = vol;
child = gdml->GetChild(node);
while (child!=0) {
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "physvol")) == 0){
const char* volref = "";
subchild = gdml->GetChild(child);
pos = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0);
rot = new TGeoRotation();
while (subchild!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetNodeName(subchild);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "volumeref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
lv = fvolmap[reftemp];
volref = reftemp;
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "file")) == 0){
const char* filevol;
const char* prevfile = fCurrentFile;
fCurrentFile = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "name");
filevol = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "volname");
TXMLEngine* gdml2 = new TXMLEngine;
XMLDocPointer_t filedoc1 = gdml2->ParseFile(fCurrentFile);
if (filedoc1==0) {
std::cout << "Error: Bad filename given :" << fCurrentFile << std::endl;
delete gdml2;
XMLNodePointer_t mainnode2 = gdml2->DocGetRootElement(filedoc1);
fFileEngine[fFILENO] = gdml2;
if(ffilemap.find(fCurrentFile) != ffilemap.end()){
volref = ffilemap[fCurrentFile];
else {
volref = ParseGDML(gdml2, mainnode2);
ffilemap[fCurrentFile] = volref;
volref = filevol;
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
volref = Form("%s_%s", volref, fCurrentFile);
gdml = fFileEngine[fFILENO];
fCurrentFile = prevfile;
lv = fvolmap[volref];
delete gdml2;
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "positionref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fposmap.find(reftemp) != fposmap.end()){
pos = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "position")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(subchild);
PosProcess(gdml, subchild, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
pos = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rotationref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(frotmap.find(reftemp) != frotmap.end()){
rot = frotmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rotation")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(subchild);
RotProcess(gdml, subchild, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
rot = frotmap[reftemp];
subchild = gdml->GetNext(subchild);
fVolID = fVolID + 1;
if(freflvolmap.find(volref) != freflvolmap.end()){
TGDMLRefl* temprefl = freflsolidmap[freflvolmap[volref]];
tempmatr = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos, *rot);
const Double_t* a_pos = temprefl->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation();
const Double_t* b_pos = tempmatr->GetTranslation();
const Double_t* a_rot = temprefl->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix();
const Double_t* b_rot = tempmatr->GetRotationMatrix();
double c_rot[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){c_rot[i] = 0;}
int a = 0, c = 0;
for(a=0; a<9; a+=3){
for(c=a; c<(a+3); c++){
int b = (c-a);
c_rot[c] = (a_rot[a] * b_rot[b]) + (a_rot[(a+1)] * b_rot[(b+3)]) + (a_rot[(a+2)] * b_rot[(b+6)]);
rot = new TGeoRotation();
pos = new TGeoTranslation();
pos->SetDx((a_pos[0] + b_pos[0]));
pos->SetDy((a_pos[1] + b_pos[1]));
pos->SetDz((a_pos[2] + b_pos[2]));
if(yesrefl == 1){
const Double_t* tempPos = pos->GetTranslation();
matr = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos, *rot);
vol->AddNode(lv, fVolID, matr);
else if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "divisionvol")) == 0){
const char* divVolref = "";
Int_t axis = 0;
const char* number = "";
const char* width = "";
const char* offset = "";
const char* lunit = "mm";
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "axis")) == 0) {
axis = SetAxis(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "number")) == 0) {
number = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "width") == 0){
width = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "offset") == 0){
offset = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "unit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
subchild = gdml->GetChild(child);
while (subchild!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetNodeName(subchild);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "volumeref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
divVolref = reftemp;
subchild = gdml->GetNext(subchild);
const char* numberline = "";
const char* widthline = "";
const char* offsetline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(lunit);
numberline = Form("%s*%s", number, retunit);
widthline = Form("%s*%s", width, retunit);
offsetline = Form("%s*%s", offset, retunit);
fVolID = fVolID + 1;
vol->Divide(NameShort(name), axis, (Int_t)Evaluate(numberline), (Double_t)Evaluate(offsetline), (Double_t)Evaluate(widthline));
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
return child;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::BooSolid(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr, int num)
const char* reftemp = "";
const char* tempattr = "";
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
TGeoCompositeShape* boolean = 0;
TGeoShape* first = 0;
TGeoShape* second = 0;
TGeoTranslation* pos = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0);
TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
TGeoTranslation* pos2 = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0);
TGeoRotation* rot2 = new TGeoRotation();
const char* name = gdml->GetAttr(node, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
while (child!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetNodeName(child);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "first")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fsolmap.find(reftemp) != fsolmap.end()){
first = fsolmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "second")) == 0) {
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fsolmap.find(reftemp) != fsolmap.end()){
second = fsolmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "position")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
PosProcess(gdml, child, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
pos = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "positionref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fposmap.find(reftemp) != fposmap.end()){
pos = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rotation")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
RotProcess(gdml, child, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
rot = frotmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rotationref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(frotmap.find(reftemp) != frotmap.end()){
rot = frotmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "firstposition")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
PosProcess(gdml, child, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
pos2 = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "firstpositionref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fposmap.find(reftemp) != fposmap.end()){
pos2 = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "firstrotation")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
RotProcess(gdml, child, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
rot2 = frotmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "firstrotationref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(frotmap.find(reftemp) != frotmap.end()){
rot2 = frotmap[reftemp];
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
if(num == 1){
TGeoRotation* myrot = new TGeoRotation(rot->Inverse());
TGeoMatrix* matr = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos, *myrot);
TGeoMatrix* mat2 = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos2, *rot2);
TGeoSubtraction* sub = new TGeoSubtraction(first, second, mat2, matr);
boolean = new TGeoCompositeShape(NameShort(name), sub);
else if(num == 2){
TGeoRotation* myrot = new TGeoRotation(rot->Inverse());
TGeoTranslation* mypos = new TGeoTranslation(*pos);
TGeoMatrix* matr = new TGeoCombiTrans(*mypos, *myrot);
TGeoMatrix* mat2 = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos2, *rot2);
TGeoIntersection* inter = new TGeoIntersection(first, second, mat2, matr);
boolean = new TGeoCompositeShape(NameShort(name), inter);
else if(num == 3){
TGeoRotation* myrot = new TGeoRotation(rot->Inverse());
TGeoMatrix* matr = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos, *myrot);
TGeoMatrix* mat2 = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos2, *rot2);
TGeoUnion* un = new TGeoUnion(first, second, mat2, matr);
boolean = new TGeoCompositeShape(NameShort(name), un);
fsolmap[name] = boolean;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::AssProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
const char* name = gdml->GetAttr(node, "name");
const char* reftemp = "";
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
XMLAttrPointer_t attr;
XMLNodePointer_t subchild;
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
const char* tempattr = "";
TGeoVolume* lv = 0;
TGeoTranslation* pos = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0);
TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
TGeoCombiTrans* matr;
TGeoVolumeAssembly* assem = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(NameShort(name));
child = gdml->GetChild(node);
while (child!=0) {
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "physvol")) == 0){
subchild = gdml->GetChild(child);
pos = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0);
rot = new TGeoRotation();
while (subchild!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetNodeName(subchild);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "volumeref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
lv = fvolmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "positionref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(fposmap.find(reftemp) != fposmap.end()){
pos = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "position")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(subchild);
PosProcess(gdml, subchild, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
pos = fposmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rotationref")) == 0){
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
if(frotmap.find(reftemp) != frotmap.end()){
rot = frotmap[reftemp];
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rotation")) == 0){
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(subchild);
RotProcess(gdml, subchild, attr);
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(subchild, "name");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
rot = frotmap[reftemp];
subchild = gdml->GetNext(subchild);
fVolID = fVolID + 1;
matr = new TGeoCombiTrans(*pos, *rot);
assem->AddNode(lv, fVolID, matr);
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
fvolmap[name] = assem;
return child;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::TopProcess(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node)
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
while(child != 0){
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "world") == 0)){
const char* reftemp;
reftemp = gdml->GetAttr(child, "ref");
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
reftemp = Form("%s_%s", reftemp, fCurrentFile);
fWorld = fvolmap[reftemp];
