class TPMERegexp: protected TPRegexp

 Wrapper for PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions).
 Based on PME - PCRE Made Easy by Zachary Hansen.

 Supports main Perl operations using regular expressions (Match,
 Substitute and Split). To retrieve the results one can simply use
 operator[] returning a TString.

 See $ROOTSYS/tutorials/regexp_pme.C for examples.

Function Members (Methods)

voidAssignGlobalState(const TPMERegexp& re)
static TClass*Class()
Int_tGetGlobalPosition() const
Int_tGetNMaxMatches() const
virtual TClass*IsA() const
Int_tMatch(const TString& s, UInt_t start = 0)
Int_tNMatches() const
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* option = "")
voidReset(const TString& s, const TString& opts = "", Int_t nMatchMax = -1)
voidReset(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax = -1)
voidSetNMaxMatches(Int_t nm)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp) const
Int_tSplit(const TString& s, Int_t maxfields = 0)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
Int_tSubstitute(TString& s, const TString& r, Bool_t doDollarSubst = kTRUE)
TPMERegexp(const TPMERegexp& r)
TPMERegexp(const TString& s, const TString& opts = "", Int_t nMatchMax = 10)
TPMERegexp(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax = 10)
TStringTPRegexp::GetModifiers() const
TStringTPRegexp::GetPattern() const
static Bool_tTPRegexp::GetThrowAtCompileError()
Bool_tTPRegexp::IsValid() const
Bool_tTPRegexp::MatchB(const TString& s, const TString& mods = "", Int_t start = 0, Int_t nMaxMatch = 10)
Int_tTPRegexp::MatchInternal(const TString& s, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch, TArrayI* pos = 0)
TObjArray*TPRegexp::MatchS(const TString& s, const TString& mods = "", Int_t start = 0, Int_t nMaxMatch = 10)
UInt_tTPRegexp::ParseMods(const TString& mods) const
Int_tTPRegexp::ReplaceSubs(const TString& s, TString& final, const TString& replacePattern, Int_t* ovec, Int_t nmatch) const
static voidTPRegexp::SetThrowAtCompileError(Bool_t throwp)
Int_tTPRegexp::SubstituteInternal(TString& s, const TString& replace, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch0, Bool_t doDollarSubst)
TPMERegexp&operator=(const TPMERegexp&)

Data Members

void*fAddressOfLastStringused for checking for change of TString in global match
Int_tfLastGlobalPositionend of last match when kPCRE_GLOBAL is set
TStringfLastStringMatchedcopy of the last TString matched
TArrayIfMarkerslast set of indexes of matches
Int_tfNMatchesnumber of matches returned from last pcre_exec call
Int_tfNMaxMatchesmaximum number of matches
static Bool_tTPRegexp::fgThrowAtCompileError
static TPRegexp::<anonymous>TPRegexp::kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS
static TPRegexp::<anonymous>TPRegexp::kPCRE_GLOBAL
static TPRegexp::<anonymous>TPRegexp::kPCRE_INTMASK
static TPRegexp::<anonymous>TPRegexp::kPCRE_OPTIMIZE

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

 Default constructor. This regexp will match an empty string.
TPMERegexp(const TString& s, const TString& opts = "", Int_t nMatchMax = 10)
  s    - string to compile into regular expression
  opts - perl-style character flags to be set on TPME object
TPMERegexp(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax = 10)
  s    - string to copmile into regular expression
  opts - PCRE-style option flags to be set on TPME object
TPMERegexp(const TPMERegexp& r)
 Copy constructor.
 Only PCRE specifics are copied, not last-match or global-matech
void Reset(const TString& s, const TString& opts = "", Int_t nMatchMax = -1)
 Reset the patteren and options.
 If 'nMatchMax' other than -1 (the default) is passed, it is also set.
void Reset(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax = -1)
 Reset the patteren and options.
 If 'nMatchMax' other than -1 (the default) is passed, it is also set.
void AssignGlobalState(const TPMERegexp& re)
 Copy global-match state from 're; so that this regexp can continue
 parsing the string from where 're' left off.

 Alternatively, GetGlobalPosition() get be used to retrieve the
 last match position so that it can passed to Match().

 Ideally, as it is done in PERL, the last match position would be
 stored in the TString itself.
void ResetGlobalState()
 Reset state of global match.
 This happens automatically when a new string is passed for matching.
 But be carefull, as the address of last TString object is used
 to make this decision.
Int_t Match(const TString& s, UInt_t start = 0)
 Runs a match on s against the regex 'this' was created with.

  s        - string to match against
  start    - offset at which to start matching
 Returns:  - number of matches found
Int_t Split(const TString& s, Int_t maxfields = 0)
 Splits into at most maxfields. If maxfields is unspecified or
 0, trailing empty matches are discarded. If maxfields is
 positive, no more than maxfields fields will be returned and
 trailing empty matches are preserved. If maxfields is empty,
 all fields (including trailing empty ones) are returned. This
 *should* be the same as the perl behaviour.

 If pattern produces sub-matches, these are also stored in
 the result.

 A pattern matching the null string will split the value of EXPR
 into separate characters at each point it matches that way.

  s         - string to split
  maxfields - maximum number of fields to be split out.  0 means
              split all fields, but discard any trailing empty bits.
              Negative means split all fields and keep trailing empty bits.
              Positive means keep up to N fields including any empty fields
              less than N. Anything remaining is in the last field.
 Returns:   - number of fields found
Int_t Substitute(TString& s, const TString& r, Bool_t doDollarSubst = kTRUE)
 Substitute matching part of s with r, dollar back-ref
 substitution is performed if doDollarSubst is true (default).
 Returns the number of substitutions made.

 After the substitution, another pass is made over the resulting
 string and the following special tokens are interpreted:
 \l - lowercase next char,
 \u - uppercase next char,
 \L - lowercase till \E,
 \U - uppercase till \E, and
 \E - end case modification.
TString operator[](Int_t )
 Returns the sub-string from the internal fMarkers vector.
 Requires having run match or split first.
void Print(Option_t* option = "")
 Print the regular expression and modifier options.
 If 'option' contains "all", prints also last string match and
 match results.
TPRegexp & operator=(const TPMERegexp& )
virtual ~TPMERegexp()
Int_t GetNMaxMatches() const
{ return fNMaxMatches; }
void SetNMaxMatches(Int_t nm)
{ fNMaxMatches = nm; }
Int_t GetGlobalPosition() const
Int_t NMatches() const
{ return fNMatches; }