Parametric Function class describing polynomials of order n. <em>P(x) = p[0] + p[1]*x + p[2]*x**2 + ....... + p[n]*x**n</em> The class implements also the derivatives, \a dP(x)/dx and the \a dP(x)/dp[i]. The class provides also the method to find the roots of the polynomial. It uses analytical methods up to quartic polynomials. Implements both the Parameteric function interface and the gradient interface since it provides the analytical gradient with respect to x @ingroup ParamFunc
virtual double | DoDerivative(double x) const |
virtual double | DoEvalPar(double x, const double* p) const |
virtual double | DoParameterDerivative(double x, const double* p, unsigned int ipar) const |
vector<double> | ROOT::Math::ParamFunction<ROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionOneDim>::fParams |
Construct a Polynomial function of order n. The number of Parameters is n+1.
Construct a Polynomial of degree 3 : a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d
Construct a Polynomial of degree 4 : a*x**4 + b*x**3 + c*x**2 + dx + e
use default copy-ctor and assignment operators using ParamFunction::operator(); Find the polynomial roots. For n <= 4, the roots are found analytically while for larger order an iterative numerical method is used The numerical method used is from GSL (see <A HREF="" )
Find the only the real polynomial roots.
For n <= 4, the roots are found analytically while for larger order an iterative numerical method is used
The numerical method used is from GSL (see <A HREF="" )
Find the polynomial roots using always an iterative numerical methods
The numerical method used is from GSL (see <A HREF="" )
Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x. Implement the interface specified bby ROOT::Math::IGradientOneDim. In the case of polynomial there is no advantage to compute both at the same time