Re: [ROOT] Simple TLatex line \Delta{E}

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 16:28:26 MEST

Hi Marco,

You get what you describe if you do not use the True Type Fonts. Using TTF, I do
not see a problem with your simple example. Could you send me your canvas.gif

Check that you use the TTF, eg, do
 root > gEnv->Print()

I am well aware that TLatex has still a lot of imperfections. It must be very
clear, however, that TLatex is not intended to be an alternative to lateX.
TLatex strings are supposed to process the most frequent cases of the lateX
math mode and nothing else.
There are still several problems with the current implementation of TTF.
These fonts are not perfectly scalable. Depending on the text size, you may get
subscripts/superscrits at different relative positions.
We have tried to optimize the Postscript output, Postscript fonts being
perfectly scalable.

Rene Brun

Marco van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like support the following:
> Tim Welters wrote:
> >
> > Hi rooters,
> >
> > let me give some suggestions from the users point of view:
> >
> > For me it's not important wether I put a "#" or "\" in front of LaTeX
> > commands, or if there is full LaTeX compatibility, as long as I know
> > how to get a specific result.
> > The only thing I'm interested in is the axis label or title I want.
> > And for this I will optimize every new TLatex string and look at
> > the resulting postscript output.
> > But there often occurs one of my main problems with the TLatex class.
> > The spacing I see in my postscript files is often not that what I wanted,
> > and in many cases it differs from the TLatex screen output. Normally the
> > deviation from my expected result is small (no full spaces), but these
> > little mistakes do not look nice.
> Up till now I accepted this as 'glitches', but if some new effort is put
> into TLatex, it would be nice if the spacing/alignment issues could be
> revisited... I often use TLatex syntax in axis titles, and I find that
> super- and/or subscripts are somtimes badly placed. It seems to be a
> rather subtle effect, but the follwing might shed some light on the
> issues involved:
> Try:
> TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","Canvas #1",500,500)
> tmpH=gPad->DrawFrame(0,0,1,10)
>  TPaveText *P=new TPaveText(0.1,4.5,0.95,8)
>  P->AddText("10.0 < |P| < 100.0")
>  P->AddText("1.0 < |P_{t}| < 10.0")
>  P->Draw()
>  P->SetTextFont(132)
>  P->Draw()
> On my screen, the space between the P and the subscript t is very large.
> Now, if I rescale the TPavetext (by mouse), it becomes clear that the
> placing of the subscript depends on the size of the text. This probably
> has a good reason, but if it can be changed, it might be worthwhile...
> Best regards,
> Marco van Leeuwen.

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