Bool_t | fAllAndNotCurrent | =kTRUE when apply on 'All canvases' |
TGRadioButton* | fApplyOnAll | 'Apply on' button group |
TGTextButton* | fApplyOnButton | apply style on object(s) |
TGHButtonGroup* | fApplyOnGroup | 'Apply on' button group |
TGRadioButton* | fApplyOnSel | 'Apply on' button group |
TGTextButton* | fApplyOnXYZ | axis apply on XYZ text button |
TGComboBox* | fAttDateTextAlign | canvas date align combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fAttDateTextAngle | canvas date angle number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fAttDateTextColor | canvas date color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fAttDateTextFont | canvas date font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fAttDateTextSize | canvas date size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fAttDateTextSizeInPixels | canvas date size check box |
TGTab* | fAxisTab | axis' tabs |
TGNumberEntry* | fBarOffset | histograms bar offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fBarWidth | histograms bar width number entry |
TGButtonGroup* | fCanvasBorderMode | canvas border mode button group |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fCanvasBorderSize | canvas border size combo box |
TGColorSelect* | fCanvasColor | canvas fill color selection widget |
TGNumberEntry* | fCanvasDefH | canvas height number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fCanvasDefW | canvas width number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fCanvasDefX | canvas abscissa number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fCanvasDefY | canvas ordinate number entry |
TGButtonGroup* | fColorModelPS | ps/pdf color model button group |
TGRadioButton* | fColorModelPSCMYK | CMYB radio button |
TGRadioButton* | fColorModelPSRGB | RGB radio button |
TGFileInfo* | fCurMacro | current macro |
TObject* | fCurObj | current object |
TGLabel* | fCurObjLabel | label 'Object:' |
TGTextEntry* | fCurObjTextEntry | label showing current object's name |
TVirtualPad* | fCurPad | current pad |
TGLabel* | fCurPadLabel | label 'Canvas:' |
TGTextEntry* | fCurPadTextEntry | label showing current pad's name |
TStyle* | fCurSelStyle | current selected style |
TGLabel* | fCurStylabel | label 'gStyle is set to:' |
TGTextEntry* | fCurStyle | label showing gStyle's name |
Int_t | fCurTabAxisNum | current opened axis tab number |
Int_t | fCurTabNum | current opened tab number |
TGNumberEntry* | fDateX | canvas date abscissa number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fDateY | canvas date ordinate number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fDrawBorder | function border show/hide check box |
TGHorizontalFrame* | fEditionButtonFrame | editor's buttons |
TGVerticalFrame* | fEditionFrame | editor |
TGTextButton* | fEditionHelp | help button |
TGTextButton* | fEditionReset | reset button |
TGTab* | fEditionTab | editor's tabs |
TGTextButton* | fEditionUpdatePreview | update preview button |
TGNumberEntry* | fEndErrorSize | end error size number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fErrorX | error along abscissa number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fFillColor | general fill color selection widget |
TGedPatternSelect* | fFillStyle | general fill pattern selection widget |
TGTextEntry* | fFitFormat | fit format text entry |
TGLabel* | fFitFormatLabel | label 'fit format' |
TGButtonGroup* | fFrameBorderMode | frame border mode button group |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fFrameBorderSize | frame border size combo box |
TGColorSelect* | fFrameFillColor | frame fill color selection widget |
TGedPatternSelect* | fFrameFillStyle | frame fill pattern selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fFrameLineColor | frame line color selection widget |
TGLineStyleComboBox* | fFrameLineStyle | frame line style combo box |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fFrameLineWidth | frame line width combo box |
TGColorSelect* | fFuncColor | function color selection widget |
TGLineStyleComboBox* | fFuncStyle | function line style combo box |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fFuncWidth | function width number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fGridColor | pad grid line color selection widget |
TGLineStyleComboBox* | fGridStyle | pad grid line style combo box |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fGridWidth | pad grid line width combo box |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fHatchesLineWidth | general hatches width combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fHatchesSpacing | general hatches spacing number entry |
TGTextEntry* | fHeaderPS | ps/pdf header text entry |
TGColorSelect* | fHistFillColor | histograms fill color selection widget |
TGedPatternSelect* | fHistFillStyle | histograms fill pattern selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fHistLineColor | histograms fill color selection widget |
TGLineStyleComboBox* | fHistLineStyle | histograms line style combo box |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fHistLineWidth | histograms line width combo box |
TGCheckButton* | fHistMinimumZero | histograms minimum zero check box |
TGTab* | fHistosTab | histos' tabs |
TGHorizontal3DLine* | fHorizontal3DLine | a line under the tool bar |
TGPopupMenu* | fImportCascade | Cascaded menu 'Import' |
Bool_t | fLastChoice | =kTRUE if the user choose OK in the last TStyleDialog |
TGLayoutHints* | fLayoutExpandX | often used layout |
TGLayoutHints* | fLayoutExpandXCenterYMargin | often used layout |
TGLayoutHints* | fLayoutExpandXMargin | often used layout |
TGLayoutHints* | fLayoutExpandXY | often used layout |
TGLayoutHints* | fLayoutExpandXYMargin | often used layout |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fLegendBorderSize | legend border size combo box |
TGLabel* | fLegendBorderSizeLabel | label 'Legend's' |
TGNumberEntry* | fLegoInnerR | histograms lego inner radius number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fLineColor | general line color selection widget |
TGNumberEntry* | fLineScalePS | ps/pdf line scale number entry |
TGLineStyleComboBox* | fLineStyle | general line style combo box |
