// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveManager.cxx 21652 2008-01-11 17:13:04Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TEveManager.h"

#include "TEveViewer.h"
#include "TEveScene.h"
#include "TEvePad.h"
#include "TEveEventManager.h"

#include "TEveBrowser.h"
#include "TEveGedEditor.h"

#include "TGStatusBar.h"

#include "TGLSAViewer.h"

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TMacro.h"
#include "TFolder.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TRint.h"
#include "TVirtualX.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "TVirtualGL.h"
#include "TPluginManager.h"

#include <iostream>

TEveManager* gEve = 0;

// TEveManager
// Central aplicat manager for Reve.
// Manages elements, GUI, GL scenes and GL viewers.


TEveManager::TEveManager(UInt_t w, UInt_t h) :
   fExcHandler  (0),
   fBrowser     (0),
   fEditor      (0),
   fStatusBar   (0),

   fMacroFolder (0),

   fViewers        (0),
   fScenes         (0),
   fViewer         (0),
   fGlobalScene    (0),
   fEventScene     (0),
   fCurrentEvent   (0),

   fRedrawDisabled (0),
   fResetCameras   (kFALSE),
   fDropLogicals   (kFALSE),
   fKeepEmptyCont  (kFALSE),
   fTimerActive    (kFALSE),
   fRedrawTimer    (),

   fGeometries     ()
   // Constructor.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveManager::TEveManager ");

   if (gEve != 0)
      throw(eh + "There can be only one!");

   gEve = this;

   fExcHandler = new TExceptionHandler;

   fRedrawTimer.Connect("Timeout()", "TEveManager", this, "DoRedraw3D()");
   fMacroFolder = new TFolder("EVE", "Visualization macros");

   // Build GUI
   fBrowser   = new TEveBrowser(w, h);
   fStatusBar = fBrowser->GetStatusBar();

   // ListTreeEditor
   fLTEFrame = new TEveGListTreeEditorFrame("Eve list-tree/editor");
   fBrowser->SetTabTitle("Eve", 0);
   fEditor   = fLTEFrame->fEditor;

   // GL viewer
   TGLSAViewer* glv = new TGLSAViewer(gClient->GetRoot(), 0, fEditor);
   fBrowser->SetTabTitle("GLViewer", 1);

   // Finalize it

   // --------------------------------

   fViewers = new TEveViewerList("Viewers");
   AddToListTree(fViewers, kTRUE);

   fViewer  = new TEveViewer("GLViewer");
   AddElement(fViewer, fViewers);

   fScenes  = new TEveSceneList ("Scenes");
   AddToListTree(fScenes, kTRUE);

   fGlobalScene = new TEveScene("Geometry scene");
   AddElement(fGlobalScene, fScenes);

   fEventScene = new TEveScene("Event scene");
   AddElement(fEventScene, fScenes);





   // Destructor.

   delete fExcHandler;


TCanvas* TEveManager::AddCanvasTab(const char* name)
   // Add a new canvas tab.

   fBrowser->StartEmbedding(1, -1);
   TCanvas* c = new TCanvas;
   fBrowser->SetTabTitle(name, 1, -1);

   return c;

TGWindow* TEveManager::GetMainWindow() const
   // Get the main window, i.e. the first created reve-browser.

   return fBrowser;

TGLViewer* TEveManager::GetGLViewer() const
   // Get default TGLViewer.

   return fViewer->GetGLViewer();

TEveViewer* TEveManager::SpawnNewViewer(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title,
                                        Bool_t embed)
   // Create a new GL viewer.

   TEveViewer* v = new TEveViewer(name, title);

   if (embed)  fBrowser->StartEmbedding(1);
   v->SpawnGLViewer(gClient->GetRoot(), embed ? fEditor : 0);
   if (embed)  fBrowser->StopEmbedding(), fBrowser->SetTabTitle(name, 1);
   AddElement(v, fViewers);
   return v;

TEveScene* TEveManager::SpawnNewScene(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title)
   // Create a new scene.

   TEveScene* s = new TEveScene(name, title);
   AddElement(s, fScenes);
   return s;

// Macro management

TMacro* TEveManager::GetMacro(const Text_t* name) const
   // Find macro in fMacroFolder by name.

   return dynamic_cast<TMacro*>(fMacroFolder->FindObject(name));

// Editor

void TEveManager::EditElement(TEveElement* element)
   // Show element in default editor.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveManager::EditElement ");


// 3D TEvePad management

void TEveManager::RegisterRedraw3D()
   // Register a request for 3D redraw.

   fRedrawTimer.Start(0, kTRUE);
   fTimerActive = true;

void TEveManager::DoRedraw3D()
   // Perform 3D redraw of scenes and viewers whose contents has
   // changed.

   // printf("TEveManager::DoRedraw3D redraw triggered\n");

   fScenes ->RepaintChangedScenes();
   fViewers->RepaintChangedViewers(fResetCameras, fDropLogicals);

   fResetCameras = kFALSE;
   fDropLogicals = kFALSE;

   fTimerActive = kFALSE;

void TEveManager::FullRedraw3D(Bool_t resetCameras, Bool_t dropLogicals)
   // Perform 3D redraw of all scenes and viewers.

   fScenes ->RepaintAllScenes();
   fViewers->RepaintAllViewers(resetCameras, dropLogicals);


void TEveManager::ElementChanged(TEveElement* element, Bool_t update_scenes, Bool_t redraw)
   // Element was changed, perform framework side action.
   // Called from TEveElement::ElementChanged().

   static const TEveException eh("TEveElement::ElementChanged ");

   if (fEditor->GetModel() == element->GetEditorObject(eh))

   if (update_scenes) {
      std::list<TEveElement*> scenes;

   if (redraw)

void TEveManager::ScenesChanged(std::list<TEveElement*>& scenes)
   // Mark all scenes from the given list as changed.

   for (TEveElement::List_i s=scenes.begin(); s!=scenes.end(); ++s)

// GUI interface

TGListTree* TEveManager::GetListTree() const
   // Get default list-tree widget.

   return fLTEFrame->fListTree;

TEveManager::AddToListTree(TEveElement* re, Bool_t open, TGListTree* lt)
   // Add element as a top-level to a list-tree.
   // Only add a single copy of a render-element as a top level.

   if (lt == 0) lt = GetListTree();
   TGListTreeItem* lti = re->AddIntoListTree(lt, (TGListTreeItem*)0);
   if (open) lt->OpenItem(lti);
   return lti;

void TEveManager::RemoveFromListTree(TEveElement* element,
                                     TGListTree* lt, TGListTreeItem* lti)
   // Remove top-level element from list-tree with specified tree-item.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveManager::RemoveFromListTree ");

   if (lti->GetParent())
      throw(eh + "not a top-level item.");

   element->RemoveFromListTree(lt, 0);


TGListTreeItem* TEveManager::AddEvent(TEveEventManager* event)
   // Add a new event and make it the current event.
   // It is added into the event-scene and as a top-level list-tree
   // item.

   fCurrentEvent = event;
   AddElement(fCurrentEvent, fEventScene);
   return AddToListTree(event, kTRUE);

TGListTreeItem* TEveManager::AddElement(TEveElement* element,
                                        TEveElement* parent)
   // Add an element. If parent is not specified it is added into
   // current event (which is created if does not exist).

   if (parent == 0) {
      if (fCurrentEvent == 0)
         AddEvent(new TEveEventManager("Event", "Auto-created event directory"));
      parent = fCurrentEvent;

   return parent->AddElement(element);

TGListTreeItem* TEveManager::AddGlobalElement(TEveElement* element,
                                              TEveElement* parent)
   // Add a global element, i.e. one that does not change on each
   // event, like geometry or projection manager.
   // If parent is not specified it is added to a global scene.

   if (parent == 0)
      parent = fGlobalScene;

   return parent->AddElement(element);


void TEveManager::RemoveElement(TEveElement* element,
                                TEveElement* parent)
   // Remove element from parent.


void TEveManager::PreDeleteElement(TEveElement* element)
   // Called from TEveElement prior to its destruction so the
   // framework components (like object editor) can unreference it.

   if (fEditor->GetEveElement() == element)

   std::list<TEveElement*> scenes;


void TEveManager::ElementSelect(TEveElement* element)
   // Select an element.


Bool_t TEveManager::ElementPaste(TEveElement* element)
   // Paste has been called.

   // The object to paste is taken from the editor (this is not
   // exactly right) and handed to 'element' for pasting.

   TEveElement* src = fEditor->GetEveElement();
   if (src)
      return element->HandleElementPaste(src);
   return kFALSE;

void TEveManager::ElementChecked(TEveElement* element, Bool_t state)
   // An element has been checked in the list-tree.


// GeoManager registration

TGeoManager* TEveManager::GetGeometry(const TString& filename)
   // Get geometry with given filename.
   // This is cached internally so the second time this function is
   // called with the same argument the same geo-manager is returned.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveManager::GetGeometry ");

   TString exp_filename = filename;
   printf("%s loading: '%s' -> '%s'.\n", eh.Data(),
          filename.Data(), exp_filename.Data());

   std::map<TString, TGeoManager*>::iterator g = fGeometries.find(filename);
   if (g != fGeometries.end()) {
      return g->second;
   } else {
      gGeoManager = 0;
      if (TGeoManager::Import(filename) == 0)
         throw(eh + "GeoManager::Import() failed for '" + exp_filename + "'.");


      // Import colors exported by Gled, if they exist.
         TFile f(exp_filename, "READ");
         TObjArray* collist = (TObjArray*) f.Get("ColorList");
         if (collist != 0) {
            TIter next(gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes());
            TGeoVolume* vol;
            while ((vol = (TGeoVolume*) next()) != 0)
               Int_t oldID = vol->GetLineColor();
               TColor* col = (TColor*)collist->At(oldID);
               Float_t r, g, b;
               col->GetRGB(r, g, b);
               Int_t  newID = TColor::GetColor(r,g,b);

      fGeometries[filename] = gGeoManager;
      return gGeoManager;

TGeoManager* TEveManager::GetGeometryByAlias(const TString& alias)
   // Get geometry with given alias.
   // The alias must be registered via RegisterGeometryAlias().

   static const TEveException eh("TEveManager::GetGeometry ");

   std::map<TString, TString>::iterator i = fGeometryAliases.find(alias);
   if (i == fGeometryAliases.end())
      throw(eh + "geometry alias '" + alias + "' not registered.");
   return GetGeometry(i->second);

TGeoManager* TEveManager::GetDefaultGeometry()
   // Get the default geometry.
   // It should be registered via RegisterGeometryName("Default", <URL>).

   return GetGeometryByAlias("Default");

void TEveManager::RegisterGeometryAlias(const TString& alias, const TString& filename)
   // Register 'name' as an alias for geometry file 'filename'.
   // The old aliases are silently overwritten.
   // After that the geometry can be retrieved also by calling:
   //   gEve->GetGeometryByName(name);

   fGeometryAliases[alias] = filename;

void TEveManager::SetStatusLine(const char* text)
   // Set the text in the right side of browser's status bar.

   fBrowser->SetStatusText(text, 1);

// Static initialization.

TEveManager* TEveManager::Create()
   // If global TEveManager* gEve is not set initialize it.
   // Returns gEve.

   if (gEve == 0)
      // Make sure that the GUI system is initialized.

      Int_t w = 1024;
      Int_t h =  768;

      gEve = new TEveManager(w, h);
   return gEve;

// TEveManager::TExceptionHandler

// Exception handler for Eve exceptions.


TEveManager::TExceptionHandler::Handle(std::exception& exc)
   // Handle exceptions deriving from TEveException.

   TEveException* ex = dynamic_cast<TEveException*>(&exc);
   if (ex) {
      Info("Handle", ex->Data());
      return kSEHandled;
   } else {
      return kSEProceed;

Last update: Thu Jan 17 08:48:50 2008

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