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// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: GaussIntegrator.h 36764 2010-11-19 10:02:00Z moneta $
// Authors: David Gonzalez Maline    01/2008 

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006 , LCG ROOT MathLib Team                         *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for GaussIntegrator
// Created by: David Gonzalez Maline  : Wed Jan 16 2008

#ifndef ROOT_Math_GaussIntegrator
#define ROOT_Math_GaussIntegrator

#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunction
#include "Math/IFunction.h"

#ifndef ROOT_Math_VirtualIntegrator
#include "Math/VirtualIntegrator.h"

namespace ROOT {
namespace Math {

   User class for performing function integration. 

   It will use the Gauss Method for function integration in a given interval. 
   This class is implemented from TF1::Integral().

   @ingroup Integration

class GaussIntegrator: public VirtualIntegratorOneDim {


   /** Destructor */
   virtual ~GaussIntegrator();

   /** Default Constructor. */
   GaussIntegrator(double relTol = 1.E-12);

   /** Static function: set the fgAbsValue flag.
       By default TF1::Integral uses the original function value to compute the integral
       However, TF1::Moment, CentralMoment require to compute the integral
       using the absolute value of the function. 
   void AbsValue(bool flag);

   // Implementing VirtualIntegrator Interface

   /** Set the desired relative Error. */
   virtual void SetRelTolerance (double);

   /** This method is not implemented. */
   virtual void SetAbsTolerance (double);

   /** Returns the result of the last Integral calculation. */
   double Result () const;

   /** Return the estimate of the absolute Error of the last Integral calculation. */
   double Error () const;

   /** return the status of the last integration - 0 in case of success */
   int Status () const;

   // Implementing VirtualIntegratorOneDim Interface

     Returns Integral of function between a and b. 
     Based on original CERNLIB routine DGAUSS by Sigfried Kolbig 
     converted to C++ by Rene Brun
     This function computes, to an attempted specified accuracy, the value
     of the integral.
       For any interval [a,b] we define g8(a,b) and g16(a,b) to be the 8-point
       and 16-point Gaussian quadrature approximations to
      I = #int^{b}_{a} f(x)dx
      and define
      r(a,b) = #frac{#||{g_{16}(a,b)-g_{8}(a,b)}}{1+#||{g_{16}(a,b)}}
      G = #sum_{i=1}^{k}g_{16}(x_{i-1},x_{i})
      where, starting with x0 = A and finishing with xk = B,
      the subdivision points xi(i=1,2,...) are given by
      x_{i} = x_{i-1} + #lambda(B-x_{i-1})
      is equal to the first member of the
      sequence 1,1/2,1/4,... for which r(xi-1, xi) < EPS.
      If, at any stage in the process of subdivision, the ratio
      q = #||{#frac{x_{i}-x_{i-1}}{B-A}}
      is so small that 1+0.005q is indistinguishable from 1 to
      machine accuracy, an error exit occurs with the function value
      set equal to zero.

      Unless there is severe cancellation of positive and negative values of
      f(x) over the interval [A,B], the relative error may be considered as
      specifying a bound on the <I>relative</I> error of I in the case
      |I|&gt;1, and a bound on the absolute error in the case |I|&lt;1. More
      precisely, if k is the number of sub-intervals contributing to the
      approximation (see Method), and if
      I_{abs} = #int^{B}_{A} #||{f(x)}dx
      then the relation
    #frac{#||{G-I}}{I_{abs}+k} < EPS
      will nearly always be true, provided the routine terminates without
      printing an error message. For functions f having no singularities in
      the closed interval [A,B] the accuracy will usually be much higher than

    Error handling:
      The requested accuracy cannot be obtained (see Method).
      The function value is set equal to zero.

    Note 1:
      Values of the function f(x) at the interval end-points A and B are not
      required. The subprogram may therefore be used when these values are
   double Integral (double a, double b);
   /** Returns Integral of function on an infinite interval. 
      This function computes, to an attempted specified accuracy, the value of the integral:
      I = #int^{#infinity}_{-#infinity} f(x)dx
        In any arithmetic expression, this function has the approximate value
        of the integral I.
      The integral is mapped onto [0,1] using a transformation then integral computation is surrogated to DoIntegral.
   double Integral ();
   /** Returns Integral of function on an upper semi-infinite interval. 
      This function computes, to an attempted specified accuracy, the value of the integral:
      I = #int^{#infinity}_{A} f(x)dx
        In any arithmetic expression, this function has the approximate value
        of the integral I.
        - A: lower end-point of integration interval.
      The integral is mapped onto [0,1] using a transformation then integral computation is surrogated to DoIntegral.
   double IntegralUp (double a);
   /** Returns Integral of function on a lower semi-infinite interval. 
       This function computes, to an attempted specified accuracy, the value of the integral:
      I = #int^{B}_{#infinity} f(x)dx
         In any arithmetic expression, this function has the approximate value
         of the integral I.
         - B: upper end-point of integration interval.

      The integral is mapped onto [0,1] using a transformation then integral computation is surrogated to DoIntegral.
   double IntegralLow (double b);

   /** Set integration function (flag control if function must be copied inside).
       \@param f Function to be used in the calculations.
   void SetFunction (const IGenFunction &);

   /** This method is not implemented. */
   double Integral (const std::vector< double > &pts);

   /** This method is not implemented. */
   double IntegralCauchy (double a, double b, double c);

   ///  get the option used for the integration 
   virtual ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions Options() const; 

   // set the options 
   virtual void SetOptions(const ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions & opt);


      Integration surrugate method. Return integral of passed function in  interval [a,b]
      Derived class (like GaussLegendreIntegrator)  can re-implement this method to modify to use 
      an improved algorithm 
   virtual double DoIntegral (double a, double b, const IGenFunction* func);


   static bool fgAbsValue;          // AbsValue used for the calculation of the integral
   double fEpsilon;                 // Relative error.
   bool fUsedOnce;                  // Bool value to check if the function was at least called once.
   double fLastResult;              // Result from the last stimation.
   double fLastError;               // Error from the last stimation.
   const IGenFunction* fFunction;   // Pointer to function used.


   Auxillary inner class for mapping infinite and semi-infinite integrals
class IntegrandTransform : public IGenFunction {
   enum ESemiInfinitySign {kMinus = -1, kPlus = +1};
   IntegrandTransform(const IGenFunction* integrand);
   IntegrandTransform(const double boundary, ESemiInfinitySign sign, const IGenFunction* integrand);
   double operator()(double x) const;
   double DoEval(double x) const;
   IGenFunction* Clone() const;
   ESemiInfinitySign fSign;
   const IGenFunction* fIntegrand;
   double fBoundary;
   bool fInfiniteInterval;
   double DoEval(double x, double boundary, int sign) const;

} // end namespace Math
} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_GaussIntegrator */