TGTextButton* | fLineStyleEdit | general line style editor open button |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fLineWidth | general line width combo box |
TGComboBox* | fListComboBox | list of available styles |
TGLabel* | fListLabel | label 'Available Styles:' |
TGPictureButton* | fMakeDefault | selected style becom gStyle |
const TGPicture* | fMakeDefaultPic | button picture |
TGColorSelect* | fMarkerColor | general marker color selection widget |
TGComboBox* | fMarkerSize | general marker size combo box |
TGedMarkerSelect* | fMarkerStyle | general marker style entry |
TGMenuBar* | fMenuBar | the main window menu bar |
TGPopupMenu* | fMenuHelp | the 'Help' popup menu |
TGPopupMenu* | fMenuStyle | the 'Style' popup menu |
Bool_t | fMoreAndNotLess | =kTRUE when editor is open |
TGTextButton* | fMoreLess | open/close the editor |
TGNumberEntry* | fNumberContours | histograms number of contours number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fOptDateBool | canvas date show/hide check box |
TGComboBox* | fOptDateFormat | canvas date format text entry |
TGCheckButton* | fOptFitChi | fit Chi show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptFitErrors | fit errors check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptFitProbability | fit probability show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptFitValues | fit values show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptLogx | X axis logarithmic scale check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptLogy | Y axis logarithmic scale check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptLogz | Z axis logarithmic scale check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatEntries | stats entries show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatErrors | stats errors check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatIntegral | stats integral show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatKurtosis | stats kurtosis show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatMean | stats mean show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatName | stats name show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatOverflow | stats overflow show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatRMS | stats RMS show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatSkewness | stats Skewness show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptStatUnderflow | stats underflow show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fOptTitle | title show/hide check box |
TGButtonGroup* | fPadBorderMode | pad border mode button group |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fPadBorderSize | pad border size combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fPadBottomMargin | pad bottom margin number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fPadColor | pad fill color selection widget |
TGCheckButton* | fPadGridX | pad grid along X show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fPadGridY | pad grid along Y show/hide check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fPadLeftMargin | pad left margin number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fPadRightMargin | pad right margin number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fPadTickX | pad ticks along X show/hide check box |
TGCheckButton* | fPadTickY | pad ticks along Y show/hide check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fPadTopMargin | pad top margin number entry |
TGTextEntry* | fPaintTextFormat | histograms format text entry |
TGTextButton* | fPaletteEdit | palette editor open button |
Bool_t | fPaperSizeEnCm | =kTRUE if the paper size is in cm |
TGComboBox* | fPaperSizePredef | ps/pdf paper size combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fPaperSizeX | ps/pdf paper size width number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fPaperSizeY | ps/pdf paper size height number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fPreviewButton | if checked, preview is visible |
TGCheckButton* | fPreviewRealTime | if checked, real time preview |
TStylePreview* | fPreviewWindow | preview |
Bool_t | fRealTimePreview | =kTRUE if auto refreshed preview |
UInt_t | fSMHeight | style manager's height |
UInt_t | fSMWidth | style manager's width |
TGNumberEntry* | fScreenFactor | general screen factor number entry |
Bool_t | fSigSlotConnected | =kTRUE when signal/slots connected |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fStatBorderSize | stats border size combo box |
TGLabel* | fStatBorderSizeLabel | label 'stats' shadow |
TGColorSelect* | fStatColor | stats fill color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fStatFont | stats font type combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fStatFontSize | stats font size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fStatFontSizeInPixels | stats font size check box |
TGTextEntry* | fStatFormat | stats format text entry |
TGLabel* | fStatFormatLabel | label 'stats format' |
TGNumberEntry* | fStatH | stats height number entry |
TGedPatternSelect* | fStatStyle | stats fill pattern selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fStatTextColor | stats text color selection widget |
TGNumberEntry* | fStatW | stats width number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fStatX | stats abscissa number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fStatY | stats ordinate number entry |
TGStatusBar* | fStatusBar | status bar |
TGCheckButton* | fStripDecimals | axis label's decimal part show/hide check box |
Bool_t | fStyleChanged | =kTRUE if the style has been modified |
TGComboBox* | fTextAlign | general text align combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fTextAngle | general text angle number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fTextColor | general text color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fTextFont | general text font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fTextSize | general text size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fTextSizeInPixels | general text size check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fTimeOffsetDate | axis time offset (mm/dd/yyyy) number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fTimeOffsetTime | axis time offset (hh:mm:ss) number entry |
