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TMVA::PDF Class Reference

Definition at line 71 of file PDF.h.

Public Types

enum  EInterpolateMethod {
  kSpline0, kSpline1, kSpline2, kSpline3,
  kSpline5, kKDE
- Public Types inherited from TObject
enum  { kIsOnHeap = 0x01000000, kNotDeleted = 0x02000000, kZombie = 0x04000000, kBitMask = 0x00ffffff }
enum  { kSingleKey = BIT(0), kOverwrite = BIT(1), kWriteDelete = BIT(2) }
enum  EStatusBits {
  kCanDelete = BIT(0), kMustCleanup = BIT(3), kObjInCanvas = BIT(3), kIsReferenced = BIT(4),
  kHasUUID = BIT(5), kCannotPick = BIT(6), kNoContextMenu = BIT(8), kInvalidObject = BIT(13)

Public Member Functions

 PDF (const TString &name, Bool_t norm=kTRUE)
 default constructor needed for ROOT I/O More...
 PDF (const TString &name, const TH1 *theHist, EInterpolateMethod method=kSpline2, Int_t minnsmooth=0, Int_t maxnsmooth=0, Bool_t checkHist=kFALSE, Bool_t norm=kTRUE)
 constructor of spline based PDF: More...
 PDF (const TString &name, const TH1 *theHist, KDEKernel::EKernelType ktype, KDEKernel::EKernelIter kiter, KDEKernel::EKernelBorder kborder, Float_t FineFactor, Bool_t norm=kTRUE)
 constructor of kernel based PDF: More...
 PDF (const TString &name, const TString &options, const TString &suffix="", PDF *defaultPDF=0, Bool_t norm=kTRUE)
virtual ~PDF ()
void AddXMLTo (void *parent)
 XML file writing. More...
void BuildPDF (const TH1 *theHist)
void DeclareOptions ()
 define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string know options: PDFInterpol[ivar] <string> Spline0, Spline1, Spline2 <default>, Spline3, Spline5, KDE used to interpolate reference histograms if no variable index is given, it is valid for ALL the variables More...
TGraphGetGraph () const
Int_t GetHistNBins (Int_t evtNum=0)
Double_t GetIntegral (Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
 computes PDF integral within given ranges More...
TMVA::PDF::EInterpolateMethod GetInterpolMethod ()
const char * GetName () const
 Returns name of object. More...
Int_t GetNBins () const
TH1GetNSmoothHist () const
TH1GetOriginalHist () const
TH1GetPDFHist () const
UInt_t GetReadingVersion () const
TH1GetSmoothedHist () const
TSplineGetSpline () const
Double_t GetVal (Double_t x) const
 returns value PDF(x) More...
Double_t GetValInverse (Double_t y, Bool_t isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction=kFALSE) const
 returns value PDF^{-1}(y) More...
Double_t GetXmax () const
Double_t GetXmin () const
void ProcessOptions ()
void ReadXML (void *pdfnode)
 XML file reading. More...
void SetReadingVersion (UInt_t rv)
void ValidatePDF (TH1 *original=0) const
 comparison of original histogram with reference PDF More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TMVA::Configurable
 Configurable (const TString &theOption="")
 constructor More...
virtual ~Configurable ()
 default destructur More...
void AddOptionsXMLTo (void *parent) const
 write options to XML file More...
template<class T >
void AddPreDefVal (const T &)
template<class T >
void AddPreDefVal (const TString &optname, const T &)
void CheckForUnusedOptions () const
 checks for unused options in option string More...
template<class T >
OptionBaseDeclareOptionRef (T &ref, const TString &name, const TString &desc="")
template<class T >
OptionBaseDeclareOptionRef (T *&ref, Int_t size, const TString &name, const TString &desc="")
template<class T >
TMVA::OptionBaseDeclareOptionRef (T &ref, const TString &name, const TString &desc)
template<class T >
TMVA::OptionBaseDeclareOptionRef (T *&ref, Int_t size, const TString &name, const TString &desc)
const char * GetConfigDescription () const
const char * GetConfigName () const
const TStringGetOptions () const
MsgLoggerLog () const
virtual void ParseOptions ()
 options parser More...
void PrintOptions () const
 prints out the options set in the options string and the defaults More...
void ReadOptionsFromStream (std::istream &istr)
 read option back from the weight file More...
void ReadOptionsFromXML (void *node)
void SetConfigDescription (const char *d)
void SetConfigName (const char *n)
void SetMsgType (EMsgType t)
void SetOptions (const TString &s)
void WriteOptionsToStream (std::ostream &o, const TString &prefix) const
 write options to output stream (e.g. in writing the MVA weight files More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TNamed
 TNamed ()
 TNamed (const char *name, const char *title)
 TNamed (const TString &name, const TString &title)
 TNamed (const TNamed &named)
 TNamed copy ctor. More...
virtual ~TNamed ()
virtual void Clear (Option_t *option="")
 Set name and title to empty strings (""). More...
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname="") const
 Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility. More...
virtual Int_t Compare (const TObject *obj) const
 Compare two TNamed objects. More...
virtual void Copy (TObject &named) const
 Copy this to obj. More...
virtual void FillBuffer (char *&buffer)
 Encode TNamed into output buffer. More...
virtual const char * GetTitle () const
 Returns title of object. More...
virtual ULong_t Hash () const
 Return hash value for this object. More...
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
 List TNamed name and title. More...
TNamedoperator= (const TNamed &rhs)
 TNamed assignment operator. More...
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
 Print TNamed name and title. More...
virtual void SetName (const char *name)
 Set the name of the TNamed. More...
virtual void SetNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title)
 Set all the TNamed parameters (name and title). More...
virtual void SetTitle (const char *title="")
 Set the title of the TNamed. More...
