arrow_standalone.C: How to use EVE without the standard window. | Event Display | box.C: Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class. |
// Geometry detector assembly example // Author: Andrei Gheata // // Modified to save the assebly as shape-extract. // 1. Run root assembly.C // This will produce assembly.root containing the extract. // 2. Display the assebly as: // root show_extract.C("assembly.root") void assembly() { //--- Definition of a simple geometry gSystem->Load("libGeom"); TGeoManager *geom = new TGeoManager("Assemblies", "Geometry using assemblies"); Int_t i; //--- define some materials TGeoMaterial *matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0,0,0); TGeoMaterial *matAl = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7); // //--- define some media TGeoMedium *Vacuum = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1, matVacuum); TGeoMedium *Al = new TGeoMedium("Aluminium",2, matAl); //--- make the top container volume TGeoVolume *top = geom->MakeBox("TOP", Vacuum, 1000., 1000., 100.); geom->SetTopVolume(top); // Make the elementary assembly of the whole structure TGeoVolume *tplate = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("TOOTHPLATE"); Int_t ntooth = 5; Double_t xplate = 25; Double_t yplate = 50; Double_t xtooth = 10; Double_t ytooth = 0.5*yplate/ntooth; Double_t dshift = 2.*xplate + xtooth; Double_t xt,yt; TGeoVolume *plate = geom->MakeBox("PLATE", Al, xplate,yplate,1); plate->SetLineColor(kBlue); TGeoVolume *tooth = geom->MakeBox("TOOTH", Al, xtooth,ytooth,1); tooth->SetLineColor(kBlue); tplate->AddNode(plate,1); for (i=0; i<ntooth; i++) { xt = xplate+xtooth; yt = -yplate + (4*i+1)*ytooth; tplate->AddNode(tooth, i+1, new TGeoTranslation(xt,yt,0)); xt = -xplate-xtooth; yt = -yplate + (4*i+3)*ytooth; tplate->AddNode(tooth, ntooth+i+1, new TGeoTranslation(xt,yt,0)); } TGeoRotation *rot1 = new TGeoRotation(); rot1->RotateX(90); TGeoRotation *rot; // Make a hexagone cell out of 6 toothplates. These can zip togeather // without generating overlaps (they are self-contained) TGeoVolume *cell = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("CELL"); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { Double_t phi = 60.*i; Double_t phirad = phi*TMath::DegToRad(); Double_t xp = dshift*TMath::Sin(phirad); Double_t yp = -dshift*TMath::Cos(phirad); rot = new TGeoRotation(*rot1); rot->RotateZ(phi); cell->AddNode(tplate,i+1,new TGeoCombiTrans(xp,yp,0,rot)); } // Make a row as an assembly of cells, then combine rows in a honeycomb // structure. This again works without any need to define rows as // "overlapping" TGeoVolume *row = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("ROW"); Int_t ncells = 5; for (i=0; i<ncells; i++) { Double_t ycell = (2*i+1)*(dshift+10); row->AddNode(cell, ncells+i+1, new TGeoTranslation(0,ycell,0)); row->AddNode(cell,ncells-i,new TGeoTranslation(0,-ycell,0)); } Double_t dxrow = 3.*(dshift+10.)*TMath::Tan(30.*TMath::DegToRad()); Double_t dyrow = dshift+10.; Int_t nrows = 5; for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) { Double_t xrow = 0.5*(2*i+1)*dxrow; Double_t yrow = 0.5*dyrow; if ((i%2)==0) yrow = -yrow; top->AddNode(row, nrows+i+1, new TGeoTranslation(xrow,yrow,0)); top->AddNode(row, nrows-i, new TGeoTranslation(-xrow,-yrow,0)); } //--- close the geometry geom->CloseGeometry(); TEveManager::Create(); TGeoNode* node = gGeoManager->GetTopNode(); TEveGeoTopNode* en = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, node); en->SetVisLevel(4); en->GetNode()->GetVolume()->SetVisibility(kFALSE); gEve->AddGlobalElement(en); gEve->Redraw3D(kTRUE); en->ExpandIntoListTreesRecursively(); en->Save("assembly.root", "Assembly"); } assembly.C:1 assembly.C:2 assembly.C:3 assembly.C:4 assembly.C:5 assembly.C:6 assembly.C:7 assembly.C:8 assembly.C:9 assembly.C:10 assembly.C:11 assembly.C:12 assembly.C:13 assembly.C:14 assembly.C:15 assembly.C:16 assembly.C:17 assembly.C:18 assembly.C:19 assembly.C:20 assembly.C:21 assembly.C:22 assembly.C:23 assembly.C:24 assembly.C:25 assembly.C:26 assembly.C:27 assembly.C:28 assembly.C:29 assembly.C:30 assembly.C:31 assembly.C:32 assembly.C:33 assembly.C:34 assembly.C:35 assembly.C:36 assembly.C:37 assembly.C:38 assembly.C:39 assembly.C:40 assembly.C:41 assembly.C:42 assembly.C:43 assembly.C:44 assembly.C:45 assembly.C:46 assembly.C:47 assembly.C:48 assembly.C:49 assembly.C:50 assembly.C:51 assembly.C:52 assembly.C:53 assembly.C:54 assembly.C:55 assembly.C:56 assembly.C:57 assembly.C:58 assembly.C:59 assembly.C:60 assembly.C:61 assembly.C:62 assembly.C:63 assembly.C:64 assembly.C:65 assembly.C:66 assembly.C:67 assembly.C:68 assembly.C:69 assembly.C:70 assembly.C:71 assembly.C:72 assembly.C:73 assembly.C:74 assembly.C:75 assembly.C:76 assembly.C:77 assembly.C:78 assembly.C:79 assembly.C:80 assembly.C:81 assembly.C:82 assembly.C:83 assembly.C:84 assembly.C:85 assembly.C:86 assembly.C:87 assembly.C:88 assembly.C:89 assembly.C:90 assembly.C:91 assembly.C:92 assembly.C:93 assembly.C:94 assembly.C:95 assembly.C:96 assembly.C:97 assembly.C:98 assembly.C:99 assembly.C:100 assembly.C:101 assembly.C:102 assembly.C:103 assembly.C:104 assembly.C:105 assembly.C:106 assembly.C:107 assembly.C:108 assembly.C:109 |