Re: [ROOT] attaching action to window close

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 12:35:16 MET

Hi David,

   like Valeriy Onuchin already said in his reply, this is very easy with
the Qt like signal/slots mechanism we have recently introduced in ROOT.
Currently this facility is only available in the development version of
ROOT in CVS. To read more about signal/slot in ROOT see see
For example what you want can be achieved with the little macro below:

//-- close.C
void close()
   TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();

   TRootCanvas *rc = (TRootCanvas*)c->GetCanvasImp();
   rc->Connect("CloseWindow()", 0, 0, "monitorClose()");

void monitorClose()
   printf("canvas closed\n");

Cheers, Fons.

David Faden wrote:
> Hi,
>    Is there a way to specify a chunk of code to be executed when
> a TCanvas (or GUI window) is closed? Is it possible to do this under
> interpretted code without blocking without polling -- something akin to
> TPad::AddExec(char*, char*)?
>    Does the number returned by TCanvas::GetCanvasID() have any utitility
> if the TCanvas is not embedded?
>    Thank you.
> David

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