Re: [ROOT] Frame within a frame

From: Valeri Fine (Faine) (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 21:16:33 MEST

----- Original Message -----
From: Wolfgang Korsch <>
To: <>
Sent: 25 мая 2000 г. 13:54
Subject: [ROOT] Frame within a frame

> Hi,
>  is there a way to produce a smaller frame inside a frame?
> Let's say I have a histogram and I'd like to zoom in on a subsection
> of the histgram and display it in a smaller frame within the original
> frame.
> Is that possible with root?

 What you asking about is called TPad object.
 TPad object can be nested as long as one finds useful.
  Each new TPad is created witin the current TPad

 TPad *p1 = new TPad (..)
 p1 = new TPad(,,,)

 create 2  nested pads.(like those your draft presents)

 You can create TPad object from within your code or interactively
  via "Edit" menu of canvas.

 Try any example from $ROOTSYS/tutorials to see how multipad Canvas work


> Something like:
>     |---------------|
>     |        |----| |
>     |        | xx | |
>     |      x |----| |
>     |    x   x      |
>     |  x       x x  |
>     |---------------|
> Thanks.
> Wolfgang

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