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class TString
library: libCore
#include "TString.h"
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ROOT » CORE » BASE » TString

class TString


Basic string class.

Cannot be stored in a TCollection... use TObjString instead.

The underlying string is stored as a char* that can be accessed via
TString provides copy-on-write semantics with reference counting
so that multiple TString objects can refer to the same data.
For example:
root [0] TString orig("foo")
root [1] TString copy(orig)  // 'orig' and 'copy' point to the
 same data...
root [2] orig.Data()
(const char* 0x98936f8)"foo"
root [3] copy.Data()
(const char* 0x98936f8)"foo"
root [4] copy="bar"          // Editing 'copy' makes it point
                                // elsewhere
(class TString)"bar"
root [5] copy.Data()
(const char* 0x98939b8)"bar"

Substring operations are provided by the TSubString class, which
holds a reference to the original string and its data, along with
the offset and length of the substring. To retrieve the substring
as a TString, construct a TString from it, eg:
root [0] TString s("hello world")
root [1] TString s2( s(0,5) )
root [2] s2
(class TString)"hello"

This class is also known as (typedefs to this class)

vector<TString,allocator<TString> >::value_type

Function Members (Methods)

TString(Ssiz_t ic)
TString(const TString& s)
TString(const char* s)
TString(const string& s)
TString(char c)
TString(const TSubString& sub)
TString(const char* s, Ssiz_t n)
TString(char c, Ssiz_t s)
TString&Append(const char* cs)
TString&Append(const TString& s)
TString&Append(const char* cs, Ssiz_t n)
TString&Append(const TString& s, Ssiz_t n)
TString&Append(char c, Ssiz_t rep = 1)
Double_tAtof() const
Int_tAtoi() const
Long64_tAtoll() const
Bool_tBeginsWith(const char* s, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
Bool_tBeginsWith(const TString& pat, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
Ssiz_tCapacity() const
Ssiz_tCapacity(Ssiz_t n)
static TClass*Class()
intCompareTo(const char* cs, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
intCompareTo(const TString& st, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
Bool_tContains(const TRegexp& pat) const
Bool_tContains(TPRegexp& pat) const
Bool_tContains(const char* s, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
Bool_tContains(const TString& pat, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
TStringCopy() const
Int_tCountChar(Int_t c) const
const char*Data() const
Bool_tEndsWith(const char* pat, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
virtual voidFillBuffer(char*& buffer)
Ssiz_tFirst(char c) const
Ssiz_tFirst(const char* cs) const
voidForm(const char* fmt)
static TStringFormat(const char* fmt)
static Ssiz_tGetInitialCapacity()
static Ssiz_tGetMaxWaste()
static Ssiz_tGetResizeIncrement()
Bool_tGets(FILE* fp, Bool_t chop = kTRUE)
UInt_tHash(TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
static UInt_tHash(const void* txt, Int_t ntxt)
Ssiz_tIndex(const TRegexp& pat, Ssiz_t i = 0) const
Ssiz_tIndex(TPRegexp& pat, Ssiz_t i = 0) const
Ssiz_tIndex(const char* s, Ssiz_t i = 0, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
Ssiz_tIndex(const TString& s, Ssiz_t i = 0, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
Ssiz_tIndex(const TRegexp& pat, Ssiz_t* ext, Ssiz_t i = 0) const
Ssiz_tIndex(TPRegexp& pat, Ssiz_t* ext, Ssiz_t i = 0) const
Ssiz_tIndex(const char* pat, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, TString::ECaseCompare cmp) const
Ssiz_tIndex(const TString& pat, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, TString::ECaseCompare cmp) const
static Ssiz_tInitialCapacity(Ssiz_t ic = 15)
TString&Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char* cs)