virtual Int_t Sizeof () const
 Return size of the TNamed part of the TObject. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 TObject ()
 TObject constructor. More...
 TObject (const TObject &object)
 TObject copy ctor. More...
virtual ~TObject ()
 TObject destructor. More...
void AbstractMethod (const char *method) const
 Use this method to implement an "abstract" method that you don't want to leave purely abstract. More...
virtual void AppendPad (Option_t *option="")
 Append graphics object to current pad. More...
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
 Browse object. May be overridden for another default action. More...
virtual const char * ClassName () const
 Returns name of class to which the object belongs. More...
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option="")
 Delete this object. More...
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object. More...
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
 Default Draw method for all objects. More...
virtual void DrawClass () const
 Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which this object belongs. More...
virtual TObjectDrawClone (Option_t *option="") const
 Draw a clone of this object in the current pad. More...
virtual void Dump () const
 Dump contents of object on stdout. More...
virtual void Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue error message. More...
virtual void Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with the given parameter string, e.g. More...
virtual void Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with parameters stored in the TObjArray. More...
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Execute action corresponding to an event at (px,py). More...
virtual void Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue fatal error message. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const char *name) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const TObject *obj) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual Option_tGetDrawOption () const
 Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. More...
virtual const char * GetIconName () const
 Returns mime type name of object. More...
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
 Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py). More...
virtual Option_tGetOption () const
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID () const
 Return the unique object id. More...
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *timer)
 Execute action in response of a timer timing out. More...
virtual void Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue info message. More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname". More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from TClass cl. More...
virtual void Inspect () const
 Dump contents of this object in a graphics canvas. More...
void InvertBit (UInt_t f)
virtual Bool_t IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const
 Default equal comparison (objects are equal if they have the same address in memory). More...
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
 Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects). More...
Bool_t IsOnHeap () const
Bool_t IsZombie () const
void MayNotUse (const char *method) const
 Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived class (in principle against good design since a child class should not provide less functionality than its parent, however, sometimes it is necessary). More...
virtual Bool_t Notify ()
 This method must be overridden to handle object notification. More...
void Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const
 Use this method to declare a method obsolete. More...
void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Operator delete. More...
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Operator delete []. More...
voidoperator new (size_t sz)
voidoperator new (size_t sz, void *vp)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp)
TObjectoperator= (const TObject &rhs)
 TObject assignment operator. More...
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
 This method must be overridden if a class wants to paint itself. More...
virtual void Pop ()
 Pop on object drawn in a pad to the top of the display list. More...
virtual Int_t Read (const char *name)
 Read contents of object with specified name from the current directory. More...
virtual void RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj)
 Recursively remove this object from a list. More...
void ResetBit (UInt_t f)
virtual void SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const
 Save this object in the file specified by filename. More...
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
 Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out". More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
 Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f. More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="")
 Set drawing option for object. More...
virtual void SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid)
 Set the unique object id. More...
virtual void SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue system error message. More...
Bool_t TestBit (UInt_t f) const
Int_t TestBits (UInt_t f) const
virtual void UseCurrentStyle ()
 Set current style settings in this object This function is called when either TCanvas::UseCurrentStyle or TROOT::ForceStyle have been invoked. More...
virtual void Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue warning message. More...
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const
 Write this object to the current directory. More...

