Re: [ROOT] Paint

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 21:50:08 MEST

You can call the Paint functions only during the Paint process.
When the pad must be drawn/redrawn, the Paint function for all
objects in the list of primitives is called. In turn the Paint
functions call gVirtualX drawing functions to draw in the current
pixmap in memory. When the drawing is complete, the pixmap
in memory is copied to the screen memory.
Could you explain what is the problem you try to solve
and where the current tools are not sufficient?

Rene Brun

On Thu, 25 May 2000,
jiangyong jia wrote:

> Hi,Rooters,
> Is there a way to use paint function directly from root prompt??
> I mean instead of Use Draw function and Append the TObject onto 
> Primitive list of Current pad, I want to call Paint() function directly
> But I find out it is not working!!!, also gVirtualX will not work also.
> example:
> type gVirtualX->DrawLine(0,1,1,0) from root prompt will draw you nothing.
> cheers.
> Jiangyong
> ************************************************
>         Jiangyong Jia
>       	Department of Physics
>        	State University New York at Stony Brook
>        	Stony Brook, New York 11794-3800
>         Tel.631-344-5455
> *********************************************

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