fWorldName = reftemp;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Box(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* xpos = "0";
const char* ypos = "0";
const char* zpos = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "x")) == 0) {
xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y") == 0){
ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
zpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* xline = "";
const char* yline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(lunit);
xline = Form("%s*%s", xpos, retunit);
yline = Form("%s*%s", ypos, retunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", zpos, retunit);
TGeoBBox* box = new TGeoBBox(NameShort(name),Evaluate(xline)/2,
fsolmap[name] = box;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Paraboloid(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* rlopos = "0";
const char* rhipos = "0";
const char* dzpos = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rlo")) == 0) {
rlopos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rhi") == 0){
rhipos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "dz") == 0){
dzpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rloline = "";
const char* rhiline = "";
const char* dzline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(lunit);
rloline = Form("%s*%s", rlopos, retunit);
rhiline = Form("%s*%s", rhipos, retunit);
dzline = Form("%s*%s", dzpos, retunit);
TGeoParaboloid* paraboloid = new TGeoParaboloid(NameShort(name),Evaluate(rloline),
fsolmap[name] = paraboloid;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Arb8(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* v1xpos = "0";
const char* v1ypos = "0";
const char* v2xpos = "0";
const char* v2ypos = "0";
const char* v3xpos = "0";
const char* v3ypos = "0";
const char* v4xpos = "0";
const char* v4ypos = "0";
const char* v5xpos = "0";
const char* v5ypos = "0";
const char* v6xpos = "0";
const char* v6ypos = "0";
const char* v7xpos = "0";
const char* v7ypos = "0";
const char* v8xpos = "0";
const char* v8ypos = "0";
const char* dzpos = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v1x")) == 0) {
v1xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v1y") == 0){
v1ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v2x")) == 0) {
v2xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v2y") == 0){
v2ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v3x")) == 0) {
v3xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v3y") == 0){
v3ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v4x")) == 0) {
v4xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v4y") == 0){
v4ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v5x")) == 0) {
v5xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v5y") == 0){
v5ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v6x")) == 0) {
v6xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v6y") == 0){
v6ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v7x")) == 0) {
v7xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v7y") == 0){
v7ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "v8x")) == 0) {
v8xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "v8y") == 0){
v8ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "dz")) == 0) {
dzpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* v1xline = "";
const char* v1yline = "";
const char* v2xline = "";
const char* v2yline = "";
const char* v3xline = "";
const char* v3yline = "";
const char* v4xline = "";
const char* v4yline = "";
const char* v5xline = "";
const char* v5yline = "";
const char* v6xline = "";
const char* v6yline = "";
const char* v7xline = "";
const char* v7yline = "";
const char* v8xline = "";
const char* v8yline = "";
const char* dzline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(lunit);
v1xline = Form("%s*%s", v1xpos, retunit);
v1yline = Form("%s*%s", v1ypos, retunit);
v2xline = Form("%s*%s", v2xpos, retunit);
v2yline = Form("%s*%s", v2ypos, retunit);
v3xline = Form("%s*%s", v3xpos, retunit);
v3yline = Form("%s*%s", v3ypos, retunit);
v4xline = Form("%s*%s", v4xpos, retunit);
v4yline = Form("%s*%s", v4ypos, retunit);
v5xline = Form("%s*%s", v5xpos, retunit);
v5yline = Form("%s*%s", v5ypos, retunit);
v6xline = Form("%s*%s", v6xpos, retunit);
v6yline = Form("%s*%s", v6ypos, retunit);
v7xline = Form("%s*%s", v7xpos, retunit);
v7yline = Form("%s*%s", v7ypos, retunit);
v8xline = Form("%s*%s", v8xpos, retunit);
v8yline = Form("%s*%s", v8ypos, retunit);
dzline = Form("%s*%s", dzpos , retunit);
TGeoArb8* arb8 = new TGeoArb8(NameShort(name), Evaluate(dzline));
arb8->SetVertex(0, Evaluate(v1xline),Evaluate(v1yline));
arb8->SetVertex(1, Evaluate(v2xline),Evaluate(v2yline));
arb8->SetVertex(2, Evaluate(v3xline),Evaluate(v3yline));
arb8->SetVertex(3, Evaluate(v4xline),Evaluate(v4yline));
arb8->SetVertex(4, Evaluate(v5xline),Evaluate(v5yline));
arb8->SetVertex(5, Evaluate(v6xline),Evaluate(v6yline));
arb8->SetVertex(6, Evaluate(v7xline),Evaluate(v7yline));
arb8->SetVertex(7, Evaluate(v8xline),Evaluate(v8yline));
fsolmap[name] = arb8;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Tube(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0){
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0){
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0){
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline= "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("(%s*%s) + %s", deltaphi, retaunit, startphiline);
TGeoTubeSeg* tube = new TGeoTubeSeg(NameShort(name),Evaluate(rminline),
fsolmap[name] = tube;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::CutTube(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* lowX = "0";