TString&Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString& s)
TString&Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char* cs, Ssiz_t n)
TString&Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString& s, Ssiz_t n)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
Bool_tIsAlnum() const
Bool_tIsAlpha() const
Bool_tIsAscii() const
Bool_tIsDigit() const
Bool_tIsFloat() const
Bool_tIsHex() const
Bool_tIsNull() const
Bool_tIsWhitespace() const
Ssiz_tLast(char c) const
Ssiz_tLength() const
static Ssiz_tMaxWaste(Ssiz_t mw = 15)
Bool_tMaybeRegexp() const
Bool_tMaybeWildcard() const
const char*operator const char*() const
char&operator()(Ssiz_t i)
charoperator()(Ssiz_t i) const
TSubStringoperator()(const TRegexp& re) const
TSubStringoperator()(TPRegexp& re) const
TSubStringoperator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len) const
TSubStringoperator()(const TRegexp& re, Ssiz_t start) const
TSubStringoperator()(TPRegexp& re, Ssiz_t start) const
TString&operator+=(const char* cs)
TString&operator+=(const TString& s)
TString&operator+=(char c)
TString&operator+=(Short_t i)
TString&operator+=(UShort_t i)
TString&operator+=(Int_t i)
TString&operator+=(UInt_t i)
TString&operator+=(Long_t i)
TString&operator+=(ULong_t i)
TString&operator+=(Float_t f)
TString&operator+=(Double_t f)
TString&operator+=(Long64_t l)
TString&operator+=(ULong64_t ul)
TString&operator=(char s)
TString&operator=(const char* s)
TString&operator=(const TString& s)
TString&operator=(const string& s)
TString&operator=(const TSubString& s)
char&operator[](Ssiz_t i)
charoperator[](Ssiz_t i) const
TString&Prepend(const char* cs)
TString&Prepend(const TString& s)
TString&Prepend(const char* cs, Ssiz_t n)
TString&Prepend(const TString& s, Ssiz_t n)
TString&Prepend(char c, Ssiz_t rep = 1)
voidPuts(FILE* fp)
virtual voidReadBuffer(char*& buffer)
istream&ReadFile(istream& str)
istream&ReadLine(istream& str, Bool_t skipWhite = kTRUE)
istream&ReadString(istream& str)
static TString*ReadString(TBuffer& b, const TClass* clReq)
istream&ReadToDelim(istream& str, char delim = '\n')
istream&ReadToken(istream& str)
TString&Remove(Ssiz_t pos)
TString&Remove(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n)
TString&Remove(TString::EStripType s, char c)
TString&Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const char* cs)
TString&Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const TString& s)
TString&Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const char* s, Ssiz_t ns)
TString&Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n1, const TString& s, Ssiz_t n2)
TString&ReplaceAll(const TString& s1, const TString& s2)
TString&ReplaceAll(const TString& s1, const char* s2)
TString&ReplaceAll(const char* s1, const TString& s2)
TString&ReplaceAll(const char* s1, const char* s2)
TString&ReplaceAll(const char* s1, Ssiz_t ls1, const char* s2, Ssiz_t ls2)
voidResize(Ssiz_t n)
static Ssiz_tResizeIncrement(Ssiz_t ri = 16)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual Int_tSizeof() const
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer& b)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
TSubStringStrip(TString::EStripType s = kTrailing, char c = ' ') const
TSubStringSubString(const char* pat, Ssiz_t start = 0, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
TObjArray*Tokenize(const TString& delim) const
Bool_tTokenize(TString& tok, Ssiz_t& from, const char* delim = " ") const
static voidWriteString(TBuffer& b, const TString* a)
TString(const char* a1, Ssiz_t n1, const char* a2, Ssiz_t n2)
static Ssiz_tAdjustCapacity(Ssiz_t nc)
voidAssertElement(Ssiz_t nc) const
voidClobber(Ssiz_t nc)
voidCow(Ssiz_t nc)
voidInitChar(char c)
TStringRef*Pref() const
voidClone(Ssiz_t nc)
voidFormImp(const char* fmt, va_list ap)

