Re: [ROOT] TObjString confusion

From: George Heintzelman (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 23:15:28 MEST

>   Kevin,
>   What I have been doing is following
> {
>   gROOT->Reset();
>   TObjString *Avars[23] = { "Total", "Debrems", "Dedelta", "Deelse", 
> 			   "Deepair", "Demunu", "Demuon", "Costhmu", 
> 			   "Deelse", "Ener", "Gmtns", "Gmtsec", "Id",
> 			   "Ievent", "Nch", "Nhits", "Nstr", "Ntr", 
> 			   "Phimu", "Toff","Trigg", "Vmu", "Zmu" };
> //  TString temp = Avars[0].GetString();
> //  cout << temp.Data() << endl;
>    Char_t temp[16];
>    Int_t ii = 0;
>    sprintf(temp, "%s", Avar[ii]);
>    cout << temp << endl;
> }

This 'solution' only works in CINT because the sprintf statement treats 
Avar[ii] as a pointer to char, which (as I pointed out in my last mail) 
is what it in fact is, though it's not what it's declared to be -- a 
pointer to a TObjString.

If you try to compile this code, it will probably (somewhat depending 
on which compiler you use) give you some gobbledygook at the head of 
each string, though it will (in good ol'fashioned C-style) let you 
shoot yourself in the foot with the sprintf.

George Heintzelman

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