static TObjArray* | fgDefaultColors |
Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci and transparency. ROOT's indexed color palette does not support transparency.
Fill col with weighted RGBA values corresponding to color-indices c1 and c2. If alpha is true, set alpha component of col to 255.
Find address of Color_t data-member with name varname in object obj. This is used to access color information for TGListTreeItem coloration from visualization macros that wrap TObjects into TEveElementObjectPtr instances.
Tweak all ROOT colors to become brighter (if value > 0) or darker (value < 0). Reasonable values for the value argument are from -2.5 to 2.5 (error will be printed otherwise). If value is zero, the original colors are restored. You should call TEveManager::FullRedraw3D() afterwards or set the argument full_redraw to true (default is false).
Return true if interval Q is contained within interval M for U1 variables. It is assumed that all values are within the [-2pi, 2pi] interval and minM <= maxM & minQ <= maxQ.
Return true if interval Q is overlapping within interval M for U1 variables. It is assumed that all values are within the [-2pi, 2pi] interval and minM <= maxM & minQ <= maxQ.
Get fraction of interval [minQ, maxQ] in [minM, maxM]