const char* lowY = "0";
const char* lowZ = "0";
const char* highX = "0";
const char* highY = "0";
const char* highZ = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0){
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0){
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0){
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lowX") == 0){
lowX = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lowY") == 0){
lowY = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lowZ") == 0){
lowZ = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "highX") == 0){
highX = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "highY") == 0){
highY = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "highZ") == 0){
highZ = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
const char* lowXline = "";
const char* lowYline = "";
const char* lowZline = "";
const char* highXline = "";
const char* highYline = "";
const char* highZline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("(%s*%s) + %s", deltaphi, retaunit, startphiline);
lowXline = Form("%s*%s", lowX, retlunit);
lowYline = Form("%s*%s", lowY, retlunit);
lowZline = Form("%s*%s", lowZ, retlunit);
highXline = Form("%s*%s", highX, retlunit);
highYline = Form("%s*%s", highY, retlunit);
highZline = Form("%s*%s", highZ, retlunit);
TGeoCtub* cuttube = new TGeoCtub(NameShort(name),Evaluate(rminline),
fsolmap[name] = cuttube;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Cone(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin1 = "0";
const char* rmax1 = "0";
const char* rmin2 = "0";
const char* rmax2 = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin1")) == 0) {
rmin1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax1") == 0){
rmax1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin2")) == 0) {
rmin2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax2") == 0){
rmax2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0){
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0){
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rmin1line = "";
const char* rmax1line = "";
const char* rmin2line = "";
const char* rmax2line = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
rmin1line = Form("%s*%s", rmin1, retlunit);
rmax1line = Form("%s*%s", rmax1, retlunit);
rmin2line = Form("%s*%s", rmin2, retlunit);
rmax2line = Form("%s*%s", rmax2, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("(%s*%s) + %s", deltaphi, retaunit, startphiline);
TGeoConeSeg* cone = new TGeoConeSeg(NameShort(name),Evaluate(zline)/2,
fsolmap[name] = cone;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Trap(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* x1 = "0";
const char* x2 = "0";
const char* x3 = "0";
const char* x4 = "0";
const char* y1 = "0";
const char* y2 = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* phi = "0";
const char* theta = "0";
const char* alpha1 = "0";
const char* alpha2 = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if(strcmp(tempattr, "name") == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x1") == 0) {
x1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x2") == 0) {
x2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x3") == 0) {
x3 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x4") == 0) {
x4 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y1") == 0) {
y1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y2") == 0) {
y2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0) {
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0) {
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "phi") == 0){
phi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "theta") == 0){
theta = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "alpha1") == 0) {
alpha1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "alpha2") == 0){
alpha2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* x1line = "";
const char* x2line = "";
const char*x3line = "";
const char*x4line = "";
const char*y1line = "";
const char*y2line = "";
const char*zline = "";
const char*philine = "";
const char*thetaline = "";
const char*alpha1line = "";
const char*alpha2line = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
x1line = Form("%s*%s", x1, retlunit);
x2line = Form("%s*%s", x2, retlunit);
x3line = Form("%s*%s", x3, retlunit);
x4line = Form("%s*%s", x4, retlunit);
y1line = Form("%s*%s", y1, retlunit);
y2line = Form("%s*%s", y2, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
philine = Form("%s*%s", phi, retaunit);
thetaline = Form("%s*%s", theta, retaunit);
alpha1line = Form("%s*%s", alpha1, retaunit);
alpha2line = Form("%s*%s", alpha2, retaunit);
TGeoTrap* trap = new TGeoTrap(NameShort(name),Evaluate(zline)/2,
fsolmap[name] = trap;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Trd(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* x1 = "0";
const char* x2 = "0";
const char* y1 = "0";
const char* y2 = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if(strcmp(tempattr, "name") == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x1") == 0) {
x1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x2") == 0){
x2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y1") == 0) {
y1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y2") == 0){
y2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* x1line = "";
const char* x2line = "";
const char* y1line = "";
const char* y2line = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* retlunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
x1line = Form("%s*%s", x1, retlunit);
x2line = Form("%s*%s", x2, retlunit);
y1line = Form("%s*%s", y1, retlunit);
