[ROOT] Printing of overflow and under flow bin

From: Stefan Stonjek (stonjek@mail.desy.de)
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 17:34:05 MEST


The following macro give different results for different Root versions:

======================== Macro ===================================
// Test Macro
void overflow_test(void)
  TH1F *histo = new TH1F("test","Test Histogram",3,1,4); 

--------------------------- Root 2.00/13 --------------------------
TH1.Print Name= test, Total sum= 0
 fSumw[0]=0, error[0]=0
 fSumw[1]=0, error[1]=0
 fSumw[2]=0, error[2]=0
 fSumw[3]=0, error[3]=0
 fSumw[4]=1, error[4]=1

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Root 2.23/12 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
TH1.Print Name= test, Entries= 1, Total sum= 0
 fSumw[1]=0, x=1.5, error=0
 fSumw[2]=0, x=2.5, error=0
 fSumw[3]=0, x=3.5, error=0

The newer version gives you the central x-value for each bin but the old
version gives you the over- and underflow bin. Is ther any way in the new
versions to get the over- and underflow information besides asking for the
bin explicitly?


*********      Stefan  Stonjek     *********
*****            DESY / ZEUS           *****
*****      Stefan.Stonjek@desy.de      *****
*********  Tel.: +49-40-8998-3159  *********

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