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class ROOT::Fit::BinData: public ROOT::Fit::FitData

   Class describing the binned data sets :
              vectors of  x coordinates, y values and optionally error on y values and error on coordinates
              The dimension of the coordinate is free
              There are 4 different options:
              - only coordinates and values  (for binned likelihood fits)  : kNoError
              - coordinate, values and error on  values (for normal least square fits)  : kValueError
              - coordinate, values, error on values and coordinates (for effective least square fits) : kCoordError
              - corrdinate, values, error on coordinates and asymmettric error on valyes : kAsymError

              In addition there is the option to construct Bindata copying the data in (using the DataVector class)
              or using pointer to external data (DataWrapper) class.
              In general is found to be more efficient to copy the data.
              In case of really large data sets for limiting memory consumption then the other option can be used
              Specialized constructor exists for data up to 3 dimensions.

              When the data are copying in the number of points can be set later (or re-set) using Initialize and
              the data are inserted one by one using the Add method.
              It is mandatory to set the size before using the Add method.

             @ingroup  FitData

Function Members (Methods)

voidAdd(double x, double y)
voidAdd(const double* x, double val)
voidAdd(double x, double y, double ey)
voidAdd(const double* x, double val, double eval)
voidAdd(double x, double y, double ex, double ey)
voidAdd(const double* x, double val, const double* ex, double eval)
voidAdd(double x, double y, double ex, double eyl, double eyh)
voidAdd(const double* x, double val, const double* ex, double elval, double ehval)
voidAddBinUpEdge(const double* xup)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(const ROOT::Fit::BinData&)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(unsigned int maxpoints = 0, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions& opt, unsigned int maxpoints = 0, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions& opt, const ROOT::Fit::DataRange& range, unsigned int maxpoints = 0, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(unsigned int n, const double* dataX, const double* val, const double* ex, const double* eval)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(unsigned int n, const double* dataX, const double* dataY, const double* val, const double* ex, const double* ey, const double* eval)
ROOT::Fit::BinDataBinData(unsigned int n, const double* dataX, const double* dataY, const double* dataZ, const double* val, const double* ex, const double* ey, const double* ez, const double* eval)
const double*BinUpEdge(unsigned int icoord) const
const double*CoordErrors(unsigned int ipoint) const
const double*Coords(unsigned int ipoint) const
unsigned intDataSize() const
doubleError(unsigned int ipoint) const
ROOT::Fit::FitDataROOT::Fit::FitData::FitData(const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions& opt)
ROOT::Fit::FitDataROOT::Fit::FitData::FitData(const ROOT::Fit::DataRange& range)
ROOT::Fit::FitDataROOT::Fit::FitData::FitData(const ROOT::Fit::FitData&)
ROOT::Fit::FitDataROOT::Fit::FitData::FitData(const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions& opt, const ROOT::Fit::DataRange& range)
ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorTypeGetErrorType() const
const double*GetPoint(unsigned int ipoint, double& value) const
const double*GetPoint(unsigned int ipoint, double& value, double& invError) const
const double*GetPointError(unsigned int ipoint, double& errvalue) const
const double*GetPointError(unsigned int ipoint, double& errlow, double& errhigh) const
static unsigned intGetPointSize(ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err, unsigned int dim)
boolHasBinEdges() const
boolHaveAsymErrors() const
boolHaveCoordErrors() const
voidInitialize(unsigned int maxpoints, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
doubleInvError(unsigned int ipoint) const
static unsigned intROOT::Fit::FitData::MaxSize()
unsigned intNDim() const
unsigned intNPoints() const
ROOT::Fit::BinData&operator=(const ROOT::Fit::BinData&)
const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions&ROOT::Fit::FitData::Opt() const
unsigned intPointSize() const
const ROOT::Fit::DataRange&ROOT::Fit::FitData::Range() const
doubleRefVolume() const
voidResize(unsigned int npoints)
voidSetRefVolume(double value)
unsigned intSize() const
doubleValue(unsigned int ipoint) const
voidSetNPoints(unsigned int n)

Data Members

enum ErrorType { kNoError
vector<double>fBinEdgevector containing the bin upper edge (coordinate will contain low edge)
ROOT::Fit::DataVector*fDataVectorpointer to the copied in data vector
ROOT::Fit::DataWrapper*fDataWrapperpointer to the external data wrapper structure
unsigned intfDimcoordinate dimension
unsigned intfNPointsnumber of contained points in the data set (can be different than size of vector)
unsigned intfPointSizetotal point size including value and errors (= fDim + 2 for error in only Y )
doublefRefVolumereference bin volume - used to normalize the bins in case of variable bins data

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

unsigned int GetPointSize(ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err, unsigned int dim)
ErrorType GetErrorType() const
explicit BinData(unsigned int maxpoints = 0, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
      constructor from dimension of point  and max number of points (to pre-allocate vector)
      Give a zero value and then use Initialize later one if the size is not known

explicit BinData(const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions& opt, unsigned int maxpoints = 0, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
      constructor from option and default range

BinData(const ROOT::Fit::DataOptions& opt, const ROOT::Fit::DataRange& range, unsigned int maxpoints = 0, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
      constructor from options and range
      efault is 1D and value errors