Private Member Functions

void BuildKDEPDF ()
 creates high-binned reference histogram to be used instead of the PDF for speed reasons More...
void BuildSplinePDF ()
 build the PDF from the original histograms More...
void CheckHist () const
 sanity check: compare PDF with original histogram More...
void FillHistToGraph ()
 Simple conversion. More...
void FillSplineToHist ()
 creates high-binned reference histogram to be used instead of the PDF for speed reasons More...
void FindBinInverse (const TH1 *histogram, Int_t &lowerBin, Int_t &higherBin, Double_t &lowerBinValue, Double_t &higherBinValue, Double_t y, Bool_t isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction=kFALSE) const
 find bin from value on ordinate More...
Double_t GetIntegral () const
 computes normalisation More...
Double_t GetPdfHistBinWidth () const
MsgLoggerLog () const
 message logger More...
void SmoothHistogram ()
Bool_t UseHistogram () const

Static Private Member Functions

static PDF *& GetThisPdfThreadLocal ()
static Double_t IGetVal (Double_t *, Double_t *)
 static external auxiliary function (integrand) More...
static PDFThisPDF (void)

Private Attributes

TString fBorderMethodString
Bool_t fCheckHist
Float_t fFineFactor
Int_t fHistAvgEvtPerBin
Int_t fHistDefinedNBins
 needed to create PDF from histogram More...
TString fInterpolateString
TMVA::PDF::EInterpolateMethod fInterpolMethod
KDEKernel::EKernelBorder fKDEborder
KDEKernel::EKernelIter fKDEiter
TString fKDEiterString
KDEKernel::EKernelType fKDEtype
TString fKDEtypeString
 the suffix for options More...
Int_t fMaxNsmooth
Int_t fMinNsmooth
Bool_t fNormalize
Int_t fNsmooth
 the used spline type More...
TString fPDFName
UInt_t fReadingVersion
TString fSuffix
Bool_t fUseHistogram

Static Private Attributes

static const Double_t fgEpsilon = 1.0e-12
static const Bool_t fgManualIntegration = kTRUE
static const Int_t fgNbin_PdfHist = 10000


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PDF &tree)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &istr, PDF &tree)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
static Long_t GetDtorOnly ()
 Return destructor only flag. More...
static Bool_t GetObjectStat ()
 Get status of object stat flag. More...
static void SetDtorOnly (void *obj)
 Set destructor only flag. More...
static void SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat)
 Turn on/off tracking of objects in the TObjectTable. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TMVA::Configurable
void EnableLooseOptions (Bool_t b=kTRUE)
const TStringGetReferenceFile () const
Bool_t LooseOptionCheckingEnabled () const
void ResetSetFlag ()
 resets the IsSet falg for all declare options to be called before options are read from stream More...
void WriteOptionsReferenceToFile ()
 write complete options to output stream More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TObject
virtual void DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const
 Interface to ErrorHandler (protected). More...
void MakeZombie ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from TMVA::Configurable
- Protected Attributes inherited from TNamed
TString fName
TString fTitle

#include <TMVA/PDF.h>

Inheritance diagram for TMVA::PDF:

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 78 of file PDF.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMVA::PDF::PDF ( const TString name,
Bool_t  norm = kTRUE 

default constructor needed for ROOT I/O

Definition at line 63 of file PDF.cxx.

TMVA::PDF::PDF ( const TString name,
const TH1 theHist,
PDF::EInterpolateMethod  method = kSpline2,
Int_t  minnsmooth = 0,
Int_t  maxnsmooth = 0,
Bool_t  checkHist = kFALSE,
Bool_t  norm = kTRUE 

constructor of spline based PDF:

Definition at line 101 of file PDF.cxx.