y2line = Form("%s*%s", y2, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
TGeoTrd2* trd = new TGeoTrd2(NameShort(name),
fsolmap[name] = trd;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Polycone(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
} else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0) {
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
} else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0) {
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
} else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0) {
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
} else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0) {
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
int numplanes = 0;
while (child!=0){
numplanes = numplanes + 1;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
int cols;
int i;
cols = 3;
double ** table = new double*[numplanes];
for(i = 0; i < numplanes; i++) {
table[i] = new double[cols];
child = gdml->GetChild(node);
int planeno = 0;
while (child!=0) {
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "zplane")) == 0) {
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline = "";
const char* zline = "";
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
table[planeno][0] = Evaluate(rminline);
} else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0) {
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
table[planeno][1] = Evaluate(rmaxline);
} else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0) {
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
table[planeno][2] = Evaluate(zline);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
planeno = planeno + 1;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("%s*%s", deltaphi, retaunit);
TGeoPcon* poly = new TGeoPcon(NameShort(name),
Int_t zno = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numplanes; j++) {
poly->DefineSection(zno, table[j][2], table[j][0], table[j][1]);
zno = zno + 1;
fsolmap[name] = poly;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Polyhedra(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* numsides = "1";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0){
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0){
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "numsides") == 0){
numsides = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
int numplanes = 0;
while (child!=0){
numplanes = numplanes + 1;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
int cols;
int i;
cols = 3;
double ** table = new double*[numplanes];
for(i = 0; i < numplanes; i++){
table[i] = new double[cols];
child = gdml->GetChild(node);
int planeno = 0;
while (child!=0) {
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "zplane")) == 0){
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline = "";
const char* zline = "";
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
table[planeno][0] = Evaluate(rminline);
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0){
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
table[planeno][1] = Evaluate(rmaxline);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
table[planeno][2] = Evaluate(zline);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
planeno = planeno + 1;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
const char* numsidesline = "";
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("%s*%s", deltaphi, retaunit);
numsidesline = Form("%s", numsides);
TGeoPgon* polyg = new TGeoPgon(NameShort(name),
Int_t zno = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numplanes; j++){
polyg->DefineSection(zno, table[j][2], table[j][0], table[j][1]);
zno = zno + 1;
fsolmap[name] = polyg;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Sphere(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* starttheta = "0";
const char* deltatheta = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0) {
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0){
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0){
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "starttheta") == 0){
starttheta = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltatheta") == 0){
deltatheta = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline = "";
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
const char* startthetaline = "";
const char* deltathetaline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("(%s*%s) + %s", deltaphi, retaunit, startphiline);
startthetaline = Form("%s*%s", starttheta, retaunit);
deltathetaline = Form("(%s*%s) + %s", deltatheta, retaunit, startthetaline);
TGeoSphere* sphere = new TGeoSphere(NameShort(name),
fsolmap[name] = sphere;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Torus(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* rtor = "0";
const char* startphi = "0";
const char* deltaphi = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0){
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "rtor") == 0){
rtor = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "startphi") == 0){
startphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "deltaphi") == 0){
deltaphi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline = "";
const char* rtorline = "";
const char* startphiline = "";
const char* deltaphiline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
rtorline = Form("%s*%s", rtor, retlunit);
startphiline = Form("%s*%s", startphi, retaunit);
deltaphiline = Form("%s*%s", deltaphi, retaunit);
TGeoTorus* torus = new TGeoTorus(NameShort(name),Evaluate(rtorline),
fsolmap[name] = torus;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Hype(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* rmin = "0";