BinData(unsigned int n, const double* dataX, const double* val, const double* ex, const double* eval)
 constructurs using external data 

      constructor from external data for 1D with errors on  coordinate and value

BinData(unsigned int n, const double* dataX, const double* dataY, const double* val, const double* ex, const double* ey, const double* eval)
      constructor from external data for 2D with errors on  coordinate and value

BinData(unsigned int n, const double* dataX, const double* dataY, const double* dataZ, const double* val, const double* ex, const double* ey, const double* ez, const double* eval)
      constructor from external data for 3D with errors on  coordinate and value

BinData(const ROOT::Fit::BinData& )
      copy constructor

BinData & operator=(const ROOT::Fit::BinData& )
       assignment operator

virtual ~BinData()

void Initialize(unsigned int maxpoints, unsigned int dim = 1, ROOT::Fit::BinData::ErrorType err = kValueError)
      preallocate a data set with given size ,  dimension and error type (to get the full point size)
      If the data set already exists and it is having the compatible point size space for the new points
      is created in the data sets, while if not compatible the old data are erased and new space of
      new size is allocated.
      (i.e if exists initialize is equivalent to a resize( NPoints() + maxpoints)

unsigned int PointSize() const
      return the size of a fit point (is the coordinate dimension + 1 for the value and eventually
      the number of all errors

unsigned int DataSize() const
      return the size of internal data  (number of fit points)
      if data are not copied in but used externally the size is 0

bool HaveCoordErrors() const
      flag to control if data provides error on the coordinates

bool HaveAsymErrors() const
      flag to control if data provides asymmetric errors on the value

void Add(double x, double y)
      add one dim data with only coordinate and values

void Add(double x, double y, double ey)
      add one dim data with no error in the coordinate (x)
      in this case store the inverse of the error in the value (y)

void Add(double x, double y, double ex, double ey)
      add one dim data with  error in the coordinate (x)
      in this case store the value (y)  error and not the inverse

void Add(double x, double y, double ex, double eyl, double eyh)
      add one dim data with  error in the coordinate (x) and asymmetric errors in the value (y)
      in this case store the y errors and not the inverse

void Add(const double* x, double val)
      add multi-dim coordinate data with only value (no errors)

void Add(const double* x, double val, double eval)
      add multi-dim coordinate data with only error in value

void Add(const double* x, double val, const double* ex, double eval)
      add multi-dim coordinate data with both error in coordinates and value

void Add(const double* x, double val, const double* ex, double elval, double ehval)
      add multi-dim coordinate data with both error in coordinates and value

const double * Coords(unsigned int ipoint) const
      return a pointer to the coordinates data for the given fit point

double Value(unsigned int ipoint) const
      return the value for the given fit point

double Error(unsigned int ipoint) const
      return error on the value for the given fit point
      Safe (but slower) method returning correctly the error on the value
      in case of asymm errors return the average 0.5(eu + el)

double InvError(unsigned int ipoint) const
      Return the inverse of error on the value for the given fit point
      useful when error in the coordinates are not stored and then this is used directly this as the weight in
      the least square function

const double * CoordErrors(unsigned int ipoint) const
      Return a pointer to the errors in the coordinates for the given fit point

const double * GetPoint(unsigned int ipoint, double& value) const
      retrieve at the same time a  pointer to the coordinate data and the fit value
      More efficient than calling Coords(i) and Value(i)

const double * GetPoint(unsigned int ipoint, double& value, double& invError) const
      retrieve in a single call a pointer to the coordinate data, value and inverse error for
      the given fit point.
      To be used only when type is kValueError or kNoError. In the last case the value 1 is returned
      for the error.

const double * GetPointError(unsigned int ipoint, double& errvalue) const
      Retrieve the errors on the point (coordinate and value) for the given fit point
      It must be called only when the coordinate errors are stored otherwise it will produce an

const double * GetPointError(unsigned int ipoint, double& errlow, double& errhigh) const
      Get errors on the point (coordinate errors and asymmetric value errors) for the
      given fit point.
      It must be called only when the coordinate errors and asymmetric errors are stored
      otherwise it will produce an assert.

void Resize(unsigned int npoints)
      resize the vector to the new given npoints
      if vector does not exists is created using existing point size

unsigned int NPoints() const
      return number of fit points

{ return fNPoints; }
unsigned int Size() const
      return number of fit points

{ return fNPoints; }
unsigned int NDim() const
      return coordinate data dimension

{ return fDim; }
BinData & LogTransform()
      apply a Log transformation of the data values
      can be used for example when fitting an exponential or gaussian
      Transform the data in place need to copy if want to preserve original data
      The data sets must not contain negative values. IN case it does,
      an empty data set is returned

const double * BinUpEdge(unsigned int icoord) const
       return an array containing the upper edge of the bin for coordinate i
       In case of empty bin they could be merged in a single larger bin
       Return a NULL pointer  if the bin width  is not stored

bool HasBinEdges() const
      query if the data store the bin edges instead of the center

void AddBinUpEdge(const double* xup)
       add the bin width data, a pointer to an array with the bin upper edge information.
       This is needed when fitting with integral options
       The information is added for the previously inserted point.
       BinData::Add  must be called before

double RefVolume() const
       retrieve the reference volume used to normalize the data when the option bin volume is set

{ return fRefVolume; }
void SetRefVolume(double value)
      set the reference volume used to normalize the data when the option bin volume is set

{ fRefVolume = value; }
void SetNPoints(unsigned int n)
{ fNPoints = n; }