Re: [ROOT] attaching action to window close

From: Valery Fine (
Date: Sun Oct 29 2000 - 02:51:54 MEST

Hello. David.

 My answer is not the ready-to-consume, I am begging a pardon.

 In C++ one can alter the behavior of any class in question by
 deriving his/her own class from that and overloading the methods
 of his/her choice.

For this particular case of may create your own

   class TSmartCanvas : public TCanvas {
      TSmartCanvas() : TCanvas(){}
      . . .
      ~TSmartCanvas(){ <do in  here waht ever you want to be done
                       when the object is to be destroyed by any
                       reason > ;}


providing our own destructor. That will be called just the object
TSmartCanvas is deleted (for example the window it created  has been destroyed).

  Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: David Faden <>
To: <>
Sent: 27 октября 2000 г. 17:36
Subject: [ROOT] attaching action to window close

> Hi,
>    Is there a way to specify a chunk of code to be executed when
> a TCanvas (or GUI window) is closed? Is it possible to do this under
> interpretted code without blocking without polling -- something akin to
> TPad::AddExec(char*, char*)?
>    Does the number returned by TCanvas::GetCanvasID() have any utitility
> if the TCanvas is not embedded?
>    Thank you.
> David

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