const char* rmax = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* inst = "0";
const char* outst = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rmin")) == 0) {
rmin = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "rmax") == 0){
rmax = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "inst") == 0){
inst = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "outst") == 0){
outst = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rminline = "";
const char* rmaxline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* instline = "";
const char* outstline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
rminline = Form("%s*%s", rmin, retlunit);
rmaxline = Form("%s*%s", rmax, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
instline = Form("%s*%s", inst, retaunit);
outstline = Form("%s*%s", outst, retaunit);
TGeoHype* hype = new TGeoHype(NameShort(name),
fsolmap[name] = hype;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Para(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* x = "0";
const char* y = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* phi = "0";
const char* theta = "0";
const char* alpha = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "x")) == 0) {
x = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y") == 0){
y = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "phi") == 0){
phi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "theta") == 0){
theta = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "alpha") == 0){
alpha = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* xline = "";
const char* yline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* philine = "";
const char* alphaline = "";
const char* thetaline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
xline = Form("%s*%s", x, retlunit);
yline = Form("%s*%s", y, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
philine = Form("%s*%s", phi, retaunit);
alphaline = Form("%s*%s", alpha, retaunit);
thetaline = Form("%s*%s", theta, retaunit);
TGeoPara* para = new TGeoPara(NameShort(name),
fsolmap[name] = para;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::TwistTrap(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* x1 = "0";
const char* x2 = "0";
const char* x3 = "0";
const char* x4 = "0";
const char* y1 = "0";
const char* y2 = "0";
const char* z = "0";
const char* phi = "0";
const char* theta = "0";
const char* alpha1 = "0";
const char* alpha2 = "0";
const char* twist = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if(strcmp(tempattr, "name") == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x1") == 0) {
x1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x2") == 0){
x2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x3") == 0) {
x3 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "x4") == 0){
x4 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y1") == 0) {
y1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y2") == 0){
y2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "z") == 0){
z = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "phi") == 0){
phi = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "theta") == 0) {
theta = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "alpha1") == 0) {
alpha1 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "alpha2") == 0){
alpha2 = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "twist") == 0) {
twist = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* x1line = "";
const char* x2line = "";
const char* x3line = "";
const char* x4line = "";
const char* y1line = "";
const char* y2line = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* philine = "";
const char* thetaline = "";
const char* alpha1line = "";
const char* alpha2line = "";
const char* twistline = "";
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
x1line = Form("%s*%s", x1, retlunit);
x2line = Form("%s*%s", x2, retlunit);
x3line = Form("%s*%s", x3, retlunit);
x4line = Form("%s*%s", x4, retlunit);
y1line = Form("%s*%s", y1, retlunit);
y2line = Form("%s*%s", y2, retlunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", z, retlunit);
philine = Form("%s*%s", phi, retaunit);
thetaline = Form("%s*%s", theta, retaunit);
alpha1line = Form("%s*%s", alpha1, retaunit);
alpha2line = Form("%s*%s", alpha2, retaunit);
twistline = Form("%s*%s", twist, retaunit);
TGeoGtra* twtrap = new TGeoGtra(NameShort(name),Evaluate(zline)/2,
fsolmap[name] = twtrap;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::ElTube(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* xpos = "0";
const char* ypos = "0";
const char* zpos = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "dx")) == 0) {
xpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "dy") == 0){
ypos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "dz") == 0){
zpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* xline = "";
const char* yline = "";
const char* zline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(lunit);
xline = Form("%s*%s", xpos, retunit);
yline = Form("%s*%s", ypos, retunit);
zline = Form("%s*%s", zpos, retunit);
TGeoEltu* eltu = new TGeoEltu(NameShort(name),Evaluate(xline),
fsolmap[name] = eltu;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Orb(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* r = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "r")) == 0) {
r = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* rline = "";
const char* retunit;
retunit = GetScale(aunit);
rline = Form("%s*%s", r, retunit);
TGeoSphere* orb = new TGeoSphere(NameShort(name), 0, Evaluate(rline), 0, 180, 0, 360);
