[ROOT] zero errors in profile and fit

From: Miroslav Helbich (helbich@mail.desy.de)
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 16:17:50 MET


 when I profile plots, I get sometimes zero errors for bins with just one
entry. However, documentation says, this shouldn't happen for neither of
options "","s","i". I looked at the source code of 
"TProfile::GetBinError(Int_t bin)" function on the web and this case
seems not to be implemented there. Anyway, that causes the problem in the
fits, because the zero error forces the function to go through the point
and ignores the others. Would it be possible to have a Fit option to
ignore points with zero errors?


I'm working with version 2.25/03 on SuSe Linux

Macro demonstrating this feature:
TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","ntuple","x:y");
for (Int_t i=0;i<11;i++) {
TH2D *histo = new TH2D("histo","my histo",20,0.,2.,20,0.,2.);
TProfile *histo_pfx = histo->ProfileX();

for (Int_t i=0;i<=histo_pfx->GetNbinsX()+2;i++) {
  printf("bin=%d, entries=%d, content=%f,

Output: (part only)
bin=5, entries=0, content=0.000000, error=0.000000
bin=6, entries=0, content=0.000000, error=0.000000
bin=7, entries=1, content=0.850000, error=0.000000
bin=8, entries=1, content=0.650000, error=0.000000
bin=9, entries=1, content=0.050000, error=0.000000

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