Re: [ROOT] Simple TLatex line \Delta{E}

From: Marco van Leeuwen (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 10:58:49 MEST

Hi all,

I would like support the following:

Tim Welters wrote:
> Hi rooters,
> let me give some suggestions from the users point of view:
> For me it's not important wether I put a "#" or "\" in front of LaTeX
> commands, or if there is full LaTeX compatibility, as long as I know
> how to get a specific result.
> The only thing I'm interested in is the axis label or title I want.
> And for this I will optimize every new TLatex string and look at
> the resulting postscript output.
> But there often occurs one of my main problems with the TLatex class.
> The spacing I see in my postscript files is often not that what I wanted,
> and in many cases it differs from the TLatex screen output. Normally the
> deviation from my expected result is small (no full spaces), but these
> little mistakes do not look nice.

Up till now I accepted this as 'glitches', but if some new effort is put
into TLatex, it would be nice if the spacing/alignment issues could be
revisited... I often use TLatex syntax in axis titles, and I find that
super- and/or subscripts are somtimes badly placed. It seems to be a
rather subtle effect, but the follwing might shed some light on the
issues involved:


TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","Canvas #1",500,500)
 TPaveText *P=new TPaveText(0.1,4.5,0.95,8) 
 P->AddText("10.0 < |P| < 100.0")
 P->AddText("1.0 < |P_{t}| < 10.0")

On my screen, the space between the P and the subscript t is very large.
Now, if I rescale the TPavetext (by mouse), it becomes clear that the
placing of the subscript depends on the size of the text. This probably
has a good reason, but if it can be changed, it might be worthwhile...

Best regards,

Marco van Leeuwen.

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