TGLFontManager() | |
virtual | ~TGLFontManager() |
static TClass* | Class() |
void | ClearFontTrash() |
static TObjArray* | GetFontFileArray() |
static Int_t | GetFontSize(Float_t ds, Int_t min = -1, Int_t max = -1) |
static TGLFontManager::FontSizeVec_t* | GetFontSizeArray() |
virtual TClass* | IsA() const |
void | RegisterFont(Int_t size, Int_t file, TGLFont::EMode mode, TGLFont& out) |
void | RegisterFont(Int_t size, const Text_t* name, TGLFont::EMode mode, TGLFont& out) |
void | ReleaseFont(TGLFont& font) |
virtual void | ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) |
virtual void | Streamer(TBuffer& b) |
void | StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) |
static void | InitStatics() |
TGLFontManager(const TGLFontManager&) | |
TGLFontManager& | operator=(const TGLFontManager&) |
map<TGLFont,int,less<TGLFont>,allocator<pair<const TGLFont,int> > > | fFontMap | map of created fonts |
list<const TGLFont*,allocator<const TGLFont*> > | fFontTrash | fonts to purge |
static TObjArray | fgFontFileArray | map font-id to ttf-font-file |
static vector<int,allocator<int> > | fgFontSizeArray | map of valid font-size |
static Bool_t | fgStaticInitDone | global initialization flag |
Provide font with given size, file and FTGL class.
Release font with given attributes. Returns false if font has not been found in the managers font set.