Force powers at axis

From: Marco van Leeuwen (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 18:28:21 MET

Hi All,

Just three short questions, to which I couldn't find the answer in the

1) Is it possible to use the "special characters" such as ' in a TText
or TLatex, without switching to Greek or something?? (I tried #' and '',
but that didn't work)

2) For large axis values, it is conventional to write the exponential
seperately at the axis (e.g. 10^6). Is there a way to force ROOT to do
this also for values of a few ten thousands??? 

3) I always prefer to use a low value of SetNdivisions (503 e.g.). This
sometimes causes values like 6666.6667 to appear at the axes. Is this a
glitch in the routine which does the division, or can't it be helped?


Marco van Leeuwen.

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