class ROOT::TBranchProxy
library: libTreePlayer
#include "TBranchProxy.h"
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class ROOT::TBranchProxy


 Base class for all the proxy object.  It includes the imeplemtation
 of the autoloading of branches as well as all the generic setup

Function Members (Methods)

virtual void*GetClaStart(UInt_t i = 0)
virtual void*GetStart(UInt_t = 0)
virtual void*GetStlStart(UInt_t i = 0)
void*GetWhere() const
Bool_tIsaPointer() const
virtual voidPrint()
ROOT::TBranchProxyTBranchProxy(const ROOT::TBranchProxy&)
ROOT::TBranchProxyTBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top, const char* name = 0)
ROOT::TBranchProxyTBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top, const char* name, const char* membername)
ROOT::TBranchProxyTBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, ROOT::TBranchProxy* parent, const char* membername, const char* top = 0, const char* name = 0)

Data Members

TBranch*fBranchbranch to read
TBranch*fBranchCounteventual auxiliary branch (for example holding the size)
const TStringfBranchNamename of the branch to read
TClass*fClassclass name of the object pointed to by the branch
TStringfClassNameclass name of the object pointed to by the branch
TVirtualCollectionProxy*fCollectionHandle to the collection containing the data chunk.
const TStringfDataMembername of the (eventual) data member being proxied
ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector*fDirectorcontain pointer to TTree and entry to be read
Bool_tfIsClonetrue if we proxy the inside of a TClonesArray
const Bool_tfIsMembertrue if we proxy an unsplit data member
Bool_tfIsaPointertrue if we proxy a data member of pointer type
TTree*fLastTreeTTree containing the last entry read
Int_tfOffsetOffset inside the object
ROOT::TBranchProxy*fParentProxy to a parent object
Long64_tfReadLast entry read
void*fWherememory location of the data

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

TBranchProxy(const ROOT::TBranchProxy& )
TBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top, const char* name = 0)
TBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top, const char* name, const char* membername)
TBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, ROOT::TBranchProxy* parent, const char* membername, const char* top = 0, const char* name = 0)
 Typical Destructor
void Reset()
 Completely reset the object.
void Print()
 Display the content of the object
Bool_t Setup()
 Initialize/cache the necessary information.
TBranchProxy(const ROOT::TBranchProxy& )
TBranchProxy* GetProxy()
{ return this; }
Bool_t IsInitialized()
Bool_t IsaPointer()
Bool_t Read()
Bool_t ReadEntries()
TClass * GetClass()
void* GetWhere()
{ return fWhere; }
TVirtualCollectionProxy * GetCollection()
{ return fCollection; }
void * GetStart(UInt_t = 0)
void * GetClaStart(UInt_t i = 0)
 return the address of the start of the object being proxied. Assumes
 that Setup() has been called.  Assumes the object containing this data
 member is held in TClonesArray.
void * GetStlStart(UInt_t i = 0)
 return the address of the start of the object being proxied. Assumes
 that Setup() has been called.  Assumes the object containing this data
 member is held in TClonesArray.

Author: Philippe Canal 01/06/2004
Last change: root/treeplayer:$Id: TBranchProxy.h 21709 2008-01-15 08:07:55Z pcanal $
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:30
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers and al. *

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