Data Members

enum EStripType { kLeading
enum ECaseCompare { kExact
char*fDataref. counted data (TStringRef is in front)
static Ssiz_tfgFreeboardMax empty space before reclaim
static Ssiz_tfgInitialCapacInitial allocation Capacity
static Ssiz_tfgResizeIncResizing increment

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

Ssiz_t GetInitialCapacity()
{ return fgInitialCapac; }
Ssiz_t GetResizeIncrement()
{ return fgResizeInc; }
Ssiz_t GetMaxWaste()
{ return fgFreeboard; }
 TString default ctor.
TString(Ssiz_t ic)
 Create TString able to contain ic characters.
TString(const char *cs)
 Create TString and initialize it with string cs.
TString(const std::string &s)
 Create TString and initialize it with string cs.
TString(const char *cs, Ssiz_t n)
 Create TString and initialize it with the first n characters of cs.
void InitChar(char c)
 Initialize a string with a single character.
TString(char c, Ssiz_t n)
 Initialize the first n locations of a TString with character c.
TString(const TSubString& substr)
 Delete a TString. I.e. decrease its reference count. When 0 free space.
TString& operator=(char c)
 Assign character c to TString.
TString& operator=(const char *cs)
 Assign string cs to TString.
TString& operator=(const std::string &s)
 Assign std::string s to TString.
TString& operator=(const TString &str)
 Assignment operator.
TString& operator=(const TSubString &substr)
 Assign a TSubString substr to TString.
TString& Append(char c, Ssiz_t rep)
 Append character c rep times to string.
Ssiz_t Capacity(Ssiz_t n)
 Return string capacity. If nc != current capacity Clone() the string
 in a string with the desired capacity.
int CompareTo(const char *cs2, ECaseCompare cmp)
 Compare a string to char *cs2.
int CompareTo(const TString &str, ECaseCompare cmp)
 Compare a string to another string.
Int_t CountChar(Int_t c) const
 Return number of times character c occurs in the string.
TString Copy() const
 Copy a string.
UInt_t Hash(TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
 Return hash value.
UInt_t Hash(const void* txt, Int_t ntxt)
 Calculates hash index from any char string. (static function)
 Based on precalculated table of 256 specially selected numbers.
 These numbers are selected in such a way, that for string
 length == 4 (integer number) the hash is unambigous, i.e.
 from hash value we can recalculate input (no degeneration).

 The quality of hash method is good enough, that
 "random" numbers made as R = Hash(1), Hash(2), ...Hash(N)
 tested by <R>, <R*R>, <Ri*Ri+1> gives the same result
 as for libc rand().

 For string:  i = TString::Hash(string,nstring);
 For int:     i = TString::Hash(&intword,sizeof(int));
 For pointer: i = TString::Hash(&pointer,sizeof(void*));

