TGLClip Abstract clipping shape - derives from TGLPhysicalShape Adds clip mode (inside/outside) and pure virtual method to approximate shape as set of planes. This plane set is used to perform interactive clipping using OpenGL clip planes.
static TGLClip::EType | kClipBox | |
static TGLClip::EType | kClipNone | |
static TGLClip::EType | kClipPlane | |
static TGLClip::EMode | kInside | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kManipAll | |
static TGLClip::EMode | kOutside | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateAll | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateX | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateY | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateZ | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kScaleAll | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kScaleX | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kScaleY | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kScaleZ | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kTranslateAll | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kTranslateX | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kTranslateY | |
static TGLPhysicalShape::EManip | TGLPhysicalShape::kTranslateZ |
Construct a stand-alone physical clipping object.
Setup the clipping object with two vectors. The interpretation of the two is different for plane and box clipping objects.
Draw out clipping object with blending and back + front filling. Some clip objects are single face which we want to see both sides of.