Re: Force powers at axis

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 18:46:18 MET

Hi Marco,

Marco van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just three short questions, to which I couldn't find the answer in the
> webpages.
> 1) Is it possible to use the "special characters" such as ' in a TText
> or TLatex, without switching to Greek or something?? (I tried #' and '',
> but that didn't work)

When a text is processed via Postscript, some characters have a special
       ` : go to greek
       ' : go to special
       ~ : go to ZapfDingbats
       ? : go to subscript
       ^ : go to superscript
       ! : go to normal level of script
       & : backspace one character
       # : end of greek or of ZapfDingbats
  Note1: This special characters have no effect on the screen.
  Note2: To print one of the characters above in the Postscript file
         use the escape character "@" in front of the character.

If you do not produce Postscript, you can use the characters directly.
If you want Postscript, you must use the "@" character in front.
Since we introduced the TLatex class, this algorithm is becoming
We keep it for back compatibility. However we strongly encourage our
to move to the TLatex convention. We could introduce a switch to ignore
the old convention.

> 2) For large axis values, it is conventional to write the exponential
> seperately at the axis (e.g. 10^6). Is there a way to force ROOT to do
> this also for values of a few ten thousands???

This should be automatic. Give me an example where this does not work.

> 3) I always prefer to use a low value of SetNdivisions (503 e.g.). This
> sometimes causes values like 6666.6667 to appear at the axes. Is this a
> glitch in the routine which does the division, or can't it be helped?

Again, this should work. Could you give me an example when it does not

Rene Brun

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