TRecorder class provides interface for recording and replaying
events in ROOT.
Recorded events are:
- Commands typed by user in commandline ('new TCanvas')
- GUI events (mouse movement, button clicks, ...)
All the recorded events from one session are stored in one TFile
and can be replayed again anytime.
1] To start recording
TRecorder r(const char *filename, "NEW")
TRecorder r(const char *filename, "RECREATE")
TRecorder *recorder = new TRecorder;
recorder->Start(const char *filename, ...)
-filename Name of ROOT file in which to save
recorded events.
2] To stop recording
State capturing is part of recording. It means that if you want to
record events for some object (window), creation of this object
must be also recorded.
t = new TRecorder(); // Create a new recorder
t->Start("logfile.root"); // ! Start recording first
c = new TCanvas(); // ! Then, create an object
c->Dump(); // Work with that object
t->Stop(); // Stop recording
It is strongly recommended to start recording with empty ROOT
environment, at least with no previously created ROOT GUI.
This ensures that only events for well known windows are stored.
Events for windows, which were not created during recording,
cannot be replayed.
1] To start replaying
TRecorder r(const char *filename)
TRecorder r(const char *filename, "READ")
TRecorder *recorder = new TRecorder;
recorder->Replay(const char *filename,
Bool_t showMouseCursor = kTRUE);
-filename A name of file with recorded events
previously created with TRecorder::Start
-showMouseCursor If kTRUE, mouse cursor is replayed as well.
In that case it is not recommended to use mouse
during replaying.
In general, it is not recommended to use mouse to change positions
and states of ROOT windows during replaying.
The state of ROOT environment before replaying of some events
must be exactly the same as before recording them.
Therefore it is strongly recommended to start both recording
and replaying with empty ROOT environment.
2] To pause replaying
Replaying is stopped until recorder->Resume() is called.
3] To resume paused replaying
Resumes previously stopped replaying.
4] To stop replaying before its end