Ssiz_t Index(const char *pattern, Ssiz_t plen, Ssiz_t startIndex, ECaseCompare cmp)
 Search for a string in the TString. Plen is the length of pattern,
 startIndex is the index from which to start and cmp selects the type
 of case-comparison.
Bool_t MaybeRegexp() const
 Returns true if string contains one of the regexp characters "^$.[]*+?".
Bool_t MaybeWildcard() const
 Returns true if string contains one of the wildcard characters "[]*?".
TString& Prepend(char c, Ssiz_t rep)
 Prepend characters to self.
TString & Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n1, const char *cs, Ssiz_t n2)
 Remove at most n1 characters from self beginning at pos,
 and replace them with the first n2 characters of cs.
TString& ReplaceAll(const char* s1, Ssiz_t ls1, const char* s2, Ssiz_t ls2)
 Find & Replace ls1 symbols of s1 with ls2 symbols of s2 if any.
TString & Remove(EStripType st, char c)
 Remove char c at begin and/or end of string (like Strip() but
 modifies directly the string.
void Resize(Ssiz_t n)
 Resize the string. Truncate or add blanks as necessary.
TSubString Strip(TString::EStripType s = kTrailing, char c = ' ') const
 Return a substring of self stripped at beginning and/or end.
void ToLower()
 Change string to lower-case.
void ToUpper()
 Change string to upper case.
char& operator[](Ssiz_t i)
 Return charcater at location i.
void AssertElement(Ssiz_t nc) const
 Check to make sure a string index is in range.
TString(const char* a1, Ssiz_t n1, const char* a2, Ssiz_t n2)
 Special constructor to initialize with the concatenation of a1 and a2.
Ssiz_t AdjustCapacity(Ssiz_t nc)
 Calculate a nice capacity greater than or equal to nc.
void Clear()
 Clear string without changing its capacity.
void Clobber(Ssiz_t nc)
 Clear string and make sure it has a capacity of nc.
void Clone()
 Make string a distinct copy; preserve previous contents.
void Clone(Ssiz_t nc)
 Make self a distinct copy with capacity of at least nc.
 Preserve previous contents.
void FillBuffer(char*& buffer)
 Copy string into I/O buffer.
void ReadBuffer(char*& buffer)
 Read string from I/O buffer.
TString * ReadString(TBuffer& b, const TClass* clReq)
 Read TString object from buffer. Simplified version of
 TBuffer::ReadObject (does not keep track of multiple
 references to same string).  We need to have it here
 because TBuffer::ReadObject can only handle descendant
 of TObject.
Int_t Sizeof() const
 Returns size string will occupy on I/O buffer.
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
 Stream a string object.
void WriteString(TBuffer& b, const TString* a)
 Write TString object to buffer. Simplified version of
 TBuffer::WriteObject (does not keep track of multiple
 references to the same string).  We need to have it here
 because TBuffer::ReadObject can only handle descendant
 of TObject
Ssiz_t InitialCapacity(Ssiz_t ic = 15)
 Set default initial capacity for all TStrings. Default is 15.
Ssiz_t ResizeIncrement(Ssiz_t ri = 16)
 Set default resize increment for all TStrings. Default is 16.
Ssiz_t MaxWaste(Ssiz_t mw = 15)
 Set maximum space that may be wasted in a string before doing a resize.
 Default is 15.
TSubString operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len)
 Return sub-string of string starting at start with length len.
TSubString SubString(const char* pat, Ssiz_t start = 0, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
 Returns a substring matching "pattern", or the null substring
 if there is no such match.  It would be nice if this could be yet another
 overloaded version of operator(), but this would result in a type
 conversion ambiguity with operator(Ssiz_t, Ssiz_t).
Bool_t IsAscii() const
 Returns true if all characters in string are ascii.
Bool_t IsAlpha() const
 Returns true if all characters in string are alphabetic.
 Returns false in case string length is 0.
Bool_t IsAlnum() const
 Returns true if all characters in string are alphanumeric.
 Returns false in case string length is 0.
Bool_t IsDigit() const
 Returns true if all characters in string are digits (0-9) or whitespaces,
 i.e. "123456" and "123 456" are both valid integer strings.
 Returns false in case string length is 0 or string contains other
 characters or only whitespace.
Bool_t IsFloat() const
 Returns kTRUE if string contains a floating point or integer number.
 Examples of valid formats are:
    64 320
    6 4 3 2 0
    6.4320     6,4320
    6.43e20   6.43E20    6,43e20
    6.43e-20  6.43E-20   6,43e-20
Bool_t IsHex() const
 Returns true if all characters in string are hexidecimal digits
 (0-9,a-f,A-F). Returns false in case string length is 0.
Int_t Atoi() const
 Return integer value of string.
 Valid strings include only digits and whitespace (see IsDigit()),
 i.e. "123456", "123 456" and "1 2 3 4        56" are all valid
 integer strings whose Atoi() value is 123456.
Long64_t Atoll() const
 Return long long value of string.
 Valid strings include only digits and whitespace (see IsDigit()),
 i.e. "123456", "123 456" and "1 2 3 4        56" are all valid
 integer strings whose Atoll() value is 123456.
Double_t Atof() const
 Return floating-point value contained in string.
 Examples of valid strings are:
    64 320
    6 4 3 2 0
    6.4320     6,4320
    6.43e20   6.43E20    6,43e20
    6.43e-20  6.43E-20   6,43e-20
Bool_t EndsWith(const char* pat, TString::ECaseCompare cmp = kExact) const
 Return true if string ends with the specified string.
TObjArray * Tokenize(const TString& delim) const
 This function is used to isolate sequential tokens in a TString.
 These tokens are separated in the string by at least one of the
 characters in delim. The returned array contains the tokens
 as TObjString's. The returned array is the owner of the objects,
 and must be deleted by the user.
void FormImp(const char* fmt, va_list ap)
 Formats a string using a printf style format descriptor.
 Existing string contents will be overwritten.
void Form(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
 Formats a string using a printf style format descriptor.
 Existing string contents will be overwritten.
TString Format(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
 Static method which formats a string using a printf style format
 descriptor and return a TString. Same as TString::Form() but it is
 not needed to first create a TString.
void Cow()
{ if (Pref()->References() > 1) Clone(); }
void Cow(Ssiz_t nc)
{ if (Pref()->References() > 1 || Capacity() < nc) Clone(nc); }
TString & Append(const char *cs)
{ return Replace(Length(), 0, cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0); }
TString & Append(const char *cs, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(Length(), 0, cs, n); }
TString & Append(const TString &s)
{ return Replace(Length(), 0, s.Data(), s.Length()); }
TString & Append(const TString &s, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(Length(), 0, s.Data(), TMath::Min(n, s.Length())); }
TString & operator+=(const char *cs)
{ return Append(cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0); }
TString & operator+=(const TString &s)
{ return Append(s.Data(), s.Length()); }
TString & operator+=(char c)
{ return Append(c); }
TString & operator+=(Long_t i)
{ char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%ld", i); return operator+=(s); }
TString & operator+=(ULong_t i)
{ char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%lu", i); return operator+=(s); }
TString & operator+=(Short_t i)
{ return operator+=((Long_t) i); }
TString & operator+=(UShort_t i)
{ return operator+=((ULong_t) i); }
TString & operator+=(Int_t i)
{ return operator+=((Long_t) i); }
TString & operator+=(UInt_t i)
{ return operator+=((ULong_t) i); }
TString & operator+=(Double_t f)
{ char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%9.9g", f); return operator+=(s); }
TString & operator+=(Float_t f)
{ return operator+=((Double_t) f); }
TString & operator+=(Long64_t l)
{ char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%lld", l); return operator+=(s); }
TString & operator+=(ULong64_t ul)
{ char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%llu", ul); return operator+=(s); }
Bool_t BeginsWith(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(s, s ? strlen(s) : (Ssiz_t)0, (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) == 0; }
Bool_t BeginsWith(const TString &pat, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(pat.Data(), pat.Length(), (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) == 0; }
Bool_t Contains(const TString &pat, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(pat.Data(), pat.Length(), (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) != kNPOS; }
