class ROOT::Math::ChebyshevApprox
library: libMathMore
#include "Math/ChebyshevApprox.h"
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ROOT » MATH » MATHMORE » ROOT::Math::ChebyshevApprox

class ROOT::Math::ChebyshevApprox

   Class describing a Chebyshev series which can be used to approximate a
   function in a defined range [a,b] using Chebyshev polynomials.
   It uses the algorithm from
   <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Chebyshev-Approximations.html">GSL</A>

   This class does not support copying
   @ingroup FuncApprox

Function Members (Methods)

ROOT::Math::ChebyshevApproxChebyshevApprox(const ROOT::Math::IGenFunction& f, double a, double b, size_t n)
ROOT::Math::ChebyshevApproxChebyshevApprox(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* p, double a, double b, size_t n)
pair<double,double>EvalErr(double x) const
pair<double,double>EvalErr(double x, size_t n) const
doubleoperator()(double x) const
doubleoperator()(double x, size_t n) const
voidInitialize(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* params, double a, double b)

Data Members

ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionWrapper*fFunctionpointer to function

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

ChebyshevApprox(const ROOT::Math::IGenFunction& f, double a, double b, size_t n)
      Construct a Chebyshev series approximation to a Function f in range [a,b];
      constructor based on functions of type IGenFunction

ChebyshevApprox(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* p, double a, double b, size_t n)
      Construct a Chebyshev series approximation to a Function f in range [a,b];
      constructor based on free functions with gsl_function type signature

virtual ~ChebyshevApprox()
ChebyshevApprox(size_t n)
      construct a Chebyshev series or order n
      The series must be initialized from a function

ChebyshevApprox(const ROOT::Math::ChebyshevApprox& )
 usually copying is non trivial, so we make this unaccessible
double operator()(double x) const
       Evaluate the series at a given point x

std::pair<double, double> EvalErr(double x) const
      Evaluate the series at a given point x estimating both the series result and its absolute error.
      The error estimate is made from the first neglected term in the series.
      A pair containing result and error is returned

double operator()(double x, size_t n) const
      Evaluate the series at a given point, to (at most) the given order n

std::pair<double, double> EvalErr(double x, size_t n) const
      evaluate the series at a given point x to the given order n,
      estimating both the series result and its absolute error.
      The error estimate is made from the first neglected term in the series.
      A pair containing result and error is returned

ChebyshevApprox * Deriv()
      Compute the derivative of the series and return a pointer to a new Chebyshev series with the
      derivatives coefficients. The returned pointer must be managed by the user.

TO DO: implement copying to return by value
ChebyshevApprox * Integral()
      Compute the integral of the series and return a pointer to a new Chebyshev series with the
      integral coefficients. The lower limit of the integration is the left range value a.
      The returned pointer must be managed by the user

TO DO: implement copying to return by value
void Initialize(ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer f, void* params, double a, double b)
       Initialize series passing function and range