Hi, Sorry, I don't have a concise demo code example. I would like a general facility for creating uniquely named objects mostly for methods or classes that create internal, named objects. For example, I have a class which opens a new TCanvas. I would like it to be possible for multiple instances of this class to coexist -- without having one class's TCanvas overwrite another's. Some object's, like TCanvas, seem to require a name (under 2.23 at least, a no name TCanvas doesn't seem to be given a TCanvasImp). Is it possible to TTree:Draw into an unnamed TH1? Right now, I'm using the following code to generate unique names: Char_t* GetUniqueName(const Char_t* baseName, Int_t baseNum) { Char_t *name = new Char_t[200]; baseNum = abs(baseNum); do { sprintf(name, "%s%d", baseName, baseNum); baseNum++; } while (gROOT->FindObject(name)); return name; } Is there a better way? Thank you. David > Hi David, > I do not see how to implement your suggestion in a general way. This will have > too many side-effects. Could you give some examples affecting your program? > The only objects that are automatically added to collections in memory > are histograms and Trees. We already provide an option (see TH1::AddDirectory) > to not add automatically histograms to the lists in memory. > > Rene Brun
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