fsolmap[name] = orb;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Xtru(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* lunit = "mm";
const char* aunit = "deg";
const char* x = "0";
const char* y = "0";
const char* zorder = "0";
const char* zpos = "0";
const char* xoff = "0";
const char* yoff = "0";
const char* scale = "0";
const char* name = "";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "lunit") == 0){
lunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "aunit") == 0){
aunit = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
const char* retlunit;
const char* retaunit;
retlunit = GetScale(lunit);
retaunit = GetScale(aunit);
XMLNodePointer_t child = gdml->GetChild(node);
int nosects = 0;
int noverts = 0;
while (child!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetNodeName(child);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "twoDimVertex")) == 0){
noverts = noverts + 1;
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "section")) == 0){
nosects = nosects + 1;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
int cols;
int i;
double *vertx = new double[noverts];
double *verty = new double[noverts];
cols = 5;
double ** section = new double*[nosects];
for(i = 0; i < nosects; i++){
section[i] = new double[cols];
child = gdml->GetChild(node);
int sect = 0;
int vert = 0;
while (child!=0) {
if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "twoDimVertex")) == 0){
const char* xline = "";
const char* yline = "";
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "x")) == 0) {
x = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
xline = Form("%s*%s", x, retlunit);
vertx[vert] = Evaluate(xline);
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "y") == 0){
y = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
yline = Form("%s*%s", y, retlunit);
verty[vert] = Evaluate(yline);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
vert = vert + 1;
else if((strcmp(gdml->GetNodeName(child), "section")) == 0){
const char* zorderline = "";
const char* zposline = "";
const char* xoffline = "";
const char* yoffline = "";
const char* scaleline = "";
attr = gdml->GetFirstAttr(child);
while (attr!=0){
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "zOrder")) == 0) {
zorder = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
zorderline = Form("%s*%s", zorder, retlunit);
section[sect][0] = Evaluate(zorderline);
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "zPosition") == 0){
zpos = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
zposline = Form("%s*%s", zpos, retlunit);
section[sect][1] = Evaluate(zposline);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "xOffset") == 0){
xoff = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
xoffline = Form("%s*%s", xoff, retlunit);
section[sect][2] = Evaluate(xoffline);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "yOffset") == 0){
yoff = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
yoffline = Form("%s*%s", yoff, retlunit);
section[sect][3] = Evaluate(yoffline);
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "scalingFactor") == 0){
scale = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
scaleline = Form("%s*%s", scale, retlunit);
section[sect][4] = Evaluate(scaleline);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
sect = sect + 1;
child = gdml->GetNext(child);
TGeoXtru* xtru = new TGeoXtru(nosects);
xtru->DefinePolygon(vert, vertx, verty);
for (int j = 0; j < sect; j++){
xtru->DefineSection((int)section[j][0], section[j][1], section[j][2], section[j][3], section[j][4]);
fsolmap[name] = xtru;
return node;
XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLParse::Reflection(TXMLEngine* gdml, XMLNodePointer_t node, XMLAttrPointer_t attr)
const char* sx = "0";
const char* sy = "0";
const char* sz = "0";
const char* rx = "0";
const char* ry = "0";
const char* rz = "0";
const char* dx = "0";
const char* dy = "0";
const char* dz = "0";
const char* name = "0";
const char* solid = "0";
const char* tempattr;
while (attr!=0) {
tempattr = gdml->GetAttrName(attr);
if((strcmp(tempattr, "name")) == 0) {
name = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "sx")) == 0) {
sx = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "sy") == 0){
sy = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "sz") == 0){
sz = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "rx")) == 0) {
rx = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "ry") == 0){
ry = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "rz") == 0){
rz = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if((strcmp(tempattr, "dx")) == 0) {
dx = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if(strcmp(tempattr, "dy") == 0){
dy = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "dz") == 0){
dz = FindConst(gdml->GetAttrValue(attr));
else if (strcmp(tempattr, "solid") == 0){
solid = gdml->GetAttrValue(attr);
attr = gdml->GetNextAttr(attr);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
name = Form("%s_%s", name, fCurrentFile);
if((strcmp(fCurrentFile,fStartFile)) != 0){
solid = Form("%s_%s", solid, fCurrentFile);
TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation();
TGeoCombiTrans* relf_matx = new TGeoCombiTrans(Evaluate(dx), Evaluate(dy), Evaluate(dz), rot);
TGDMLRefl* reflsol = new TGDMLRefl(NameShort(name), solid, relf_matx);
freflsolidmap[name] = reflsol;
freflectmap[name] = solid;
return node;
TGDMLRefl::TGDMLRefl(const char* name, const char* solid, TGeoMatrix* matrix)
fNameS = name;
fSolid = solid;
fMatrix = matrix;
TGeoMatrix* TGDMLRefl::GetMatrix()
return fMatrix;
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