kButtonX processing, Root 2.23/10, WinNT 4

From: Mariusz Stanczak (MStanczak@usa.net)
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 09:38:14 MET

   I've ran into a difficulty in my my class ExecuteEvent member.  It
appears that kButton{2|3}{Down|Up} are being trapped, and are not accessible
to the user program.  I successfully use kButton1, and now I need to use
   As a side thought, I'd like to suggest that the dialogs displayed to the
user by root, for example to change graphing options on a TPad, etc. display
the current values.  A nice, ergonomic touch.
   Also which class could/should I use to display such a dialog window with
a few (five is my present need) edit boxes and some static labels in my

Thank you,


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