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// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: BayesianCalculator.cxx 31876 2009-12-14 11:11:27Z brun $
// Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

   BayesianCalculator is a concrete implementation of IntervalCalculator. 
   It computes the posterior probability density functions using the  
   numerical (or analytical integration) for integrating the product of the 
   likelihood and prior functions (Bayes theorem). 
   The class works only for problems with only one parameter of interest,  
   the posterior is a one-dimensional function
   The class computes via  GetInterval() the central Bayesian credible intervals

   Note: when nuisance parameters are present a multi-dimensional integration is 
   needed. In some cases, when the integration must be performed numerically, evaluating the posterior or 
   getting the interval (calling GetInterval) can result in long execution time. 
   In these case using the MCMCCalculator could be more convenient

// include other header files

#include "RooAbsFunc.h"
#include "RooAbsReal.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooBrentRootFinder.h"
#include "RooFormulaVar.h"
#include "RooGenericPdf.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "RooProdPdf.h"

// include header file of this class 
#include "RooStats/BayesianCalculator.h"
#include "RooStats/ModelConfig.h"

#include "TAxis.h"


namespace RooStats { 

BayesianCalculator::BayesianCalculator() :
  fProductPdf (0), fLogLike(0), fLikelihood (0), fIntegratedLikelihood (0), fPosteriorPdf(0), 
   // default constructor. Need to call the Setter methods afterwards

BayesianCalculator::BayesianCalculator( /* const char* name,  const char* title, */						   
						    RooAbsData& data,
                                                    RooAbsPdf& pdf,
						    const RooArgSet& POI,
						    RooAbsPdf& priorPOI,
						    const RooArgSet* nuisanceParameters ) :
   //TNamed( TString(name), TString(title) ),
  fProductPdf (0), fLogLike(0), fLikelihood (0), fIntegratedLikelihood (0), fPosteriorPdf(0),
   // constructor from data set, model pdf, set with the parameter of interest 
   // (must contain only one parameter for the moment) and prior pdf
   // Optionally an additional set of parameters can be specified (nuisance parameters) 
   // which will be integrated (marginalized) when creating the posterior pdf.
   // A default size of 0.05 is used (for 95% CL interval)
   if (nuisanceParameters) fNuisanceParameters.add(*nuisanceParameters); 

BayesianCalculator::BayesianCalculator( RooAbsData& data,
                       ModelConfig & model) : 
   fPriorPOI( model.GetPriorPdf()),
   fProductPdf (0), fLogLike(0), fLikelihood (0), fIntegratedLikelihood (0), fPosteriorPdf(0),
   // Same constructor but from data and a ModelConfig describing the model pdf and the prior, the parameter
   // of interest and the nuisance parameters

   // destructor cleaning all managed objects

void BayesianCalculator::ClearAll() const { 
   // clear cached pdf objects (posterior pdf, Likelihood, NLL, etc.) 
   if (fProductPdf) delete fProductPdf; 
   if (fLogLike) delete fLogLike; 
   if (fLikelihood) delete fLikelihood; 
   if (fIntegratedLikelihood) delete fIntegratedLikelihood; 
   if (fPosteriorPdf) delete fPosteriorPdf;      
   if (fInterval) delete fInterval; 
   fPosteriorPdf = 0; 
   fProductPdf = 0;
   fLogLike = 0; 
   fLikelihood = 0; 
   fIntegratedLikelihood = 0; 
   fInterval = 0; 

void BayesianCalculator::SetModel(const ModelConfig & model) {
   // set the model configuration 
   fPdf = model.GetPdf();
   fPriorPOI =  model.GetPriorPdf(); 
   // assignment operator = does not do a real copy the sets (must use add method) 
   if (model.GetParametersOfInterest()) fPOI.add( *(model.GetParametersOfInterest()) );
   if (model.GetNuisanceParameters())  fNuisanceParameters.add( *(model.GetNuisanceParameters() ) );

   // invalidate the cached pointers

   RooArgSet* BayesianCalculator::GetMode(RooArgSet* /* parameters */) const
   // return the mode (not yet implemented) but can be easly obtained from 
   //  GetPosteriorPdf()->asTF(poi)->GetMaximumX();
   return 0;

RooAbsPdf* BayesianCalculator::GetPosteriorPdf() const
   // get the posterior pdf as a RooAbsPdf 
   // the posterior is obtained from the product of the likelihood function and the 
   // prior pdf which is then intergated in the nuisance parameters (if existing). 
   // A prior function for the nuisance can be specified either in the prior pdf object 
   // or in the model itself. If no prior nuisance is specified, but prior parameters are then 
   // the integration is performed assuming a flat prior for the nuisance parameters.

