class TMVA::kNN::Event


 Storage class for an event. It is used by all TMVA methods
 during the training. Events are collected in Dataset

Function Members (Methods)

voidCopyVarValues(const TMVA::Event& other)
TMVA::EventEvent(const TMVA::Event&)
TMVA::EventEvent(const TMVA::Event&)
TMVA::EventEvent(const vector<TMVA::VariableInfo>&, Bool_t AllowExternalLinks = kTRUE)
TMVA::EventEvent(const TMVA::kNN::VarVec& vec, Double_t weight, Short_t type)
Float_tGetBoostWeight() const
TMVA::kNN::VarTypeGetDist(const TMVA::Event& other) const
TMVA::kNN::VarTypeGetDist(TMVA::kNN::VarType var, UInt_t ivar) const
TMVA::kNN::VarTypeGetDist(const TMVA::kNN::VarType var1, const UInt_t ivar) const
void*GetExternalLink(UInt_t ivar) const
UInt_tGetNVar() const
UInt_tGetNVars() const
Short_tGetType() const
Float_tGetVal(UInt_t ivar) const
Float_tGetValFloat(UInt_t ivar) const
Float_tGetValueNormalized(UInt_t ivar) const
TMVA::kNN::VarTypeGetVar(UInt_t i) const
TMVA::kNN::VarTypeGetVar(const UInt_t i) const
Char_tGetVarType(UInt_t ivar) const
Float_tGetWeight() const
Double_tGetWeight() const
Bool_tIsFloat(UInt_t ivar) const
Bool_tIsInt(UInt_t ivar) const
Bool_tIsSignal() const
TMVA::Event&operator=(const TMVA::Event&)
voidPrint() const
voidPrint(ostream& o) const
voidPrint(ostream& os) const
voidSetBoostWeight(Float_t w)
voidSetBranchAddresses(TTree* tr)
voidSetType(Int_t t)
voidSetType(TMVA::Types::ESBType t)
voidSetVal(UInt_t ivar, Float_t val)
voidSetValFloatNoCheck(UInt_t ivar, Float_t val)
voidSetWeight(Float_t w)
Int_tType() const
voidInitPointers(bool AllowExternalLink = kTRUE)

Data Members

Float_tfBoostWeightinternal weight to be set by boosting algorithm
vector<TBranch*>fBranchesTTree branches
UInt_tfCountFthe number of Float variables
UInt_tfCountIthe number of Integer variables
Int_tfTypesignal or background type
vector<float,allocator<float> >fVar
void**fVarPtrarray containing values
Float_t*fVarPtrFfloat value
const vector<TMVA::VariableInfo>&fVariablesthe variables
Float_tfWeightevent weight (product of global and individual weights)
static Int_tfgCountcount instances of Event

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

Event(const vector<TMVA::VariableInfo>& , Bool_t AllowExternalLinks = kTRUE)
Event( const Event& event )
 copy constructor
 Event destructor
void InitPointers(bool AllowExternalLink = kTRUE)
 sets the links of fVarPtr to the internal arrays that hold the
 integer and float variables
void SetBranchAddresses(TTree* tr)
 sets the branch addresses of the associated
 tree to the local memory as given by fVarPtr
void CopyVarValues(const TMVA::Event& other)
 copies only the variable values
void SetVal(UInt_t ivar, Float_t val)
 set variable ivar to val
Float_t GetVal(UInt_t ivar) const
 return value of variable ivar
Float_t GetValueNormalized(UInt_t ivar) const
 returns the value of variable ivar, normalized to [-1,1]
void Print(std::ostream& o)
 print method
Event(const TMVA::kNN::VarVec& vec, Double_t weight, Short_t type)
Double_t GetWeight()
VarType GetVar(UInt_t i)
UInt_t GetNVar()
Short_t GetType()
VarType GetDist(VarType var, UInt_t ivar)
 keep these two function separate
VarType GetDist(const TMVA::Event& other) const
void Print()
void Print(std::ostream& os)
VarType GetDist(const VarType var1, const UInt_t ivar)
 inlined functions for Event class

Double_t GetWeight()
VarType GetVar(const UInt_t i)

Author: Rustem Ospanov
Last change: root/tmva $Id: ModulekNN.h 22689 2008-03-17 16:21:23Z rdm $
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:49
Copyright (c) 2007: *

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