TMVA::MsgLogger& | Log() const |
TMVA::GeneticGenes | MakeSex(TMVA::GeneticGenes male, TMVA::GeneticGenes female) |
vector<TMVA::GeneticGenes> | fGenePool | the "genePool" where the individuals of the current generation are stored |
TMVA::MsgLogger* | fLogger | message logger |
Int_t | fPopulationSizeLimit | |
TRandom3* | fRandomGenerator | random Generator for this population |
vector<TMVA::GeneticRange*> | fRanges | contains the ranges inbetween the values of the coefficients have to be |
produces offspring which is are copies of their parents Parameters: int number : the number of the last individual to be copied
does what the name says,... it creates children out of members of the current generation children have a combination of the coefficients of their parents
this function takes two individuals and produces offspring by mixing (recombining) their coefficients
mutates the individuals in the genePool Parameters: double probability : gives the probability (in percent) of a mutation of a coefficient int startIndex : leaves unchanged (without mutation) the individuals which are better ranked than indicated by "startIndex". This means: if "startIndex==3", the first (and best) three individuals are not mutaded. This allows to preserve the best result of the current Generation for the next generation. Bool_t near : if true, the mutation will produce a new coefficient which is "near" the old one (gaussian around the current value) double spread : if near==true, spread gives the sigma of the gaussian Bool_t mirror : if the new value obtained would be outside of the given constraints the value is mapped between the constraints again. This can be done either by a kind of periodic boundary conditions or mirrored at the boundary. (mirror = true seems more "natural")
gives back the "Genes" of the population with the given index.
make a little printout of the individuals up to index "untilIndex" this means, .. write out the best "untilIndex" individuals.
make a little printout to the stream "out" of the individuals up to index "untilIndex" this means, .. write out the best "untilIndex" individuals.
gives back all the values of coefficient "varNumber" of the current generation
add another population (strangers) to the one of this GeneticPopulation
add another population (strangers) to the one of this GeneticPopulation
add an individual (a set of variables) to the population if there is a set of variables which is known to perform good, they can be given as a hint to the population