Bool_t Contains(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(s, s ? strlen(s) : 0, (Ssiz_t)0, cmp) != kNPOS; }
Bool_t Contains(const TRegexp &pat)
{ return Index(pat, (Ssiz_t)0) != kNPOS; }
Bool_t Contains(TPRegexp &pat)
{ return Index(pat, (Ssiz_t)0) != kNPOS; }
Ssiz_t Index(const char *s, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(s, s ? strlen(s) : 0, i, cmp); }
Ssiz_t Index(const TString &s, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(s.Data(), s.Length(), i, cmp); }
Ssiz_t Index(const TString &pat, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp)
{ return Index(pat.Data(), patlen, i, cmp); }
TString & Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char *cs)
{ return Replace(pos, 0, cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0); }
TString & Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const char *cs, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(pos, 0, cs, n); }
TString & Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString &s)
{ return Replace(pos, 0, s.Data(), s.Length()); }
TString & Insert(Ssiz_t pos, const TString &s, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(pos, 0, s.Data(), TMath::Min(n, s.Length())); }
TString & Prepend(const char *cs)
{ return Replace(0, 0, cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0); }
TString & Prepend(const char *cs, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(0, 0, cs, n); }
TString & Prepend(const TString &s)
{ return Replace(0, 0, s.Data(), s.Length()); }
TString & Prepend(const TString &s, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(0, 0, s.Data(), TMath::Min(n, s.Length())); }
TString & Remove(Ssiz_t pos)
{ return Replace(pos, TMath::Max(0, Length()-pos), 0, 0); }
TString & Remove(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n)
{ return Replace(pos, n, 0, 0); }
TString & Chop()
{ return Remove(TMath::Max(0, Length()-1)); }
TString & Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const char *cs)
{ return Replace(pos, n, cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0); }
TString & Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n, const TString& s)
{ return Replace(pos, n, s.Data(), s.Length()); }
TString & Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n1, const TString &s, Ssiz_t n2)
{ return Replace(pos, n1, s.Data(), TMath::Min(s.Length(), n2)); }
TString & ReplaceAll(const TString &s1, const TString &s2)
{ return ReplaceAll(s1.Data(), s1.Length(), s2.Data(), s2.Length()) ; }
TString & ReplaceAll(const TString &s1, const char *s2)
{ return ReplaceAll(s1.Data(), s1.Length(), s2, s2 ? strlen(s2) : 0); }
TString & ReplaceAll(const char *s1, const TString &s2)
{ return ReplaceAll(s1, s1 ? strlen(s1) : 0, s2.Data(), s2.Length()); }
TString & ReplaceAll(const char *s1,const char *s2)
{ return ReplaceAll(s1, s1 ? strlen(s1) : 0, s2, s2 ? strlen(s2) : 0); }
char & operator()(Ssiz_t i)
{ Cow(); return fData[i]; }
char operator[](Ssiz_t i)
{ AssertElement(i); return fData[i]; }
char operator()(Ssiz_t i)
{ return fData[i]; }
Ssiz_t Length() const
{ return fNchars; }
Ssiz_t Capacity() const
{ return fCapacity; }
char * Data() const
{ return (char*)(this+1); }
Ssiz_t First(char c)
Ssiz_t First(const char *s)
Ssiz_t Last(char c) const
char & operator()(Ssiz_t i)
char operator()(Ssiz_t i)
Bool_t IsNull() const
 For detecting null substrings
{ return fBegin == kNPOS; }
TString(const char* a1, Ssiz_t n1, const char* a2, Ssiz_t n2)
 Special concatenation constructor
TStringRef * Pref() const
{ return (((TStringRef*) fData) - 1); }
TString * ReadString(TBuffer& b, const TClass* clReq)
Bool_t Gets(FILE* fp, Bool_t chop = kTRUE)
 C I/O interface
void Puts(FILE* fp)
operator const char*() const
 Type conversion
{ return fData; }
char & operator()(Ssiz_t i)
char operator()(Ssiz_t i)
Ssiz_t Index(const char *pat, Ssiz_t i = 0, ECaseCompare cmp = kExact)
Ssiz_t Index(const char *pat, Ssiz_t patlen, Ssiz_t i, ECaseCompare cmp)
Ssiz_t Index(const TRegexp &pat, Ssiz_t i = 0)
Ssiz_t Index(const TRegexp &pat, Ssiz_t *ext, Ssiz_t i = 0)
Bool_t IsWhitespace() const
{ return (Length() == CountChar(' ')); }
istream & ReadFile(istream& str)
istream & ReadLine(istream& str, Bool_t skipWhite = kTRUE)
istream & ReadToDelim(istream& str, char delim = '\n')
istream & ReadToken(istream& str)
TObjArray * Tokenize(const TString& delim) const