TMVA::PDF::PDF ( const TString name,
const TH1 theHist,
KDEKernel::EKernelType  ktype,
KDEKernel::EKernelIter  kiter,
KDEKernel::EKernelBorder  kborder,
Float_t  FineFactor,
Bool_t  norm = kTRUE 

constructor of kernel based PDF:

Definition at line 144 of file PDF.cxx.

TMVA::PDF::PDF ( const TString name,
const TString options,
const TString suffix = "",
PDF defaultPDF = 0,
Bool_t  norm = kTRUE 

Definition at line 187 of file PDF.cxx.


Definition at line 240 of file PDF.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

void TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo ( void parent)

XML file writing.

Definition at line 915 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::BuildKDEPDF ( )

creates high-binned reference histogram to be used instead of the PDF for speed reasons

Definition at line 381 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::BuildPDF ( const TH1 theHist)

Definition at line 254 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::BuildSplinePDF ( )

build the PDF from the original histograms

Definition at line 315 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::CheckHist ( ) const

sanity check: compare PDF with original histogram

Definition at line 551 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::DeclareOptions ( )

define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string know options: PDFInterpol[ivar] <string> Spline0, Spline1, Spline2 <default>, Spline3, Spline5, KDE used to interpolate reference histograms if no variable index is given, it is valid for ALL the variables

NSmooth <int> how often the input histos are smoothed MinNSmooth <int> min number of smoothing iterations, for bins with most data MaxNSmooth <int> max number of smoothing iterations, for bins with least data NAvEvtPerBin <int> minimum average number of events per PDF bin TransformOutput <bool> transform (often strongly peaked) likelihood output through sigmoid inversion fKDEtype <KernelType> type of the Kernel to use (1 is Gaussian) fKDEiter <KerneIter> number of iterations (1 –> "static KDE", 2 –> "adaptive KDE") fBorderMethod <KernelBorder> the method to take care about "border" effects (1=no treatment , 2=kernel renormalization, 3=sample mirroring)

Definition at line 816 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::FillHistToGraph ( )

Simple conversion.

Definition at line 512 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::FillSplineToHist ( )

creates high-binned reference histogram to be used instead of the PDF for speed reasons

Definition at line 521 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::FindBinInverse ( const TH1 histogram,
Int_t lowerBin,
Int_t higherBin,
Double_t lowerBinValue,
Double_t higherBinValue,
Double_t  y,
Bool_t  isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction = kFALSE 
) const

find bin from value on ordinate

Definition at line 759 of file PDF.cxx.

TGraph* TMVA::PDF::GetGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 101 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::GetHistNBins ( Int_t  evtNum = 0)

Definition at line 298 of file PDF.cxx.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetIntegral ( Double_t  xmin,
Double_t  xmax 

computes PDF integral within given ranges

Definition at line 652 of file PDF.cxx.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetIntegral ( ) const

computes normalisation

Definition at line 633 of file PDF.cxx.

TMVA::PDF::EInterpolateMethod TMVA::PDF::GetInterpolMethod ( )

Definition at line 121 of file PDF.h.

const char* TMVA::PDF::GetName ( ) const

Returns name of object.

This default method returns the class name. Classes that give objects a name should override this method.

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 124 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::GetNBins ( ) const

Definition at line 111 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::GetNSmoothHist ( ) const

Definition at line 104 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::GetOriginalHist ( ) const

Definition at line 102 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::GetPDFHist ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file PDF.h.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetPdfHistBinWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file PDF.h.

UInt_t TMVA::PDF::GetReadingVersion ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::GetSmoothedHist ( ) const

Definition at line 103 of file PDF.h.

TSpline* TMVA::PDF::GetSpline ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file PDF.h.

static PDF*& TMVA::PDF::GetThisPdfThreadLocal ( )

Definition at line 213 of file PDF.h.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetVal ( Double_t  x) const

returns value PDF(x)

Definition at line 699 of file PDF.cxx.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetValInverse ( Double_t  y,
Bool_t  isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction = kFALSE 
) const

returns value PDF^{-1}(y)

Definition at line 732 of file PDF.cxx.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetXmax ( ) const

Definition at line 113 of file PDF.h.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetXmin ( ) const

Definition at line 112 of file PDF.h.

