int | Bound | "B" Some or all parameters are bounded |
int | Errors | "E" Performs a better error evaluation, calling HESSE and MINOS |
int | Gradient | "G" Option to compute derivatives analytically |
int | Integral | "I" Use function integral instead of function in center of bin |
int | Like | "L" Use Log Likelihood. Default is chisquare method |
int | Minuit | "F" If fitting a polN, switch to minuit fitter |
int | More | "M" Improve fit results. |
int | Nochisq | "C" In case of linear fitting, don't calculate the chisquare |
int | Nograph | "0" If set, do not display the function graph |
int | Nostore | "N" If set, do not store the function graph |
int | Plus | "+" Add new function (default is replace) |
int | Quiet | "Q" Quiet mode. No print |
int | Range | "R" Use the range stored in function |
int | Robust | "ROB" For a TGraph use robust fitting |
int | User | "U" Use a User specified fitting algorithm (via SetFCN) |
int | Verbose | "V" Verbose mode. Print results after each iteration |
int | W1 | "W" Set all the weights to 1. Ignore error bars |
double | hRobust | value of h parameter used in robust fitting |