class ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>
#include "TBranchProxy.h"
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class ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>: public ROOT::TBranchProxy


 Base class for all the proxy object.  It includes the imeplemtation
 of the autoloading of branches as well as all the generic setup

This class is also known as (typedefs to this class)

ROOT::TClaImpProxy<UChar_t>, ROOT::TClaUCharProxy

Function Members (Methods)

virtual~TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>()
const unsigned char&At(UInt_t i)
virtual void*ROOT::TBranchProxy::GetClaStart(UInt_t i = 0)
virtual void*ROOT::TBranchProxy::GetStart(UInt_t = 0)
virtual void*ROOT::TBranchProxy::GetStlStart(UInt_t i = 0)
void*ROOT::TBranchProxy::GetWhere() const
Bool_tROOT::TBranchProxy::IsaPointer() const
const unsigned char&operator[](Int_t i)
const unsigned char&operator[](UInt_t i)
virtual voidPrint()
ROOT::TBranchProxyROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(const ROOT::TBranchProxy&)
ROOT::TBranchProxyROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top, const char* name = 0)
ROOT::TBranchProxyROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top, const char* name, const char* membername)
ROOT::TBranchProxyROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* boss, ROOT::TBranchProxy* parent, const char* membername, const char* top = 0, const char* name = 0)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>()
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>(const ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>&)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* director, const char* name)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* director, const char* top, const char* name)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* director, const char* top, const char* name, const char* data)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>(ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector* director, ROOT::TBranchProxy* parent, const char* name, const char* top = 0, const char* mid = 0)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>&operator=(unsigned char)
ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>(unsigned char)

Data Members

TBranch*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fBranchbranch to read
TBranch*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fBranchCounteventual auxiliary branch (for example holding the size)
const TStringROOT::TBranchProxy::fBranchNamename of the branch to read
TClass*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fClassclass name of the object pointed to by the branch
TStringROOT::TBranchProxy::fClassNameclass name of the object pointed to by the branch
TVirtualCollectionProxy*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fCollectionHandle to the collection containing the data chunk.
const TStringROOT::TBranchProxy::fDataMembername of the (eventual) data member being proxied
ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fDirectorcontain pointer to TTree and entry to be read
Bool_tROOT::TBranchProxy::fIsClonetrue if we proxy the inside of a TClonesArray
const Bool_tROOT::TBranchProxy::fIsMembertrue if we proxy an unsplit data member
Bool_tROOT::TBranchProxy::fIsaPointertrue if we proxy a data member of pointer type
TTree*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fLastTreeTTree containing the last entry read
Int_tROOT::TBranchProxy::fOffsetOffset inside the object
ROOT::TBranchProxy*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fParentProxy to a parent object
Long64_tROOT::TBranchProxy::fReadLast entry read
void*ROOT::TBranchProxy::fWherememory location of the data

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

void Print()
unsigned char At(UInt_t i)
TImpProxy & operator=(unsigned char )

Author: Philippe Canal 01/06/2004
Last change: root/treeplayer:$Id: TBranchProxy.h 21709 2008-01-15 08:07:55Z pcanal $
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:31
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers and al. *

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