TGComboBox* | fTitleAlign | title align combo box |
TGLineWidthComboBox* | fTitleBorderSize | title border size combo box |
TGLabel* | fTitleBorderSizeLabel | label 'Title's' |
TGColorSelect* | fTitleColor | title fill color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fTitleFont | title font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fTitleFontSize | title font size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fTitleFontSizeInPixels | title font size check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fTitleH | title height number entry |
TGTextEntry* | fTitlePS | ps/pdf title text entry |
TGedPatternSelect* | fTitleStyle | title fill pattern selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fTitleTextColor | title text color selection widget |
TGNumberEntry* | fTitleW | title width number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fTitleX | title abscissa number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fTitleY | title ordinate number entry |
TGToolBar* | fToolBar | the tool bar |
TGPictureButton* | fToolBarDelete | tool bar 'Delete' button |
const TGPicture* | fToolBarDeletePic | tool bar 'Delete' picture |
TGPictureButton* | fToolBarExport | tool bar 'Export' button |
const TGPicture* | fToolBarExportPic | tool bar 'Export' picture |
TGPictureButton* | fToolBarHelp | tool bar 'Help' button |
const TGPicture* | fToolBarHelpPic | tool bar 'Help' picture |
TGPictureButton* | fToolBarImportCanvas | tool bar 'Import from canvas' button |
const TGPicture* | fToolBarImportCanvasPic | tool bar 'Import from canvas' picture |
TGPictureButton* | fToolBarImportMacro | tool bar 'Import from macro' button |
const TGPicture* | fToolBarImportMacroPic | tool bar 'Import from macro' picture |
TGPictureButton* | fToolBarNew | tool bar 'New' button |
const TGPicture* | fToolBarNewPic | tool bar 'New' picture |
TList* | fTrashListFrame | to avoid memory leak |
TList* | fTrashListLayout | to avoid memory leak |
TGColorSelect* | fXAxisColor | X axis color selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fXLabelColor | X axis label color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fXLabelFont | X axis label font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fXLabelOffset | X axis label offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fXLabelSize | X axis label size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fXLabelSizeInPixels | X axis label size check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fXNdivMain | X axis primary division number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fXNdivSub | X axis secondary division number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fXNdivSubSub | X axis tertiary division number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fXNdivisionsOptimize | X axis division optimization check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fXTickLength | X axis tick length number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fXTitleColor | X axis title color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fXTitleFont | X axis title font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fXTitleOffset | X axis title offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fXTitleSize | X axis title size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fXTitleSizeInPixels | X axis title size check box |
TGColorSelect* | fYAxisColor | Y axis color selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fYLabelColor | Y axis label color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fYLabelFont | Y axis label font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fYLabelOffset | Y axis label offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fYLabelSize | Y axis label size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fYLabelSizeInPixels | Y axis label size check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fYNdivMain | Y axis primary division number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fYNdivSub | Y axis secondary division number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fYNdivSubSub | Y axis tertiary division number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fYNdivisionsOptimize | Y axis division optimization check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fYTickLength | Y axis tick length number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fYTitleColor | Y axis title color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fYTitleFont | Y axis title font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fYTitleOffset | Y axis title offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fYTitleSize | Y axis title size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fYTitleSizeInPixels | Y axis title size check box |
TGColorSelect* | fZAxisColor | Z axis color selection widget |
TGColorSelect* | fZLabelColor | Z axis label color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fZLabelFont | Z axis label font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fZLabelOffset | Z axis label offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fZLabelSize | Z axis label size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fZLabelSizeInPixels | Z axis label size check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fZNdivMain | Z axis primary division number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fZNdivSub | Z axis secondary division number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fZNdivSubSub | Z axis tertiary division number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fZNdivisionsOptimize | Z axis division optimization check box |
TGNumberEntry* | fZTickLength | Z axis tick length number entry |
TGColorSelect* | fZTitleColor | Z axis title color selection widget |
TGFontTypeComboBox* | fZTitleFont | Z axis title font combo box |
TGNumberEntry* | fZTitleOffset | Z axis title offset number entry |
TGNumberEntry* | fZTitleSize | Z axis title size number entry |
TGCheckButton* | fZTitleSizeInPixels | Z axis title size check box |
static TStyleManager* | fgStyleManager | singleton style manager |