TEveManager Central aplication manager for Eve. Manages elements, GUI, GL scenes and GL viewers.
TEveManager(const TEveManager&) | |
TEveManager& | operator=(const TEveManager&) |
TEveSelection* | fHighlight | |
TEveElementList* | fOrphanage | |
TEveSelection* | fSelection | |
set<TEveElement*,less<TEveElement*>,allocator<TEveElement*> > | fStampedElements | |
Bool_t | fUseOrphanage |
TEveBrowser* | fBrowser | |
TEveEventManager* | fCurrentEvent | |
Bool_t | fDropLogicals | |
TEveGedEditor* | fEditor | |
TEveScene* | fEventScene | |
TEveManager::TExceptionHandler* | fExcHandler | |
Bool_t | fFullRedraw | |
TMap* | fGeometries | |
TMap* | fGeometryAliases | |
TEveScene* | fGlobalScene | |
Bool_t | fKeepEmptyCont | |
TEveGListTreeEditorFrame* | fLTEFrame | |
TFolder* | fMacroFolder | |
Int_t | fRedrawDisabled | |
TTimer | fRedrawTimer | |
Bool_t | fResetCameras | |
TEveSceneList* | fScenes | |
TGStatusBar* | fStatusBar | |
Bool_t | fTimerActive | |
TEveViewer* | fViewer | First / default gl-viewer. |
TEveViewerList* | fViewers | |
TMap* | fVizDB | |
Bool_t | fVizDBReplace | |
Bool_t | fVizDBUpdate |
Create a new GL viewer.
Perform 3D redraw of all scenes and viewers.
Element was changed, perform framework side action. Called from TEveElement::ElementChanged().
Add element as a top-level to a list-tree. Only add a single copy of a render-element as a top level.
Remove top-level element from list-tree with specified tree-item.
Add a new event and make it the current event. It is added into the event-scene and as a top-level list-tree item.
Add an element. If parent is not specified it is added into current event (which is created if does not exist).
Add a global element, i.e. one that does not change on each event, like geometry or projection manager. If parent is not specified it is added to a global scene.
Called from TEveElement prior to its destruction so the framework components (like object editor) can unreference it.
Insert a new visualization-parameter database entry. Returns true if the element is inserted successfully. If entry with the same key already exists the behaviour depends on the 'replace' flag: true - The old model is deleted and new one is inserted (default). Clients of the old model are transferred to the new one and if 'update' flag is true (default), the new model's parameters are assigned to all clients. false - The old model is kept, false is returned. If insert is successful, the ownership of the model-element is transferred to the manager.
Insert a new visualization-parameter database entry with the default parameters for replace and update, as specified by members fVizDBReplace(default=kTRUE) and fVizDBUpdate(default=kTRUE). See docs of the above function.
Find a visualization-parameter database entry corresponding to tag. If the entry is not found 0 is returned.
Load visualization-parameter database from file filename. The replace, update arguments replace the values of fVizDBReplace and fVizDBUpdate members for the duration of the macro execution.
Load visualization-parameter database from file filename. State of data-members fVizDBReplace and fVizDBUpdate determine how the registered entries are handled.
Get geometry with given filename. This is cached internally so the second time this function is called with the same argument the same geo-manager is returned. gGeoManager is set to the return value.
Get geometry with given alias. The alias must be registered via RegisterGeometryAlias().
Get the default geometry.
It should be registered via RegisterGeometryName("Default", <URL>).
Register 'name' as an alias for geometry file 'filename'. The old aliases are silently overwritten. After that the geometry can be retrieved also by calling: gEve->GetGeometryByName(name);
If global TEveManager* gEve is not set initialize it. Returns gEve.
Fine grained updates via stamping.
{ fStampedElements.insert(element); }