Manages default Pad attributes. Referenced by TStyle.
Float_t | fAfile | Alignment for the file name |
Float_t | fAstat | Alignment for the statistics |
Float_t | fBottomMargin | BottomMargin |
Int_t | fFrameBorderMode | pad frame border mode |
Width_t | fFrameBorderSize | pad frame border size |
Color_t | fFrameFillColor | pad frame fill color |
Style_t | fFrameFillStyle | pad frame fill style |
Color_t | fFrameLineColor | pad frame line color |
Style_t | fFrameLineStyle | pad frame line style |
Width_t | fFrameLineWidth | pad frame line width |
Float_t | fLeftMargin | LeftMargin |
Float_t | fRightMargin | RightMargin |
Float_t | fTopMargin | TopMargin |
Float_t | fXfile | X position where to draw the file name |
Float_t | fXstat | X position where to draw the statistics |
Float_t | fYfile | X position where to draw the file name |
Float_t | fYstat | X position where to draw the statistics |
-*-*-*-*-*Set Pad bottom margin in fraction of the pad height *-* ===================================================
-*-*-*-*Set Pad left margin in fraction of the pad width *-* ================================================
-*-*-*-*Set Pad right margin in fraction of the pad width *-* =================================================
-*-*-*-*Set Pad top margin in fraction of the pad height *-* ================================================