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class ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>

     User class for MathMore random numbers template on the Engine type.
     The API of this class followed that of the class ROOT::TRandom.
     It must be implemented using as Engine one of the derived classes of
     ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine, like ROOT::Math::GSLRngMT

     @ingroup Random

Function Members (Methods)

unsigned intBinomial(unsigned int ntot, double prob)
doubleBreitWigner(double mean = 0., double gamma = 1)
doubleChiSquare(double nu)
voidCircle(double& x, double& y, double r = 1)
unsigned intEngineSize() const
doubleExp(double tau)
doubleFDist(double nu1, double nu2)
doubleGamma(double a, double b)
doubleGaus(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
doubleGausBM(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
doubleGausR(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
voidGaussian2D(double sigmaX, double sigmaY, double rho, double& x, double& y)
doubleGaussianTail(double a, double sigma = 1)
doubleLandau(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
doubleLogNormal(double zeta, double sigma)
vector<unsigned int>Multinomial(unsigned int ntot, const vector<double>& p)
ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>&operator=(const ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>&)
unsigned intPoisson(double mu)
ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>(unsigned int seed)
ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>(const ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux& e)
ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>(const ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>&)
voidRndmArray(int n, double* array)
voidSetSeed(unsigned int seed)
voidSphere(double& x, double& y, double& z, double r = 1)
doubletDist(double nu)
stringType() const
doubleUniform(double x = 1.0)

Data Members


Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

fEngine. SetSeed(unsigned int seed)
double Uniform(double x = 1.0)
       Generate random numbers between ]0,1]
       0 is excluded and 1 is included

double Rndm()
       Generate random numbers between ]0,1]
       0 is excluded and 1 is included
       Function to preserve ROOT Trandom compatibility

void RndmArray(int n, double* array)
       Generate an array of random numbers between ]0,1]
       0 is excluded and 1 is included
       Function to preserve ROOT Trandom compatibility

std::string Type() const
       Return the type (name) of the used generator

unsigned int EngineSize() const
       Return the size of the generator state

double Gaus(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
 Random  Distributions
	Use naming and signatures compatible with ROOT TRandom

       Gaussian distribution. Default method (use Ziggurat)

double GausBM(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
       Gaussian distribution (Box-Muller method)

double GausR(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
       Gaussian distribution (Ratio Method)

double GaussianTail(double a, double sigma = 1)
       Gaussian Tail distribution

void Gaussian2D(double sigmaX, double sigmaY, double rho, double& x, double& y)
       Bivariate Gaussian distribution with correlation

double Exp(double tau)
       Exponential distribution

double BreitWigner(double mean = 0., double gamma = 1)
       Breit Wigner distribution

double Landau(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)
       Landau distribution

double Gamma(double a, double b)
       Gamma distribution

double LogNormal(double zeta, double sigma)
       Log Normal distribution

double ChiSquare(double nu)
       Chi square distribution

double FDist(double nu1, double nu2)
       F distrbution

double tDist(double nu)
       t student distribution

void Circle(double& x, double& y, double r = 1)
       generate random numbers in a 2D circle of radious 1

void Sphere(double& x, double& y, double& z, double r = 1)
       generate random numbers in a 3D sphere of radious 1

unsigned int Poisson(double mu)
       Poisson distribution

unsigned int Binomial(unsigned int ntot, double prob)
       Binomial distribution

std::vector<unsigned int> Multinomial(unsigned int ntot, const vector<double>& p)
       Multinomial distribution