class ROOT::Math::Factory
library: libMathCore
#include "Math/Factory.h"
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ROOT » MATH » MATHCORE » ROOT::Math::Factory

class ROOT::Math::Factory

   Factory  class holding static functions to create the interfaces like ROOT::Math::Minimizer
   via the Plugin Manager

Function Members (Methods)

static ROOT::Math::DistSampler*CreateDistSampler(const string& samplerType = "")
static ROOT::Math::Minimizer*CreateMinimizer(const string& minimizerType = "", const string& algoType = "")
ROOT::Math::FactoryFactory(const ROOT::Math::Factory&)
ROOT::Math::Factory&operator=(const ROOT::Math::Factory&)

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

ROOT::Math::Minimizer * CreateMinimizer(const string& minimizerType = "", const string& algoType = "")
      static method to create the corrisponding Minimizer given the string
      Supported Minimizers types are:
      Minuit (TMinuit), Minuit2, GSLMultiMin, GSLMultiFit, GSLSimAn, Linear, Fumili, Genetic
      If no name is given use default values defined in  MinimizerOptions

ROOT::Math::DistSampler * CreateDistSampler(const string& samplerType = "")
      static method to create the distribution sampler class given a string specifying the type
      Supported sampler types are:
      Unuran, Foam
      If no name is given use default values defined in  DistSamplerOptions