Double_t TMVA::PDF::IGetVal ( Double_t x,

static external auxiliary function (integrand)

Definition at line 644 of file PDF.cxx.

MsgLogger& TMVA::PDF::Log ( ) const

message logger

Definition at line 208 of file PDF.h.

void TMVA::PDF::ProcessOptions ( )

Definition at line 866 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::ReadXML ( void pdfnode)

XML file reading.

Definition at line 957 of file PDF.cxx.

void TMVA::PDF::SetReadingVersion ( UInt_t  rv)

Definition at line 127 of file PDF.h.

void TMVA::PDF::SmoothHistogram ( )

Definition at line 449 of file PDF.cxx.

TMVA::PDF * TMVA::PDF::ThisPDF ( void  )

Definition at line 1132 of file PDF.cxx.

Bool_t TMVA::PDF::UseHistogram ( ) const

Definition at line 152 of file PDF.h.

void TMVA::PDF::ValidatePDF ( TH1 original = 0) const

comparison of original histogram with reference PDF

Definition at line 576 of file PDF.cxx.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PDF tree 
std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream &  istr,
PDF tree 

Member Data Documentation

TString TMVA::PDF::fBorderMethodString

Definition at line 193 of file PDF.h.

Bool_t TMVA::PDF::fCheckHist

Definition at line 203 of file PDF.h.

Float_t TMVA::PDF::fFineFactor

Definition at line 199 of file PDF.h.

const Double_t TMVA::PDF::fgEpsilon = 1.0e-12

Definition at line 171 of file PDF.h.

const Bool_t TMVA::PDF::fgManualIntegration = kTRUE

Definition at line 170 of file PDF.h.

const Int_t TMVA::PDF::fgNbin_PdfHist = 10000

Definition at line 169 of file PDF.h.

TGraph* TMVA::PDF::fGraph

Definition at line 185 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::fHist

Definition at line 183 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::fHistAvgEvtPerBin

Definition at line 188 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::fHistDefinedNBins

Definition at line 189 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::fHistOriginal

Definition at line 184 of file PDF.h.

TF1* TMVA::PDF::fIGetVal

needed to create PDF from histogram

Definition at line 186 of file PDF.h.

TString TMVA::PDF::fInterpolateString

Definition at line 194 of file PDF.h.

TMVA::PDF::EInterpolateMethod TMVA::PDF::fInterpolMethod

Definition at line 180 of file PDF.h.

KDEKernel::EKernelBorder TMVA::PDF::fKDEborder

Definition at line 198 of file PDF.h.

KDEKernel::EKernelIter TMVA::PDF::fKDEiter

Definition at line 197 of file PDF.h.

TString TMVA::PDF::fKDEiterString

Definition at line 192 of file PDF.h.

KDEKernel::EKernelType TMVA::PDF::fKDEtype

Definition at line 196 of file PDF.h.

TString TMVA::PDF::fKDEtypeString

Definition at line 191 of file PDF.h.

MsgLogger* TMVA::PDF::fLogger

the suffix for options

Definition at line 207 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::fMaxNsmooth

Definition at line 177 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::fMinNsmooth

Definition at line 176 of file PDF.h.

Bool_t TMVA::PDF::fNormalize

Definition at line 204 of file PDF.h.

Int_t TMVA::PDF::fNsmooth

Definition at line 175 of file PDF.h.

TH1* TMVA::PDF::fNSmoothHist

Definition at line 178 of file PDF.h.


the used spline type

Definition at line 182 of file PDF.h.

TString TMVA::PDF::fPDFName

Definition at line 174 of file PDF.h.

UInt_t TMVA::PDF::fReadingVersion

Definition at line 201 of file PDF.h.

TSpline* TMVA::PDF::fSpline

Definition at line 181 of file PDF.h.

TString TMVA::PDF::fSuffix

Definition at line 206 of file PDF.h.

Bool_t TMVA::PDF::fUseHistogram

Definition at line 163 of file PDF.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: