~ParameterSettings() | |
void | Fix() |
bool | HasLowerLimit() const |
bool | HasUpperLimit() const |
bool | IsBound() const |
bool | IsDoubleBound() const |
bool | IsFixed() const |
double | LowerLimit() const |
const string& | Name() |
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings& | operator=(const ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings&) |
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings | ParameterSettings() |
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings | ParameterSettings(const ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings&) |
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings | ParameterSettings(const string& name, double val) |
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings | ParameterSettings(const string& name, double val, double err) |
ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings | ParameterSettings(const string& name, double val, double err, double min, double max) |
void | Release() |
void | RemoveLimits() |
void | Set(const string& name, double value) |
void | Set(const string& name, double value, double step, double lower = 1, double upper = -1) |
void | SetLimits(double low, double up) |
void | SetLowerLimit(double low) |
void | SetName(const string& name) |
void | SetStepSize(double err) |
void | SetUpperLimit(double up) |
void | SetValue(double val) |
double | StepSize() |
double | UpperLimit() const |
double | Value() |
constructor for unlimited named Parameter
constructor for double limited Parameter
set value and name
copy constructor and assignment operators (leave them to the compiler) return parameter value
{ return fValue; }
check if is double bound (upper AND lower limit)
{ return fHasLowerLimit || fHasUpperLimit; }