// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveQuadSet.h 24210 2008-06-11 10:30:45Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TEveQuadSet
#define ROOT_TEveQuadSet

#include "TEveDigitSet.h"

class TRandom;

class TEveQuadSet : public TEveDigitSet
   friend class TEveQuadSetGL;

   TEveQuadSet(const TEveQuadSet&);            // Not implemented
   TEveQuadSet& operator=(const TEveQuadSet&); // Not implemented

   enum EQuadType_e
         kQT_Undef,                // unknown-ignored
         kQT_FreeQuad,             // arbitrary quad: specify 4*(x,y,z) quad corners
         kQT_RectangleXY,          // rectangle in x-y plane: specify x, y, z, w, h
         kQT_RectangleXZ,          // rectangle in x-z plane: specify x, y, z, w, h
         kQT_RectangleYZ,          // rectangle in y-z plane: specify x, y, z, w, h
         kQT_RectangleXYFixedDim,  // rectangle in x-y plane: specify x, y, z; w, h taken from fDefWidth/Height
         kQT_RectangleXYFixedZ,    // rectangle in x-y plane: specify x, y, w, h; z taken from fDefCoord
         kQT_RectangleXZFixedY,    // rectangle in x-z plane: specify x, z, w, h; y taken from fDefCoord
         kQT_RectangleYZFixedX,    // rectangle in y-z plane: specify y, z, w, h; x taken from fDefWidth/Height/Coord
         kQT_RectangleXYFixedDimZ, // rectangle in x-y plane: specify x, y; w, h, z taken from fDefWidth/Height/Coord
         kQT_RectangleXZFixedDimY, // rectangle in x-z plane: specify x, z; w, h, y taken from fDefWidth/Height/Coord
         kQT_RectangleYZFixedDimX, // rectangle in y-z plane: specify y, z; w, h, x taken from fDefWidth/Height/Coord
         // line modes (needed for uniform handling of silicon-strip digits)
         kQT_LineXYFixedZ,         // line in x-y plane: specify x, y, w(dx), h(dy); z taken from fDefCoord
         kQT_LineXZFixedY,         // line in x-z plane: specify x, z, w(dx), h(dz); y taken from fDefCoord
         // hexagon modes
         kQT_HexagonXY,            // horizontal hexagon: specify x, y, z, r
         kQT_HexagonYX,            // vertical   hexagon: specify x, y, z, r
         // circle modes:
         // QT_CircleXY,          // specify r, z
         // QT_CircleXYFixedZ,    // specify r
         // QT_CircleXYFixedR,    // specify z


   struct QFreeQuad_t     : public DigitBase_t      { Float_t fVertices[12]; };

   struct QOrigin_t       : public DigitBase_t      {
     virtual ~QOrigin_t() {} ; Float_t fA, fB; };

   struct QRectFixDimC_t  : public QOrigin_t       {
     virtual ~QRectFixDimC_t() {} };

   struct QRectFixDim_t   : public QRectFixDimC_t  {
     virtual ~QRectFixDim_t() {} ; Float_t fC; };

   struct QRectFixC_t     : public QRectFixDimC_t  { Float_t fW, fH; };

   struct QRect_t         : public QRectFixDim_t   { Float_t fW, fH; };

   struct QLineFixC_t     : public QOrigin_t       { Float_t fDx, fDy; };

   struct QHex_t          : public QOrigin_t       { Float_t fC, fR; };

   EQuadType_e       fQuadType;

   Float_t           fDefWidth;     // Breadth assigned to first coordinate  (A)
   Float_t           fDefHeight;    // Breadth assigned to second coordinate (B)
   Float_t           fDefCoord;     // Default value for third coordinate    (C)

   static Int_t SizeofAtom(EQuadType_e qt);

   TEveQuadSet(const Text_t* n="TEveQuadSet", const Text_t* t="");
   TEveQuadSet(EQuadType_e quadType, Bool_t valIsCol, Int_t chunkSize,
               const Text_t* n="TEveQuadSet", const Text_t* t="");
   virtual ~TEveQuadSet() {}

   void Reset(EQuadType_e quadType, Bool_t valIsCol, Int_t chunkSize);

   Float_t GetDefWidth()  const { return fDefWidth;  }
   Float_t GetDefHeight() const { return fDefHeight; }
   Float_t GetDefCoord()  const { return fDefCoord;  }

   void SetDefWidth(Float_t v)  { fDefWidth  = v ; }
   void SetDefHeight(Float_t v) { fDefHeight = v ; }
   void SetDefCoord(Float_t v)  { fDefCoord  = v ; }

   // --------------------------------

   void AddQuad(Float_t* verts);

   void AddQuad(Float_t a, Float_t b);
   void AddQuad(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t c);
   void AddQuad(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t w, Float_t h);
   void AddQuad(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t c, Float_t w, Float_t h);

   void AddLine(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t w, Float_t h);

   void AddHexagon(Float_t a, Float_t b, Float_t z, Float_t r);

   // Wrappers to make transition to TEveDigitSet as base easier
   void QuadValue(Int_t value) { DigitValue(value); }
   void QuadColor(Color_t ci)  { DigitColor(ci); }
   void QuadColor(UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255) { DigitColor(r, g, b, a); }
   void QuadId(TObject* id)    { DigitId(id); }

   // --------------------------------

   // void Test(Int_t nquads);

   virtual void ComputeBBox();

   // virtual void Paint(Option_t* option="");

   ClassDef(TEveQuadSet, 0); // Collection of 2D primitives (rectangles, hexagons, or lines); each primitive can be assigned a signal value and a TRef.


Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:37:52 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:37

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