   // run some checks
   if (!fPdf ) return 0; 
   if (!fPriorPOI) { 
      std::cerr << "BayesianCalculator::GetPosteriorPdf - missing prior pdf" << std::endl;
   if (fPOI.getSize() == 0) return 0; 
   if (fPOI.getSize() > 1) { 
      std::cerr << "BayesianCalculator::GetPosteriorPdf - current implementation works only on 1D intervals" << std::endl;
      return 0; 

   // create a unique name for the product pdf 
   TString prodName = TString("product_") + TString(fPdf->GetName()) + TString("_") + TString(fPriorPOI->GetName() );   
   fProductPdf = new RooProdPdf(prodName,"",RooArgList(*fPdf,*fPriorPOI));

   RooArgSet* constrainedParams = fProductPdf->getParameters(*fData);

   // use RooFit::Constrain() to make product of likelihood with prior pdf
   fLogLike = fProductPdf->createNLL(*fData, RooFit::Constrain(*constrainedParams) );

   TString likeName = TString("likelihood_") + TString(fProductPdf->GetName());   
   fLikelihood = new RooFormulaVar(likeName,"exp(-@0)",RooArgList(*fLogLike));
   RooAbsReal * plike = fLikelihood; 
   if (fNuisanceParameters.getSize() > 0) { 
      fIntegratedLikelihood = fLikelihood->createIntegral(fNuisanceParameters);
      plike = fIntegratedLikelihood; 

   // create a unique name on the posterior from the names of the components
   TString posteriorName = this->GetName() + TString("_posteriorPdf_") + plike->GetName(); 
   fPosteriorPdf = new RooGenericPdf(posteriorName,"@0",*plike);

   delete constrainedParams;

   return fPosteriorPdf;

RooPlot* BayesianCalculator::GetPosteriorPlot() const
  /// return a RooPlot with the posterior PDF and the credibility region

  if (!fPosteriorPdf) GetPosteriorPdf();
  if (!fInterval) GetInterval();

  RooAbsRealLValue* poi = dynamic_cast<RooAbsRealLValue*>( fPOI.first() );

   RooPlot* plot = poi->frame();

   plot->SetTitle(TString("Posterior probability of parameter \"")+TString(poi->GetName())+TString("\""));  
   plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("posterior probability");
   return plot; 

SimpleInterval* BayesianCalculator::GetInterval() const
  /// returns a SimpleInterval with the lower/upper limit on 
  /// the scanned variable (the parameter of interest specified in the constructor).
  /// The returned interval is a central interval with the confidence level specified  
  /// previously in SetConfidenceLevel (default is 0.95).
  /// NOTE1: for finding only an upper/lower limit of 95 % the CL must be set to 0.90
  /// NOTE2: The method can result very slow when nuisance parameters are present due to 
  ///        the time needed for performing multi-dimensional numerical integration. 
  ///        In these case using the MCMCCalculator could be more convenient.

  if (fInterval) return fInterval; 

  RooRealVar* poi = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>( fPOI.first() ); 

  if (!fPosteriorPdf) fPosteriorPdf = (RooAbsPdf*) GetPosteriorPdf();

  RooAbsReal* cdf = fPosteriorPdf->createCdf(fPOI);

  RooAbsFunc* cdf_bind = cdf->bindVars(fPOI,&fPOI);
  RooBrentRootFinder brf(*cdf_bind);
  brf.setTol(0.00005); // precision

  double lowerLimit = 0; 
  double upperLimit = 0; 

  double tmpVal = poi->getVal(); // patch because findRoot changes the value of poi

  double y = fSize/2;


  poi->setVal(tmpVal); // patch: restore the original value of poi

  delete cdf_bind;
  delete cdf;

  TString interval_name = TString("BayesianInterval_a") + TString(this->GetName());
  fInterval = new SimpleInterval(interval_name,*poi,lowerLimit,upperLimit,ConfidenceLevel());
  fInterval->SetTitle("SimpleInterval from BayesianCalculator");

  return fInterval;

} // end namespace RooStats
