class TMVA::Event
library: libTMVA
#include "TMVA/Event.h"
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class TMVA::Event

Function Members (Methods)

static voidClearDynamicVariables()
voidCopyVarValues(const TMVA::Event& other)
TMVA::EventEvent(const TMVA::Event&)
TMVA::EventEvent(const vector<Float_t*>*&, UInt_t nvar)
TMVA::EventEvent(const vector<Float_t>&, UInt_t theClass, Double_t weight = 1., Double_t boostweight = 1.)
TMVA::EventEvent(const vector<Float_t>& values, const vector<Float_t>& targetValues, UInt_t theClass = 0, Double_t weight = 1., Double_t boostweight = 1.)
TMVA::EventEvent(const vector<Float_t>& values, const vector<Float_t>& targetValues, const vector<Float_t>& spectatorValues, UInt_t theClass = 0, Double_t weight = 1., Double_t boostweight = 1.)
Double_tGetBoostWeight() const
UInt_tGetClass() const
UInt_tGetNSpectators() const
UInt_tGetNTargets() const
UInt_tGetNVariables() const
Double_tGetOriginalWeight() const
Float_tGetSpectator(UInt_t ivar) const
const vector<Float_t>&GetSpectators() const
Float_tGetTarget(UInt_t itgt) const
const vector<Float_t>&GetTargets() const
Float_tGetValue(UInt_t ivar) const
const vector<Float_t>&GetValues() const
Double_tGetWeight() const
Bool_tIsDynamic() const
TMVA::Event&operator=(const TMVA::Event&)
voidPrint(ostream& o) const
voidScaleBoostWeight(Double_t s) const
voidSetBoostWeight(Double_t w) const
voidSetClass(UInt_t t)
voidSetDoNotBoost() const
static voidSetIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining(Bool_t)
static voidSetIsTraining(Bool_t)
voidSetSpectator(UInt_t ivar, Float_t value)
voidSetTarget(UInt_t itgt, Float_t value)
voidSetVal(UInt_t ivar, Float_t val)
voidSetVariableArrangement(vector<UInt_t>*const m) const
voidSetWeight(Double_t w)

Data Members

Double_tfBoostWeightinternal weight to be set by boosting algorithm
UInt_tfClassclass number
Bool_tfDoNotBoostmark event as not to be boosted (used to compensate for events with negative event weights
Bool_tfDynamicis set when the dynamic values are taken
vector<Float_t>fSpectators"visisting" variables not used in MVAs ; mutable, to be able to copy the dynamic values in there
vector<Float_t>fTargetstarget values for regression
vector<Float_t>fValuesthe event values ; mutable, to be able to copy the dynamic values in there
vector<Float_t*>*fValuesDynamicthe event values
vector<Float_t>fValuesRearrangedthe event values ; mutable, to be able to copy the dynamic values in there
vector<UInt_t>*fVariableArrangementneeded for MethodCategories, where we can train on other than the main variables
Double_tfWeightevent weight (product of global and individual weights)
static Bool_tfgIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining
static Bool_tfgIsTrainingmark if we are in an actual training or "evaluation/testing" phase --> ignoreNegWeights only in actual training !

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

 copy constructor
Event(const vector<Float_t>& values, const vector<Float_t>& targetValues, UInt_t theClass = 0, Double_t weight = 1., Double_t boostweight = 1.)
Event(const vector<Float_t>& values, const vector<Float_t>& targetValues, const vector<Float_t>& spectatorValues, UInt_t theClass = 0, Double_t weight = 1., Double_t boostweight = 1.)
Event(const vector<Float_t>& , UInt_t theClass, Double_t weight = 1., Double_t boostweight = 1.)
Event(const vector<Float_t*>*& , UInt_t nvar)
 constructor for single events
Event(const TMVA::Event& )
 copy constructor
 Event destructor
void SetVariableArrangement(vector<UInt_t>*const m) const
 set the variable arrangement
void CopyVarValues(const TMVA::Event& other)
 copies only the variable values
Float_t GetValue(UInt_t ivar) const
 return value of i'th variable
Float_t GetSpectator(UInt_t ivar) const
 return spectator content
const std::vector<Float_t>& GetValues() const
 return value vector
UInt_t GetNVariables() const
 accessor to the number of variables
UInt_t GetNTargets() const
 accessor to the number of targets
UInt_t GetNSpectators() const
 accessor to the number of spectators
void SetVal(UInt_t ivar, Float_t val)
 set variable ivar to val
void Print(ostream& o) const
 print method
void SetTarget(UInt_t itgt, Float_t value)
 set the target value (dimension itgt) to value
void SetSpectator(UInt_t ivar, Float_t value)
 set spectator value (dimension ivar) to value
Double_t GetWeight() const
 return the event weight - depending on whether the flag
 *IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining* is or not. If it is set AND it is
 used for training, then negetive event weights are set to zero !
 NOTE! For events used in Testing, the ORIGINAL possibly negative
 event weight is used  no matter what
void SetIsTraining(Bool_t )
 when this static function is called, it sets the flag whether
 events with negative event weight should be ignored in the
 training, or not.
void SetIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining(Bool_t )
 when this static function is called, it sets the flag whether
 events with negative event weight should be ignored in the
 training, or not.
Bool_t IsDynamic() const
{return fDynamic; }
Double_t GetOriginalWeight() const
{ return fWeight; }
Double_t GetBoostWeight() const
{ return TMath::Max(Double_t(0.0001),fBoostWeight); }
UInt_t GetClass() const
{ return fClass; }
std::vector<Float_t>& GetValues()
For a detailed explanation, please see the heading "Avoid Duplication in const and Non-const Member Function," on p. 23, in Item 3 "Use const whenever possible," in Effective C++, 3d ed by Scott Meyers, ISBN-13: 9780321334879.
Float_t GetTarget(UInt_t itgt) const
{ return fTargets.at(itgt); }
std::vector<Float_t>& GetTargets()
{ return fTargets; }
const std::vector<Float_t>& GetTargets() const
{ return fTargets; }
std::vector<Float_t>& GetSpectators()
{ return fSpectators; }
const std::vector<Float_t>& GetSpectators() const
{ return fSpectators; }
void SetWeight(Double_t w)
{ fWeight=w; }
void SetBoostWeight(Double_t w) const
void ScaleBoostWeight(Double_t s) const
void SetClass(UInt_t t)
{ fClass=t; }
void SetDoNotBoost() const
void ClearDynamicVariables()